American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 423: Earthguard

Star-Lord doesn't understand why Yondu is so afraid of Earth, is it because Goofy beat him up?

But this can't blame Xing-Lord. After all, Xing-Lord was not there when Gao Fei started. If he could see how Gao Fei avoided Yondu's Yaka arrow, and how easily he took off Yondu's fins, If he finally beat him up, Star-Lord should have known that Yondu's reaction was not excessive.

"Hey, Yongdu, you won't lose this deal..." Star-Lord is still persuading Yongdu.

And Yongdu was unmoved: "Stop beeping, I won't go to Earth if I say that if I don't go to Earth!"

When Gao Fei heard it, he immediately knew what Yongdu was worried about.

It's not that he doesn't want the scepter of mind. In fact, Yongdu has coveted the scepter of mind for a long time. The real knot of Yongdu is Gao Fei. He is afraid that Gao Fei will kill him.

In order for Yondu to come to Earth, Gao Fei had to talk to him in person.

"Star-Lord, give me the communicator." Gao Fei stretched out his hand towards Xing-Lord.

Star-Lord nodded quickly, and then said to Yongdu: "Hey, Yongdu, it's like this, a friend of mine wants to chat with you."

"Friend? What kind of friend? I'm not interested in your friends!" Yongdu said dissatisfiedly.

Rocket sneered and said, "When did Officer Goofy become your friend? Star-Lord, you really put gold on your face, you shameless bastard!"

At this time, Gao Fei took over the communicator, smiled and said to Yongdu who was still scolding: "Hey, Yongdu, it's me, I'm not a friend, I'm Gao Fei."


Yongdu on the other end of the communicator quickly took a deep breath and said solemnly,

"You... are you really Gao Fei?"

"You don't recognize my voice, we only met last night..." Goofy said, "Or what method should I use to prove my identity?"

Star-Lord next to him quickly said: "There is no need to do anything, Officer Gao Fei, this communicator has the function of video calling."

As he said that, he pressed a green button under the communicator, and then the overly frightened blue face of Yondu on the opposite side immediately popped up.

Correspondingly, Gao Fei's face also appeared on the communicator on Yongdu's side.

"What the hell?!" When Yongdu saw Gao Fei, his eyes almost popped out of fear, "It's really you, Gao Fei!"

"I don't need to lie to you, Yongdu." Gao Fei smiled, "It's nice to see you, how's the injury on your face?"

Yongdu pouted in embarrassment, he didn't want to admit that he was beaten by Gao Fei in front of so many people.

"What hurt? What are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word?" Yongdu said stubbornly.

Star-Lord shrugged and said with a smile, "Forget it, Yondu, stop pretending, we all know you were beaten by Officer Goofy."

"Damn..." Yongdu's face changed, but he didn't dare to get angry in front of Gao Fei, so he could only change the subject quickly, and at the same time try not to appear too cowardly in front of Gao Fei, but said neither humbly nor arrogantly, "Then... What's the matter with me? Officer Goofy."

"It's very simple, I want to talk to you about a business." Goofy said with a smile, "The reward is a mind scepter on Earth, which is made of one of the Infinity Stones, one of the Infinity Stones, are you interested? "

"Oh?" Yongdu asked with narrowed eyes, "Let me explain the logic of these things... You came to me last night and asked me to leave the earth and the solar system quickly, but you came to me in a blink of an eye. , want to talk business with me..."

"Yes, I can only say that the plan can't keep up with the changes, you just need to answer my question, Yongdu." Gao Fei said forcefully, "Aren't you interested in the sense of spiritual scepter?"

"Of course I'm interested." Yongdu smiled, but he didn't show any particular desire.

As an old fritters, Yongdu knows that calmness is the correct attitude to talk about business. The more you show your love for the goods, the more you have to pay for it.

"But I have to know first what price I have to pay to get it..." Yongdu asked in a deep voice.

"Well, I need to use your warship." Goofy said, "Ronan the accuser and his Kree army are coming to Earth soon, and I have to drive a vehicle to intercept him... and you The battleship is the transportation I need."

"What?" Yondu was startled, his pupils shrank a little, "You mean, you're going to hire me to fight Ronan? Officer Goofy, this is a terrible business!"

"You have no idea how terrifying Ronan is, and you have no idea how powerful Ronan's Dark Star is. Let us predators stop Ronan? That's like sending us to death!"

"A mind scepter is not worth the risk at all unless you pack the psychic scepter, cosmic cube and ether particles to me!!"

Yongdu said sitting on the ground and starting the price.

Gao Fei smiled after hearing this.

"Yondu, I think you're mistaken, I don't need you predators to fight Ronan, you just need to carry me and my people onto the Dark Star."

"It's my business to fight Ronan. I have enough soldiers here to teach Ronan to be a man."

"Trust me, Ronan may be the most famous commander and warrior in this universe, but in my eyes he is not worth mentioning..."

"As long as you take me there, I can easily defeat Ronan."

After listening to Gao Fei's words, Yongdu couldn't help but be stunned.

Ronan, the Kree commander of the Megatron universe, is not worth mentioning in your eyes?

If it wasn't for Yongdu to personally appreciate Gao Fei's skills, he would really think that Gao Fei was bragging.

In fact, even if Yongdu experienced Gao Fei's skills, he still felt that Gao Fei was a little too embarrassed.

"Gao Fei, I have to remind you that the Cree people are not as weak as you think. You can't be too proud and underestimate the enemy." Yongdu said.

"Thank you for your reminder, I will be cautious." Gao Fei nodded.

"Okay..." Yondu pondered for a while, and finally made a decision, "If you don't need us to fight Ronan head-on, then maybe your offer is reasonable."

"Of course my offer is reasonable, as long as you bring us to the dark asterisk, I will give you the psychic scepter." Goofy said with a smile.

Yongdu took a deep breath, then nodded and said, "Well, I'll be on Earth in three hours!"

"Very good, we'll see you then." Gao Fei said with a smile.

After hanging up the communicator, Star-Lord hurriedly came over to ask for credit and said, "Officer Gao Fei, the business has been negotiated, can I be pardoned?"

Although the business was basically discussed by Gao Fei himself, he was too lazy to bother with Star-Lord.

"Okay, I'll let you out after we successfully block Ronan."

Star-Lord hurriedly volunteered, "Officer Goofy, let me go now, I want to fight Ronan with you!"

Gamora next to him tentatively asked: "Goofy, if I also join the ranks of defending the earth, can the previous guilt be written off?"

Gao Fei thought about it, it's always good to have a few helpers.

"OK, I promise you, if you can help me stop Ronan, then the previous things will be written off."

At this time, the Rockets and Groot also got together.

Rocket said: "Gao Fei, Groot and I thought about it, and we also decided to stay and help you."

"Huh?" Gao Fei was a bit unexpected, after all, the little raccoon just decided to run for his to be brave, this is not Rocket's style.

"Are you sure you want to stay on Earth and fight against Ronan?" Goofy asked.

"Of course! Of course!" Rocket said with a sly smile, "We must never die without help."

However, the little raccoon was planning to make a windfall in his heart - when Ronan and Gao Fei were in an inextricable fight, he took Groot to loot the earth, and brought all the cosmic cubes and mind scepters with him. Let's go, and then take advantage of the chaos in the world to escape to the end of the galaxy...

Gao Fei didn't see through Rocket's conspiracy, and he actually didn't care what the little raccoon was thinking. Since he proposed to stay, Gao Fei didn't refuse.

"Alright then, thank you for your help, and we're going to defend the earth next."

Gao Fei said with a smile.


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