American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 363: Ice giants invade New York

Coming out of Aunt Wang's apartment, Gao Fei went straight to Nyu's direction. Although he didn't know where Jie Qian was trapped, there must be no problem in finding her along the way home.

There were not many snowflakes flying near Aunt Wang's house. The real hardest hit area was two blocks away. The residents of Brooklyn in this area were not aware of the danger, and even went out to take pictures with their mobile phones leisurely.

In their eyes, the snowflakes fluttering in August are not a disaster, but a romance.

Seeing the dusty Gao Fei, everyone said hello.

"Hi! Officer Goofy!"

"Good evening, Officer Goofy!"

"Want to take a picture together?"

"Any assignments tonight? Officer Goofy?"

Just as Gao Fei was about to turn around and explain the situation to everyone, a roar came from not far away.


A gigantic ice beast emerged from the corner and pounced on passers-by with mobile phones on the side of the road with its **** mouth open.



"oh! mygod!!"

The passersby got scared and threw their mobile phones away.

One second, New York and August Blizzard were romantic like a fairy tale world, and the next second alien monsters roared out of a romantic fairy tale and it turned into a horror drama.

Fortunately, Goofy is on the street.

He turned around and greeted the ice behemoth, raising his hand to punch.


The unremarkable punch was triggered once, and the ice giant fell to the ground screaming.


The behemoth let out a low growl and fell into a coma, and all the citizens in the street breathed a sigh of relief.

Thanks to Gao Fei's rescue, otherwise this guy just opened his mouth and ate all the passers-by on the street like a giant whale.

Goofy stretched out his hand to break the neck of the ice behemoth, causing the Jotunheim monster to die completely. He turned around and said to the citizens, "Everyone has seen it, aliens have invaded New York, and this snow is an alien invasion. The stars brought by them are symbols of disaster and war..."


Citizens were stunned, such a romantic scene is actually a symbol of disaster and war?

Gao Fei didn't have time to explain to them in detail, so he said succinctly: "Everyone immediately find a safe place to hide, prepare water and food, and don't walk around on the street..."

"Buildings and any other tall buildings are not safe. When a war breaks out, any building may be razed to the ground in an instant. Underground garages and basements are the best options, and everyone should go there first..."

"Remember to block the entrance, but don't panic too much, keep order and be courteous to each other, and avoid stampede accidents..."

"Remember, this snow is a signal light. When the snow stops, the war will end. Before the snow stops, don't come out rashly, understand?"

Although Gao Fei did not explain the reason, everyone has always trusted Gao Fei unconditionally. Besides, they watched an alien monster rush into the street, which shows that the police officer Gao Fei was not sensational.



"Yes, Officer Goofy!"

Goofy nodded: "Very good! Act now!"

Before he finished speaking, Gao Fei saw a familiar figure in the crowd.

Hogan Sr. — The father of Stark Industrial Security Secretary Happy Hogan, a native of Brooklyn.

"Hey, old Hogan, you're in charge of this block, make sure everyone moves safely, don't let me down, ok?"

Old Hogan stood at attention and nodded earnestly.

"Don't worry, Officer Goofy, I pledge my life!"

Gao Fei shook his head: "Don't risk your life, I want you to come back alive to see me after the snow stops."

"I will!" Old Hogan patted his chest, "I am very hard!"

After evacuating the citizens of the streets of Brooklyn, Goofy continued to walk forward.

When walking through an intersection, Gao Fei suddenly felt that his position had shifted, and then the environment in front of him changed.

One second was the bustling night scene of New York, and the next second it was a world of ice and snow—there was a vast white plain in front of me, and this seemed to be Jotunheim.

Looking up at the sky, I saw that the sky was exactly the same as what Skye had described.

There are three large, medium and small stars in the distant sky - the largest one seems to be right next to Jotunheim, and Gao Fei can even clearly see the ravines and craters above; the medium one is more than ten times the size of the moon and looks like It's a washbasin; the smallest one is also much bigger than the moon, and Huang Chengcheng's is really beautiful.

In short, this is not the earth, but the other side of the universe.

"Damn, I have to find an exit."

Gao Fei said depressedly,

"Since there is an entrance, there must be an exit."

Gao Fei had an idea and took out his mobile phone to observe the mobile phone signal. The mobile phone has a signal near the intersection of the two worlds. Only when the mobile phone is far away from the intersection of the two worlds will the signal gradually lose.

Gao Fei took two steps forward, the mobile phone signal gradually weakened, and took three steps back, the mobile phone signal gradually increased.

According to this rule, Goofy found the exit to leave Jotunheim. He took more than ten steps to the rear and left, and he returned to the streets of New York with a single flower in front of him.


Goofy was proud of his ingenuity, but he didn't come to the position he was when he entered Jotunheim.

He was not on the streets of Brooklyn, and the street in front of him was a little unfamiliar.

Before he could tell where he was, there was a sound of fighting not far away.

Gao Fei looked around and saw two familiar figures.

Harry Osborn and Peter Parker.

It's just that they are all wearing battle clothes, and their current identities are Little Green Goblin and Little Spider.

The two were fighting a team of ice giants, and behind them was a school bus from a school in Queens.

The students on the school bus panicked and hid under the seats. The school bus driver, a white-haired grandfather with glasses, pulled the door tightly with trembling hands to prevent the ice giant from breaking into it.

The school bus should have unfortunately encountered the ice giants, Harry and Peter arrived just in time to stop the ice giants' attack.

But the temperature in New York gradually dropped, and the size of the ice giants began to expand. Over time, the bodies of the ice giants will become more and more powerful.

There are seven fighters in this ice giant army, and they carry weapons similar to the lightsabers in "Star Wars", except that their weapons are in the shape of axes and spears instead of swords.

Harry Osborn stood on the Green Goblin glider and threw a pumpkin bomb at the ice giants.

The ice giant is quite agile, cleverly avoiding the explosion range of the bomb.

One of the ice giants threw a spear and nearly poked Harry off the Green Goblin glider. Harry was startled and shouted at Peter, "Hey! Peter! Come and help me!"

"Don't call me by my real name! Why do you think I'm coming out with a mask on? My god, Harry, you're a pig mate!"

"You can call me Spider-Man or Spider-Man, you can even talk about me without calling me, but please, don't call me by my name, Harry!"

While talking, the spider threw out the spider silk and pulled an ice giant to the ground, but the ice giant slashed the spider silk with an axe with his backhand.

Harry raised his hand and threw out the dart, and said at the same time: "Okay, little spider, then I won't call you by your name, but you can't call my name either, you have to call me the Green Goblin!"

"Green Goblin (green goblin, literally translated as green goblin, the original intention is not a negative nickname, it is a neutral word, but it is not very pleasant)..."

The little spider tasted the nickname carefully, shook his head and said, "Can't you change your nickname? This nickname is a bit ugly!"

"Better than Spider-Man! You stupid big bug!" Harry said angrily.

"Spiders are not insects! Stupid!" Peter retorted.

The two were fighting while bbq, but the scene wasn't too ugly. These ice giants' eyes were red with anger, and their offensive became more violent.

In addition, the weather is getting colder and colder, and the size of the ice giants is getting bigger and bigger. The weapons in their hands are quite advanced, and they can block the bullets of the green goblin and cut off the spider webs.

When the attack on the Green Goblin + Spider-Little combination failed, the ice giants began to change their strategies. They launched wave after wave of offensives towards the school bus not far away. The window of the school bus was pierced by the ice giant's spear. .

"Oh, little spider, I think we may not be able to stop these cunning creatures..." Harry said The little spider thought for a while: "That's good, Green Goblin, you stay here , I'll cover the students to leave first!"

Saying that, Little Spider turned around to push the school bus.

The school bus seems to be unable to start due to some faults and has been breaking down in place, but the little spider is so powerful that it can push the school bus forward.

After listening to Peter's plan, Harry Osborn shouted desperately: "Wait a minute, why should I stay? You can push the school bus away?"

Peter Parker shouted plausibly, "Because I'm the only one who can push the car! Can you push it?"

When the little green devil heard it, although there was nothing wrong, he was still a little unwilling.

"But this way... I seem to have a high probability of sacrifice!"

"No, you won't!" Little Spider encouraged his teammates while pushing the cart, "I believe in your strength."

"You believe in bullshit!" Harry exclaimed gloomily, "What the **** is your plan!"

"This is the only plan that works right now!" Spider-Man shouted, "Come on, Harry... No, Green Goblin!!"

Harry took a deep breath, and instead of running away, he turned to the ice giant and roared, "Come on! Alien monsters! Our home is inviolable!"

However, at this moment, Gao Fei's voice sounded from not far away.

"I have another plan..."

Having said that, Goofy specially took out his mobile phone and threw it on the ground, took off his jacket and trousers, and rushed towards the ice giant in the heavy snow.

"The plan is..."

"Send them all to the sky!"

The students on the school bus that hadn't gone far were all stupid, lying on the bus window and looking at the strange scene in front of them - New York's hero Gao Fei actually took off only a pair of boxer shorts in the heavy snow. Rush to the alien invaders...

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