American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 350: little spider

Just as Gao Fei finished the call with Peter Parker, a new task was sent to him in the background of the system:

Mentor Template Quest - Help Peter Parker become a superhero, quest reward, 5000 exalted points.

Gao Fei pouted, he didn't look down on this level of reward, but the task of the Terminator template was more powerful, and the reward was three times that of the Instructor template.

However, the task of the Terminator template does not seem to be able to be triggered every time, and the Electric Man was unable to trigger it before.

Taking this into account, Gao Fei will no longer be picky. Now it is more and more difficult to obtain worship points. If you have a task, take it first.

"Go to Midtown Middle School first, then get off the Manhattan Bridge and head towards Queens."

Goofy took over the task in the system while commanding Steve who was in charge of driving.

"Really go to Midtown Middle School?" Steve didn't understand Goofy's intentions. "Goofy, are you going to pick up that kid on a mission with us? Please, what are you thinking about? You're not afraid that kid is in danger. ?"

"Don't worry, a big stray dog ​​can't hurt Peter. Peter is not what he used to be." Goofy said with a smile.

"What? Did he mutate too?" Steve instantly guessed the truth. Now that there are so many superpowers as dogs, a new mutant appears every few days in New York City, and Steve is already used to it.

"Yes, Peter Parker has also become a glorious superpower now, but this child is still not used to his new identity, and he is probably very entangled in his heart. I guess he came to me today to talk about this..." Gao Fei said with a smile.

"Is this the right time? You are on your way to the mission, and you have to deal with that mutant monster in a while, where do you have time to talk to him?" Steve frowned, "This matter is very important to him, right? ? I think you should find some free time to have a good talk with him."

"This child's mutation actually started yesterday. Today, I finally made up my mind to confess to me. Children of this age are very sensitive. I'm worried that if I reject him this time, he won't plan to confess next time." Gao Fei road.

"Or I'll take Johnny and Skye to catch the monster, and you'll enlighten this kid?" Steve asked thoughtfully.

"No, just take this child to see the world. Peter has been shouting about growing up and joining the super patrol team. Now that he has obtained superpowers, this idea must be more urgent. I think it is better to take him on a mission and let him stay away. My dream is one step closer." Gao Fei said with a smile.

Steve smiled and said, "So Peter is going to confess to you about the mutation again tonight, and he is going to follow you on the first mission... God, this child's burden today is really heavy."

"There's no way, a man has to learn to resist pressure." Gao Fei said, "He is already a superpower. With the greatest ability, the greater the responsibility."


Not long after, Goofy and Steve came to the entrance of Midtown Middle School. The superpatrol's police car with "superpatrol" was so cool that it caught the attention of the students as soon as it appeared.

"Look! Look! It's a super patrol!"

"Wow! Cool, do you think this car is Officer Goofy's car or Officer Johnny's car?"

"It should be Officer Goofy! I love Officer Goofy the most!"

"It's so handsome!"

"It should be Officer Johnny, right? Who dares to go and see?"

"Stop watching, you idiots! The presence of the Super Patrol here means that there are super criminals nearby... Run for your life!"

"Kenny is right, everyone retreat!"

Peter Parker has been waiting at the school gate for a long time, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth when he saw the police car of the Super Patrol.

It's time to put on a push.

He picked up his schoolbag, patted his **** and stood up from the campus bench, and then swaggered towards the police car of the Super Patrol Team in the eyes of his classmates.

see that?

I know people from the Super Patrol!

They came to me specifically!

I had a good time talking and laughing with Officer Goofy!

So far, Peter's life has only attracted attention twice - this is one of them, and the other is when he was tragically kidnapped by Professor Lizard two years ago.

In order to enjoy the envy of his classmates, Peter Parker deliberately slowed down.

As a result, when walking to the road, Gao Fei's roar came from the police car.

"Hurry up, Peter! Stop dawdling like a little old man!"


The onlookers burst into laughter, making Peter blushing.

Originally, I just wanted to pretend to be coercive quietly. Why can't Officer Goofy satisfy my little vanity?

Peter, who was reprimanded, quickly stepped up, opened the car door and got into the trunk.

"Hug, sorry Officer Goofy, I...cough, I twisted my foot in gym class, so I walked slowly."

Peter then lied and said blushing.

Gao Fei smiled lightly, but did not expose his clumsy lies.

You sprained your foot in Spider-Man gym class. Who will believe this lie?

At this time, Peter looked up and saw Steve who was driving, and said somewhat unexpectedly, "Officer Steve, are you there too?"

Steve nodded and asked with a smile, "What? I'm not welcome?"

"It's not..." Peter shook his head, "I just didn't expect you to be there."

Before he finished speaking, Steve was already on the road again, heading straight for Long Island, New York.

Peter was quite surprised and asked curiously, "Officer Goofy, let's... where are we going?"

"Go to Long Island." Goofy said, "There is an unknown creature near Long Island, we have to catch it."

"Huh?!" Peter Parker was caught off guard and asked nervously, "Me, I'm going with you too?"

"That's right." Goofy nodded. "But don't worry, I'll protect you. By the way, why did you call me? Tell me now."

"Ah... this..." Peter Parker faltered, hesitating.

According to his previous assumptions, after he met Goofy, he planned to take Goofy to a rooftop near the school, where he shared secrets with his friends.

At that time, the environment will be hidden and no one will be around. Peter and Gao Fei both know that you know me, tell me the little secret in your heart, and then ask the police officer Gao Fei to guide one or two...

How pleasant was the process?

But the ideal is very plump, the reality is very skinny.

Now Peter is sitting in the police car of the Super Patrol Team, speeding in the crowded traffic. The tires in the car are very noisy, and he has to raise the volume several times to hear what he says.

What's even more embarrassing is that there were not only Officer Goofy, but also Officer Steve at the scene. Peter was only mentally prepared to tell Goofy his secret alone, but he didn't plan to tell anyone else.

Therefore, under Goofy's questioning, Peter was a little cowardly.

He has to do some psychological construction again, so that the secret can be confessed.

It's a pity that Gao Fei has no time to wait any longer. The mission is about to be launched. Before arriving on Long Island, Gao Fei must complete the communication with Peter, give him a few simple instructions, and then introduce the situation of the monster, and then assign a mission to Peter. …

Since it was decided to let Peter kill monsters, Goofy had to improve his efficiency.

So Goofy suddenly grabbed the steering wheel in Steve's hand and made an emergency merging on the highway.


The body of the Ford Taurus slammed, and Peter Parker's body flew out.

"Oh! God!"

Peter instinctively grabbed the support on the car, and inadvertently used his ability, his two hands were attached to the roof of the car like suction cups, and half of his body was vacated. Tiff was shocked when he saw it.

"My God, Peter, what's the matter with you?"

At this point, Peter can't hide it anymore. He can be considered open. Anyway, he intends to confess. To confess to one person is to confess, and to confess to two people is also to confess.

Peter took a deep breath and revealed the truth.

"Officer Goofy, Officer Steve, I was bitten by a spider in their lab when I visited the Osborne Group yesterday. After the bite, my body underwent some strange changes..."

"My strength has increased, my speed has become faster, and my senses have become more sensitive. What's even more amazing is that my body has some unique functions that are unique to spiders."

"For example, I seem to have suction cups on my palms and soles of my feet, which can be adsorbed on buildings to climb, and I can also launch silk-like threads, which are very tough..."

"Anyway, I seem to have become a spider, and everything has changed except my appearance."

After listening to Peter's narrative quietly, Gao Fei said with a smile, "Congratulations, Peter, you have officially become a superhuman."

Steve also encouraged the new friend: "Come on, Peter, and try to use your superpowers to do good things."

Peter told his secret and felt relieved immediately, but he was actually a little uneasy in his heart, and asked worriedly: "But two police officers, will I suddenly turn bad? Just like the Green Goblin born before the Osborn Group. Like Professor Lizard, will this spider mutation make me a bad guy too?"

Gao Fei looked back at Peter and said with a smile, "Peter, as long as you protect your kind heart, then I promise you, you will never become bad."

Peter nodded understandingly, but then shook his head again.

"But Mr. Osborne and Professor Connors, they were not bad people at first. After the mutation, they all lost themselves and became bad people... The mutation reagents of the Osborne Group always seem to be able to turn people into bad people~www Gao Fei said: "Yes, I admit it, sudden superpowers and inherently flawed reagents, these are the reasons that make a good person change from good to evil, but in fact, it makes a good person become evil. There are still many factors that make a bad person, and there is no shortage of reasons for a good person to become a bad person..."

"Even without the green goblin reagent and lizard serum, many good people will inevitably go astray in the end. The most fundamental reason is not that they were disturbed by the green goblin reagent or lizard serum, or that they were bitten by poisonous spiders. The reason is that they didn't protect their kind heart..."

"So Peter, since you are so afraid of becoming a bad person, you should protect your kind heart. As long as your original heart is not changed by this mutation, then you will never become a bad person."

Peter Parker listened to Goofy's words carefully, and then nodded solemnly.

"I see, Officer Goofy, I'll be careful."

"I believe in you, Peter." Goofy said with a smile, and then moved on to the next topic non-stop, "Okay, now that we're done talking about your mutation, let's talk about the mission for a while."

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