American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 395: partner spider

Gao Fei, who hung up Reed's phone, said that he was very collapsed.

Whitehall's Terrigan food has already shaken New York City, but there are some alien spaceships coming to join in the fun, he can't even handle the new people that have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and he has to investigate aliens again. spaceship.

However, Gao Fei knew in his heart that the threat of alien spaceships was not the same as the threat of aliens. These newly mutated aliens were not a big threat. Most of them were legal citizens of the United States before they mutated. For a moment, it's just a small situation for improper control of powers, which is harmless.

But alien spaceships are different.

This alien spaceship that suddenly visited is most likely the vanguard of an alien race, and more likely the spy of an alien team.

In the Marvel universe, there are countless alien invaders who are eyeing the earth: Chitauris, ice giants, dark elves, Ronan the accuser... This ship is one of these invaders sent to earth.

So Gao Fei temporarily put down all the work in his hand, and set off to the scene after receiving Reed's detailed address.

But Goofy didn't act rashly. After all, Reed reminded him that the technology of this alien spaceship was very advanced. Even if Goofy's current combat effectiveness was amazing, it would be safer to bring a helper to be on the safe side.

It's a pity that Gao Fei made a round of phone calls, but he couldn't even invite a helper.

Steve Rogers is investigating a campus mutation in Manhattan — a Manhattan middle school presumably mutated on a large scale by eating Terrigan food;

Johnny and Skye are on a routine patrol, and they can't help Goofy to investigate the alien spaceship without finishing their work;

Tony Stark has disappeared since he hooked up with Bruce Banner. It is said that the two went to Stark's mansion in California to do some classified research on artificial intelligence, and now they don't even have Goofy's phone. how to answer;

And Harry Osborn is busy leading the Osborn Group to participate in the post-war reconstruction of New York. After all, the last celestial gathering brought great trauma to New York. Until now, there are still two main roads in Manhattan that are completely closed. …

Fortunately, there are enough superheroes in New York and Gao Fei's contacts are wide enough. At this critical juncture, Peter Parker, the "Little Spider", has to be rescued.

After calculating the time, just in time for Peter Parker to leave school, Goofy called and answered the phone as soon as he dialed Peter.

"Hey, Officer Goofy, I guessed you were calling me." Peter Parker said quickly, "No, I'll be honest, I didn't actually guess you were calling me, I just guessed that someone would call me... er, to be precise, I didn't actually guess it, but my spider sense, do you remember my spider sense?"

Gao Fei replied helplessly: "Of course remember, you can perceive some things in advance - these things may be dangerous, or there may be other things..."

"That's right!" Peter Parker chattered, "I only found out a few days ago that the spider sensor can even sense the phone, and I can detect it in advance about a second or two before someone calls me."

At this point, Peter remembered and asked, "By the way, Officer Goofy, what's the matter with you calling me?"

"Of course, I have an urgent matter, so please, shut up and let me talk!" Gao Fei said angrily, the child's words were too close.

"Oh, sorry! Sorry, Officer Goofy, I'm talking too much. I won't say anything for a while until you've finished your content, I promise you!" Peter said quickly.

Goofy said: "Listen, Peter, Reed just found out that an alien spaceship has entered New York, I have to go and investigate to see if this alien spaceship is friend or foe... You have time to go with me A trip?"

"Of course!" Peter was excited when he heard this. "Alien spaceship? What kind of alien spaceship? Is it similar to the dark elf alien spaceship? How big? Is it bigger than the dark elf's spaceship? Such a big alien spaceship will definitely be seen and cause a sensation. Since it didn't cause a sensation, it must be a small spaceship... By the way, this kind of UFO appears, doesn't the American military notice the abnormality? How on earth did it land safely in New York? Officer Goofy, did you hear…”

Goofy hurriedly interrupted Peter's words forcibly, and it would be dark for this kid to continue talking.

"Wait for me at the end of the alley opposite your school. I'll pick you up in fifteen minutes." Goofy said loudly.

"Yes, sir!" Peter responded quickly, and hung up the phone excitedly.

fifteen minutes later.

Goofy and his Audi showed up on time opposite Peter's school.

Peter Parker held two hot dogs in his hand and watched Goofy drive over with a little loss.

"Officer Goofy, where's your cop car? Why didn't you come with a cop car? Oh, I'm not saying your Audi isn't cool, I heard Mr. Stark remodeled it, but... I think it's more cool. Some, aren't they?" Peter Parker said gloomily.

"The investigation of the alien spacecraft is carried out in secret, so we have to keep a low profile as much as possible." Gao Fei said.

"Oh, so it is." Peter nodded, and there was nothing wrong with that statement.

"By the way, what about Officer Steve? Why didn't he come?" Peter Parker expressed doubts seeing that Steve Rogers, who had been partnering with Goofy all the year round, was not there.

"He went to Manhattan on a mission and can't come back for the time being." Goofy said.

"Is that so..." Peter nodded, then passed a hot dog in his hand, "Here, Officer Goofy, I bet you didn't eat dinner, and I didn't eat either, but it's too sad to carry out the task on an empty stomach, so I'll make it ahead of time. Bought us dinner."

"Oh, thank you." Goofy hurriedly took the hot dog and gave the money to Peter, "Come on, this is the meal expense reimbursed by the organization."

"So much?!" Peter looked surprised. He didn't expect to make extra money by buying dinner. He didn't show any courtesy to Gao Fei and accepted the allowance with a smile.

"Have you said hello to Aunt Mei? She won't suddenly ask me for someone, will she?" Gao Fei asked.

"Don't worry, I just said I'd go to Harry to do my homework." Peter said with a smile, "I use Harry as a shield every time I go out at night."

Goofy shrugged: "You're not afraid that Aunt May suspects that you and Harry have some hidden brotherhood."

"No, Aunt May's thinking isn't so divergent." Peter said with a smile, taking a bite of the hot dog.

"So... Aunt May doesn't know that you are the little spider yet?" Gao Fei asked with a smile.

"I don't know yet, she doesn't know..." Peter said with a smile, "Uh... Or rather, she shouldn't know."

"That's good, so she can worry less." Goofy said.

"It's like this, I think she doesn't want me to be a superhero. She just wants me to study hard, go to college, and find a good job, such as being a reporter or something." Peter said.

"Then do you want to be a reporter?" Gao Fei asked.

"I thought about it..." Peter said, "but I prefer to do scientific research, such as joining Mr. Stark's group and developing the Iron Man suit with him."

"Well, then I have the opportunity to talk to Stark and see if I can arrange you to intern at his company. In fact, he is currently conducting an artificial intelligence research with Dr. Banner, and there should be a shortage of manpower, I think You can go and help."

"Really?" Little Spider asked excitedly, "Can I really join them?"

"I can try for you, but only if you report their progress to me. To be honest, I don't trust them a little..." Gao Fei said worriedly.

"Don't trust it?" Peter was a little puzzled. "Are you afraid they can't handle artificial intelligence? But the two of them are the smartest geniuses in the world."

"It is because of this that I am worried that they will create things that even they can't control." Gao Fei whispered.

Just as they were talking, the two had approached the coordinates given by Reed, and the mysterious alien spaceship should be not far away.

"Peter, get ready, we'll be there soon." Gao Fei reminded understand! "Peter hurriedly took out the battle suit Tony Stark made for him from his backpack, and then changed his clothes in the car.

At this moment, a woman with disheveled hair suddenly ran over across the road, shouting for help as she ran.

Gao Fei was stunned for a moment, parked the car and opened the window to look at her.

"Hey ma'am, need help?"

"Sir! Help! Help!" The poor lady was so lost that she didn't recognize Gao Feilai, thinking he was an ordinary passerby, "A wild animal broke into my house, this **** little thing is so scary, oh , how scary his grandma is!"

"Wild animals?" Gao Fei smiled, "Then I suggest you call the wildlife control department."

"Okay, I will, I will definitely, this damned little animal is really scary..." the lady shouted incessantly, "This world is getting more and more crazy, even raccoons can talk, God bless, I think It must be the product of some evil experiment!"

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