American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 421: i need 1 warship

Rocket has never been a nosy character, he is a shrewd and cunning space pirate.

But his partner Groot is an honest man who likes to lend a helping hand to those around him.

Although Gao Fei captured them and locked them up for a day and a night, Groot still couldn't bear to see the life of the earth being ruined. After all, the accuser Ronan was a famous **** slaughter. Once he came to the earth, human beings would really want to Facing extinction crisis.

When this matter was mentioned, Gamora, who had been silent until now, couldn't sit still.

"Goofy, I know your strength is very strong, but the accuser Ronan's space battleship is the 'Dark Star' that condenses the highest technology of the Kree, and the firepower on it is enough to blow up the entire earth... So you better Stop him before he gets close to Earth."

Gamora said in a low voice.

Goofy knew she wasn't talking nonsense, the accuser Ronan's "Dark Star" was indeed a very powerful spaceship.

At this time, Star-Lord also echoed: "Yes, Officer Goofy, we must stop the accuser Ronan! By the way, is there a spaceship on Earth? As far as I know, there seems to be a lack of such technology on Earth right now?"

"Yes." Gao Fei spread his hands helplessly, and Xingjue was right.

Although the earth has faced alien invasions several times so far, human beings have not yet had time to develop into the universe, and have not yet built a space battleship comparable to the Kree's "Dark Star".

This also means that the earthlings cannot stop the accuser Ronan in space, and can only wait for his "Dark Star" to enter the atmosphere, or even to launch a counterattack after landing.

"Goofy, so we won't be able to stop the Kree? Are we going to let them drive the spaceship directly to the surface of the earth like the last Dark Elves invaded?" Steve Rogers frowned asked.

Skye also expressed deep concern: "Officer Goofy, once the alien warships land on the earth, it will definitely cause huge trauma to human society... Greenwich, where the dark elves invaded, is still in ruins, this time Kerry Where will the human warships land? New York? London? Shanghai? Paris?"

Goofy was silent, and Steve and Skye's concerns were his.

The accuser Ronan's "Dark Star" is a very terrifying behemoth, and there are hundreds of small fighter jets parked on this mothership.

And the current defense equipment on Earth is impossible to stop the Dark Star before it enters the atmosphere, which means that the Kree warships are bound to enter the earth.

At that time, they will bombard indiscriminately, and there will be heavy casualties on the earth...


Unless Goofy can find a way to destroy the Dark Star before it gets close to Earth, or force Ronan the accuser to retreat.

Like dealing with Yongdu, directly use teleportation to transport the superheroes on Earth to the Dark Star, and kill Ronan by surprise?

That's certainly a way, but it's not the best way.

Because Ronan and Yongdu are different, Yongdu has no intention of invading the earth, but Ronan came to the earth.

And Ronan will not easily compromise, maybe Gao Fei will have to burn with Ronan jade.

At that time, the two sides will have a fierce battle, and it is very likely that the Dark Star will be blown up in space, and whether it is Atlan's big dog Tetanus or the alien Gordon on Earth, the number of people they transport each time is 100%. Limited, in an emergency, it is likely that superheroes will not be guaranteed to get out.

What's more, Ronan's dark asterisk cannot be located yet, and even teleportation cannot accurately bring Goofy and other superheroes to Ronan.

"I need a battleship..."

Gao Fei pondered for a moment and pondered,

"I need a battleship that can intercept the Dark Star."

Hearing this, Rocket said with a shocked expression: "Oh, my earthling friend, don't you really want to intercept the Dark Star? Although I don't like the blue monster Ronan, I have to admit it. , the Dark Star is one of the most powerful battleships in the universe, if you want to find a battleship that can stop it, unless you steal the Thanos battleship 'Templar II'!"

Gao Fei smiled and shook his head: "I won't fight Ronan's battleship, I just need a means of transportation to get close to him."

Having said that, Goofy glanced at the rocket at the gate of the prison and Groot's spaceship.

Their tiny spaceship contrasted with Ronan's Dark Star like a pigeon meeting a plane.

But despite this, the spacecraft is still worthy of use.

Seeing Gao Fei's gaze, Rocket hurriedly shook his head desperately and said, "Hey, Officer Gao Fei, I advise you not to attack our spaceship. This is my lifeblood, and I won't let you drive it. Go and fight Ronan desperately..."

"What's more, there is no friendship between us. You arrested us and locked us up for a day and a night. Now you have decided to let us go out. The fate between us ends here. We will not owe each other in the future, right?"

"Besides, Groot kindly reminded you to be careful with Ronan. I think we've done our best to you, so please don't make any more decisions about us, Officer Goofy!"

Goofy knew that Rocket would never go against Ronan for him. After all, as Rocket said, Goofy had no friendship with him.

So he shrugged, "I understand, Rocket, I'm not going to force your spaceship."

"That's good." Rocket breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, he was really afraid that Goofy would use violence to force their spaceship. After all, he and Groot together couldn't beat Goofy.

In order to avoid extravagant branches, Rocket patted Groot's trunk quickly and urged: "Okay, we should go, Groot, hurry up and leave this place of right and wrong, the accuser Ronan is coming soon..."

Without waiting for them to leave, the star-lord in the monitoring unit suddenly shouted: "Hey! Wait a minute! Wait a minute!"

"What?!" Rocket asked impatiently, "What's the matter with you?"

Star-Lord said loudly: "I think we must protect the earth and stop Ronan's atrocities! Little raccoon, Groot, don't you think so?"

Groot hesitated for a moment, and just wanted to say that he did think so, Rocket immediately shook his head and said, "Fart! I'm not from the earth, and I have no feelings for the earth, why should I protect the earth?"

"Oh, don't you have the heart to see hundreds of millions of life on earth die?" Star Lord said righteously, "Don't you want to lend a helping hand when a planet is about to perish?"

"Of course I don't want to." Rocket said, "It's too late for me to escape, who has the time to worry about the troubles of other planets?"

"Oh, don't you have any sympathy at all?" Star-Lord demanded loudly.

Rocket snorted coldly: "Stinky boy, don't think I don't know what you have in mind, you are actually just like me, and you don't care about the **** creatures, the **** earth, just because you were locked up on the earth by Gao Fei. , you are afraid that you and the earth will be bombed to the sky by Ronan, right?"

Star-Lord hurriedly shook his head and said: "Don't talk nonsense, don't use your dirty heart to speculate on my noble soul! What I worry about is not myself, not a person, but the whole life on the earth! My heart is on the earth! "

Speaking of which, Star-Lord turned to Gao Fei and said to himself: "Officer Gao Fei, you must believe me, I and the earth are one heart! I was originally a person from the earth!!"

Gao Fei tilted his head to look at Star Lord and said, "So you want to help me? Are you going to donate your spaceship to me?"

"Of course! Of course!" Star-Lord nodded. "But if you really beat Ronan, can you forgive me for the theft?"

Rocket sneered: "See? Officer Goofy, this guy is waiting for you here. He is not a noble person at all, nor does he care about the earth as he said, he is just a speculator of chicken thieves. …”

"Bah! Shut up, you **** little raccoon! No matter what my purpose is, I at least stand up for the earth! What about you? You know how to run for your life with your big stupid friend! You coward!" Star-Lord retorted.

Rocket sneered: "At least I'm not hypocritical!"

Groot next to him said solemnly: "I'm Groot (I'm not stupid)!"

At this time, Gamora looked at Star Lord worriedly and frowned: "You want to donate your spaceship? But as far as I know, isn't your spaceship a simple one-person spaceship? It seems that it can only accommodate yourself. alone?"

"What?" Gao Fei frowned after hearing This guy only has a single spaceship?

"Star-Lord, are you kidding me?" Gao Fei's tone turned cold and asked in a deep voice.

"I... I didn't!" Star-Lord was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, and quickly raised his hands, "Officer Goofy, how dare I play with you? I'm 100% loyal to you..."

"Then how do you think we can stop Ronan with a one-man spaceship?" Goofy asked a soul-stirring question.

"This..." Star-Lord hesitated for a moment, then turned to Gamora, "Gamora, your spaceship..."

"Don't look at me, I'm also a one-person spaceship." Gamora said, "It's the same spaceship as yours."

"Damn it!" Xingjue's face turned black. Could it be that he missed this opportunity to turn his merits away?


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