American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 393: Terrigan's whereabouts

In just a few hours, Jiaying's plans all fell apart - she originally thought that she was behind the scenes to manipulate all this, playing Hydra and Inhumans in the palm of her hand.

However, it turns out that Whitehall is much smarter than she thought, and even more terrifying is the Hive, the natural leader of the Inhumans from the distant planet Maveth.

Of course, although the Whitehall mechanism was exhausted and the Hive power was powerful, it was Goofy who finally took advantage of the fisherman. However, Jiaying exposed her dirty secrets and became a traitor of the Inhumans that everyone yelled at.

She had to hurry and leave the scene before the other Inhumans besieged her and held her accountable.

Gordon, who was once loyal to her, became her last straw.

Fortunately, Gordon did not leave her behind. She found Gordon in the rubble of the laboratory corridor, and Gordon had just returned to normal.

"Oh, Gordon! It's great that you are here! Quickly take me out of here, quick!" Jiaying whispered.

Gordon didn't do what Jiaying asked immediately, but asked Jiaying in a low voice.

"Jia Ying... What purpose did you plan for in the first place? Do you want the Inhumans to gain dignity and freedom, or do you simply want to take revenge on the Hydra and all mankind?"

"Huh?" Jiaying looked back at Gordon in surprise, she was a little impatient, "Now is not the time to say these words, Gordon, get out of here immediately, hurry up!"

"Why do you want to leave here?" Gordon smiled. "Our clansmen are all here. Officer Goofy and S.H.I.E.L.D. don't seem to be hostile to us. What are you running for?"

"Are you stupid or I'm stupid? Gordon, Inhumans and humans are two different races, we have never been friends! I know I deceived you before, I used you, but I am also planning for Inhumans, I have always considered the stakes from the perspective of the Inhumans!"

"Now that the Inhumans have encountered disaster, do you want to give up your previous ideals? Gordon, I tell you, it's impossible!"

"Although I'm not a good thing, you are no better! You are my accomplice! You are my accomplice! Accomplice! Do you understand?"

"So now, I order you to take me out of here immediately, do you hear?!"

Jiaying ordered Gordon loudly.

"Hehe, take you out of here, right?"

Gordon sneered and grabbed Jiaying's arm.

"Let's go then."


The space was torn apart, and the two people disappeared in the corridor of the laboratory.

In the blink of an eye, Gordon and Jiaying appeared out of thin air.

Jiaying took a closer look, but took a deep breath—she and Gordon had settled a few hundred meters away from the laboratory, and they just appeared in front of Gao Fei.

" betrayed me!!"

Jiaying roared angrily.

Gordon smiled: "That's because you betrayed the entire Inhumans!"

After that, he turned to Gao Fei and said sincerely: "Officer Gao Fei, thank you for saving the Inhumans. I have done many things that offended you before and caused you a lot of trouble... I am willing to bear all the consequences, please rest assured!"

"As for Jiaying, she is the mastermind of the whole thing. I think you heard her confess her sins just now, and the Inhumans can hear it clearly..."

"She is a sinner of the Inhuman race, and her sin is unforgivable. I hope you can sanction her, punish her, and let her receive the punishment she deserves."

At the same time as Gordon spoke, the other aliens on the other side nodded in agreement - at this moment, they finally saw through Jia Ying's true face and knew the truth about Jia Ying's use of them.

As for Jia Ying's daughter, Skye, who was standing behind Gao Fei, had a tangled expression. On the one hand, she knew that Jia Ying's sin was unforgivable, but on the other hand, she was not noble enough to kill her relatives righteously.

She could only not go too far and not participate in this matter, try not to think that Jiaying was her mother.

Steve found this scene thoughtfully, came over and patted Skye on the shoulder and said, "Don't participate in this matter, and leave it to Gao Fei to handle it."

"Okay, thank you, Officer Steve." Skye whispered, turning and walking to the back to stand with the SHIELD agents.

Gao Fei made a decision quickly - he decided to take Jiaying back to New York for trial.

Jiaying once instigated Atlan's aliens to invade New York before, and now she colluded with Hydra to kidnap children, illegally conduct human experiments and cause dozens of deaths, steal Terrigan...

If several crimes are punished together, Jiaying may be inseparable from Ravencraft Prison for the rest of her life.

"It seems that I have to prepare a long-term meal ticket for you."

Gao Fei pouted at Jia Ying and said jokingly.


Killing the hive, saving the Inhumans, and arresting Jiaying, Goofy's work in Los Angeles is not over yet.

Because the most fundamental task of his coming here has not been completed - he has not found the stolen Terrigan.

But now everyone involved in this is dead - the Hydra agent was killed by the hive, and the hive was killed by Goofy. The Inhumans came too late, they did not know Terrigan's whereabouts.

Things got tricky, and Terrigan was nowhere to be found.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is obviously more experienced than Goofy for this task of tracking clues. Agent Hill temporarily seconded two Level 5 scientific research agents from Coulson's team to track Terrigan's whereabouts.

Although these two levelless agents were young, their professional skills were excellent. They cooperated and cooperated seamlessly, and soon came up with a way to track Terrigan.

Early the next morning, Leo Fitz, the mechatronics agent of the two scientific agents, came to report to Goofy that he had finally discovered Terrigan's whereabouts.

But the expression of Agent Fitz who found Terrigan was very solemn, which made Goofy realize that what he brought was not good news.

"What's the situation?" Gao Fei asked.

Fitz held the tablet computer and said solemnly: "Officer Goofy, the situation is like this... According to my investigation and Gemma, Whitehall mixed all the Terrigan he stole with pure water, and then processed it through food processing. Huge quantities of meal kits, cereals and biscuits have been made and now shipped from food processing plants and distributed across the country..."

"What?" Goofy's mouth twitched, so wouldn't it be possible for the people of the country to come into contact with Terrigan at any time?

"Is it possible to intercept this batch of goods, as long as their distribution channels are determined, it is not difficult to recall this batch of goods?" Gao Fei asked.

Fitz frowned: "Actually, we found out a little late - these foods are fast-moving products, their shelf life is within a week, and Whitehall sold the goods the day before yesterday~ www.wuxiamtl. com~ Now most of the items may have been eaten..."

"Damn..." Goofy clenched his fists angrily, "Where are all these goods sold?"

"Most were sold to schools," Fitz said. "Most of them were students."

Having said this, Fitz suddenly added: "But Officer Goofy, fortunately, we found that Terrigan will not petrify humans after dissolving in water - that is, only those who carry the Inhuman genes. Humans will petrify and mutate when they come into contact with Terrigen that dissolves in water. Ordinary people who do not carry the Inhuman gene will not have any adverse reactions after eating Terrigan that dissolves in water. I think this is good news."

After listening to Gao Fei, he shrugged: "But even so, America is about to usher in a large number of aliens, and the world is becoming more and more lively..."

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