American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 417: something big

After solemnly warning Yondu and his predators, Goofy and the Inhumans returned to Atlan. Although Yondu did not intend to come to Earth to capture treasure this time, Goofy still successfully used him to shock other universes. Bounty Hunter effect.

Before leaving, Gao Fei saw real fear on Yongdu's face. Obviously, this centaur has realized that the earth is not what it used to be. As long as he spreads this matter out, the earth will cause trouble in the future. The number of bounty hunters will definitely be greatly reduced.

And the aliens of Atlan are also very grateful to Gao Fei for his righteous action, helping them teach them the arrogant predators who provoked Atlan with their words.

Black Bolt and Medusa originally planned to stay Goofy as a guest in Atlan, so they could do their best as a landlord. After all, this was the first friend from Earth to visit Atlan in hundreds of years. Goofy's landing was to recorded in the Atlas of History.

But Goofy really doesn't have time to stay on the moon, after all, there are a lot of things to deal with in New York.

Looking at the time, it was already half past eleven in the morning.

Gordon and Lincoln are 80% already in New York. Those cosmic bounty hunters in Ravencraft Prison must be noisy again. The number of Inhumans in New York should continue to increase. Without Goofy, these things will be messed up. .

So Gao Fei had no choice but to say goodbye to Atlan's friends, and said to Crystal, "Please send me back now, Crystal, when New York stabilizes, I will definitely come to Atlan as a guest."

Although the crystal was a little reluctant, there was no other way.

After asking Black Bolt and Medusa for their opinion, Crystal takes Goofy back to Canassi's home with Tetanus, the big dog.

Returning to Earth, Goofy was physically and mentally exhausted, and he seriously doubted that Tetanus' teleportation skills would exert some imperceptible pressure on his body.

But even if he was tired and sleepy, Gao Fei couldn't be lazy, he had to finish the things at hand first.

Called his old partner Steve, but no one answered the phone. Considering that it was already lunchtime, Goofy suspected that Steve might have gone out to buy food without his cell phone.

Called Skye again, but no one answered, Goofy was a little puzzled - didn't Skye bring a cell phone?

Immediately after he called Johnny, Johnny still didn't answer...

Newly joined police officer Carl Creel's phone is just as unreachable...

Putting down the phone, Gao Fei was simply fascinated - how come after a trip to the moon, all the police officers of the super patrol team lost contact?

For a moment, Goofy even had a terrifying illusion, as if the crystal had teleported him to another parallel world, where there were no super patrols at all!

Fortunately, this terrifying illusion dissipated after Goofy called Reed. Fortunately, the gods are still there.

The phone finally got through, and Reed's surprised voice came through the receiver.

"Hey, Goofy? You came back from Atlan so soon? How is Atlan? Has the Marauder problem been dealt with?"

"Of course, I won't be back until I've dealt with the Marauders," Goofy replied. "Now the Marauders have returned to the transition point near Earth and are no longer close to Earth. Well...or, I think they're short. I won't dare to get close to the earth any more in time."

"Haha... you scared them?" Reed instantly guessed what Goofy did to the Marauders, "You want to use the Marauders to intimidate other bounty hunters in the universe, right? "

"Yes, maybe this can solve the problem once and for all." Gao Fei said.

"Well, that's really a good idea, and I actually wanted to suggest you do it before..." Reed said afterwardly, "Oh, by the way, how are the Marauders fighting? They didn't cause you trouble, did you? Injured?"

"Please..." Goofy said, "If they cause me trouble, how can I come back in just a few hours?"

"That's right..." Reid said, "You went to Atlan early this morning and came back before noon. It seems that the predators are strong enough."

"No, I'm too strong." Gao Fei said shamelessly.

Having said that, he finally remembered the serious business, and hurriedly asked: "By the way, what about my police officers? Why can't I get through when I call them? No one answers the phone?"

" said this..." Reed took a deep breath, "I almost forgot. That...Goofy, something happened, Ravencraft prison was bombed, your police The crew are probably all at the blast site right now..."

"What?!" Goofy was about to swear, "Reed, you're really good! We've been on the phone for almost two minutes, and you didn't tell me that Ravencraft prison was bombed until now!?"

"Uh... I think the raider's invasion of the earth may be more important, so I didn't think about the bombing of Ravencraft prison for a while." Reed quibble, "And then Steve, Johnny, Skye and the others have all gone to the scene, and I think they should be able to handle the situation well."

"Damn, there are a lot of heavyweight prisoners in Ravencraft Prison. Let's not talk about the recently captured cosmic bounty hunters, what if Ebony Throat escapes? Who can stop that guy?" Gao Fei said sadly.

"At ease, at ease, I haven't received a distress call from there so far, which probably means that the situation in Ravencraft Prison has not developed to an uncontrollable level, right?" Reid said.

Goofy sighed: "Okay, by the way, do you know who blew up the prison?"

"It may be the accomplices of those cosmic bounty hunters. It seems that someone is planning to rob a prison. But don't forget, I built the Ravencraft prison myself. Want to rob? It's not that easy..."

Reed said triumphantly,

"This guy's bomb only destroyed the outer walls and corridors, but did not blow up the prison cell. When Johnny sent me a message before, there was no prisoner who successfully escaped!"

Goofy didn't have time to discuss with Reed how impregnable his prison was, he had to go to the scene to see what was going on.

In addition, he really couldn't understand, after he successfully intercepted the predator, who else would come to the earth to rob prison, and whose accomplice was this guy.

"Reed, I'm going to Baxter Building now, I need your teleport machine." Goofy said in a deep voice, "I don't have time to drive to Ravencraft, let's use teleport~www. However, before he finished speaking, the space beside Gao Fei was suddenly torn apart.

A man without eyes appeared beside Gao Fei.

The inhuman who mastered the teleportation ability, Gordon, suddenly appeared.

"Let me give you a ride, Officer Goofy." Gordon said with a smile, "I arrived in New York in the morning, and just registered with Mr. Richards as a psychic, I can be much faster than the teleport machine. already."

Goofy nodded in satisfaction: "Great, Gordon, I knew it was the right choice to recruit you to join the Super Patrol."

"It's my honor to fight alongside you, Officer Goofy." Gordon said with a smile, grabbed Goofy's arm, and easily took him directly from Brooklyn to Ravencraft.


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