American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 399: He knocked out Groot!

Gao Fei's luck was not very good this time, and it took two punches to knock out Groot.

"It's not a punch? It seems that your face is a little dark today..."

Gao Fei looked at his fist and said to himself.

Seeing that his old buddy, Tree Groot, was punched by Goofy, Rocket Raccoon was dumbfounded.

You must know that the fighting ability of a creature like Groot is among the best in the entire universe, and even the famous Asgardians are far inferior to Groot!

He stared at Gao Fei with big eyes, his expression was like seeing a ghost.

"You actually... knocked out Groot with three punches and two feet?!"

Gao Fei shook his head: "It's not three punches and two feet, it's two punches. In fact, it's just my bad luck. If I'm lucky, I can get it done with one punch."

"You... what kind of monster are you?" A flash of fear suddenly flashed in Rocket's heart. He had never seen such a terrifying guy in all the years he had traveled across the galaxy.

After thinking for a while, Rocket suddenly realized: "I see, you are not from Earth, right? You must be a cosmic bounty hunter just like us. You disguised yourself as an Earthling and came to intercept us, it must be like this! "

The more he talked, the more he felt that his judgment was correct, he nodded desperately and said, "It must be so! It is impossible for people on earth to have such a powerful strength, you must be a cosmic bounty hunter! Show the prototype! You cunning guy !"

Goofy was speechless, why did I become a cosmic bounty hunter?

He shook his head helplessly: "Whatever you say, but you have to come with me now, grumpy little raccoon."

"Don't call me little raccoon!!" Rocket hates this name, "Otherwise I'll..."

"Otherwise what will happen to you?" Gao Fei said with a smile, "You still want to kill me, don't you?"

Hearing this, Rocket glanced at Groot, who fell unconscious on the ground, and suddenly realized something—what am I being arrogant about? What right do I have to be arrogant?

The Earthman in front of me (perhaps a cosmic bounty hunter disguised)... Forget it, whether he is disguised as a cosmic bounty hunter or not, this Earthman in front of me is much better than me!

He can knock out Groot with one punch, which is simply too good!

I continue to challenge him, it seems that there is no good end...

What I should do now is to run for my life instead of continuing to confront him! !

After realizing this, Rocket pointed towards Gao Fei's back suddenly: "Look! There is someone behind you!!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't care whether Gao Fei had a plan or not, he dragged Groot's body and ran out.

But Groot was too big, such a big tree was terribly heavy, the rocket dragged it twice and couldn't drag it, so he simply dropped Groot and ran first.

"Dude, don't worry, I'll come back to save you! The green hills are here, don't be afraid of running out of firewood! I'll leave first, please ask for more blessings!!"

Having said that, the nimble little raccoon has already rushed to the window of the living room.

Gao Fei took it easy, whistled and shouted, "Little Spider."

"Come on!!"

A figure came straight in from the window, and Peter Parker volleyed the spider silk towards the little raccoon.

"Little alien raccoon, let you taste the power of the little spider on Earth!" Peter Parker had long been hiding outside to see it clearly, he understood that this little alien raccoon was not Goofy's opponent.

"What the **** is this?!" The rocket was about to collapse. When did the people on earth become so defiant?

"Where do people on earth get so many superpowers? I don't believe you are people on earth! Admit it, you must be pretending to be cosmic bounty hunters! It must be! Where did you come from? Kerry? Centaur? Or Chai Da?!"

As he said, Rocket used his sharp claws to cut through the spider's silk. After many modifications, his body has many secret weapons, not only good at using firearms and black technology weapons.

"Oh, it's so hard for you..." Peter Parker said with a smile, then jumped over to grab the little raccoon's arm, "Let me see you grumpy little guy."

"Hey! Be careful when you speak! Who is the little guy? I think you are the little kid, okay?!"

The Rockets could tell from Peter's voice and the content of what he said that this guy is probably a bear child, and adults don't have this unfortunate style.

"I won't show mercy to children!!" The rocket grabbed towards the little spider, equipped with a robotic arm in his arm, powerful enough to pry open the door of a spaceship.

However, the little spider's arm strength is not simple. He is not just an agile hero. In fact, in terms of strength, the little spider is stronger than most of the superheroes in the Avengers.

"Oh, you're such a grumpy little creature. Are all raccoons as grumpy as you? Or is it just you?" Peter grabbed Rocket's arm and subdued him with a light push, "Oh? Yours The body has been remodeled! It looks so cool! Are your claws metal? Your arms are robotic arms?"

"Oh shit…"

Rocket was disgusted by the little spider, and his powerful mechanical arm was no match for the little spider at all. He was humiliated by Gao Fei before. After all, Gao Fei is immortal and has a super fast response. The strength has far exceeded the rocket's imagination...

But why is this unlucky bear child in front of him so powerful? Why is this arm strength more than 10 tons?

"Oh, the damned Earth! The unlucky Earth! Why should I take on the mission of the Earth? I should have given up these unlucky missions earlier!!"

Rocket roared regretfully.

Gao Fei heard some clues from his words.

"How many unlucky missions? You didn't come to Earth to perform one mission, but several missions?"

"Oh..." Rocket realized that he had missed his mouth, and quickly closed his mouth tightly, "Don't try to get any news from me, you cunning cosmic bounty hunter!"

Gao Fei was speechless: "I'm really not a cosmic bounty hunter, I'm a policeman on Earth... But I know it's useless to explain to you, you'll understand when you return to prison."

At this time, the spider launched the spider silk to tie the little raccoon firmly, and at the same time carried his high-priced weapon bought from the Kree on his shoulders.

"Catch the rambunctious little creature, Officer Goofy. And... the gun looks so cool, can I keep it as a souvenir?" Peter asked expectantly.

"Of course not, Peter, we're not robbers." Gao Fei shrugged and said, "What's more, you came home with a big killer, how should you explain to Aunt May?"

"Uh... well." Peter knew that Goofy would definitely not agree, so he wasn't too disappointed, "Then I can just take a look on the way back, right?"

"That's no problem. In addition, we can go and see their alien spacecraft first." Goofy said.

"Great, I like spaceships the most!" Peter nodded with a smile, "Let's go, Officer Goofy."

As soon as the rocket heard that, these people actually wanted to move his spaceship, and became anxious on the spot.

"Damn! You villains, don't even touch my spaceship! I warn you, my spaceship has a self-destruction system. Once you step into my spaceship without permission, the spaceship will explode in an instant, leaving you with nothing left! You guys Believe it or not?!"

"And quickly put me down!! My support will be here soon, if you don't let me go quickly, you will regret it! I swear!"

Peter Parker, who was carrying the little raccoon, was so loud that his head was so loud that he said to Gao Fei dejectedly: "Officer Gao Fei, this little animal is too noisy, is there any way to calm him down?"

"Make him quiet?" Gao Fei smiled, "It's very simple."

Saying that, Goofy turned and walked towards the rocket.

"You... what are you trying to do? You dare to touch me? You **** bastard, I warn you..." Rocket shouted hurriedly.

Goofy raised his fist.


With one punch, Goofy's face finally turned white this time.

Little raccoon rocket - hit the street!

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