American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 340: AIM Pioneer Technology

An hour later, Goofy and Tony Stark came to the Baxter Building of the Fantastic Four. Reed had completed the debugging of the teleport machine ahead of time and was waiting for Goofy and Tony Stark. The mice are here for the experiment.

Gao Fei carefully looked at this thing like a space dormancy capsule, and asked incredulously: "Reed, will you survive after sitting here?"

"Of course there is." Reed vowed, "Tony and I have already done experiments with mammals, and they have successfully completed teleportation."

"Oh?" Goofy asked curiously, "Where did you teleport them to?"

"Downstairs." Susan Storm next to him said with a smile, "From the 21st floor to the 7th floor, is this distance okay?"

Goofy was speechless: "You just teleported a few mammals from the 21st floor to the 7th floor, and then you inflated to the point where you wanted to teleport me and Tony from New York to Miami?"

Reed smiled and nodded: "Don't panic, my friend, you may not understand the working principle of teleportation machine, in fact, once you capture the Einstein-Rosen bridge in space, you can grasp the macroscopic quantum of two positions. Entanglement, in fact, the physical distance loses its meaning, the distance from the 21st floor to the 7th floor and the distance from New York to Miami can be regarded as the same…”

Gao Fei laughed dryly: "Hehe, I don't read much anyway, so you can fool me..."

Tony Stark stood up to justify Reed's name: "Goofy, Reed didn't fool you, he was right, in terms of difficulty, the difficulty of teleporting mammals a few floors and teleporting us to Miami is the same."

Reed smiled and nodded: "Yes, come on Goofy, as long as I successfully teleport you and Tony to Miami this time, I can send those Atlan aliens in your office back to the moon tomorrow."

"That's right." Goofy almost forgot that there were still four Inhumans living in his office who were devoted to studying the history of the earth. These guys were reading books every day in addition to eating and drinking, and they were almost becoming historians.

Although Black Bolt can't speak, he especially likes to exchange reading experience. From time to time, he will come over with a historical masterpiece to exchange experience with Gao Fei.

Goofy was really unbearable in the end, so he asked him to communicate with Tom Cooper, who is also an alien. Now that more than half a month has passed, Black Bolt must have a preliminary plan for Atlan's reform.

"It's time to send them away..."

At the thought of being able to send these aliens away from the earth, Gao Fei was also relieved. Having a group of aliens in the office always made people feel at ease.

Looking back at the teleportation machine, Goofy made up his mind and beckoned to his "talisman" Carrie, "Come on, Carrie, let's try your Uncle Reed's new toy."

Carrie obediently followed Goofy into one "sleep chamber", while Tony Stark entered another alone.

Reed walked over to the console, entered the coordinates of the location of Lord Manchu provided by Skye, with a confident smile on his face, and words in his mouth.

"Go, Goofy, Tony, and bring back the wicked Lord Manchu!"

After saying this, he even added a sound effect.


Blue light flickers on the teleport machine, and Goofy, Carrie, and Tony Stark disappear into the blue light at the same time.

Looks like Reed and Tony's invention worked!


at the same time.

South Florida, Miami.

A blue light streaks across the night sky, and Goofy, Carrie, and Tony Stark emerge from a rift in space and fall down the street.


A few passersby turned around in surprise and saw three people suddenly appearing on the street.



A few people looked confused, but they didn't think about it carefully. After all, the world today is different from the past. Aliens and mutants are emerging one after another. Not only the people of New York are well-informed, but even the people of Miami are not surprised. .

Goofy got up from the ground and looked around.

The coast in the distance, the tall palms and coconuts, the clean streets—it really does look like Miami.

Although it was late at night, the temperature was still high, the humid air was sticking to the body, and there was a feeling of being in a sauna.

"Really teleported?" Gao Fei was overjoyed, "The teleportation machine succeeded."

"Of course." Tony Stark looked proud. "My designs never go wrong."

"Ahem, it's your and Reed's design." Goofy corrected, then pointed to a heavily guarded villa not far away, "It looks like this is the mansion of Lord Manchu."

"It's here?" Tony said, "Then let's go in and get the Manchurian out now?"

Gao Fei didn't answer in a hurry, he bowed his head and said to Carrie: "Carrie, the next scene may be **** and not suitable for your age. You should go home and do your homework first."

Carrie said that she had finally come, so would it be appropriate not to let me do some weirdness too?

"I also want to go in and see, Dad, and help you eliminate a few bad guys by the way."

The little girl hasn't moved her body for a long time, and she always feels that her fists are itchy.

"Don't worry, there will be opportunities in the future."

Gao Fei rubbed the little girl's head,

"The most important thing for you right now is to finish your studies."

"Okay, okay..." Carrie nodded obediently and used teleportation to return to Canassi's house.

Miami was left with Goofy and Tony Stark.

With Goofy and Tony Stark working together, it was not difficult to arrest the Manchurian. Goofy knew that the "Manchurian" in the villa was just a fake and was vulnerable.

Gao Fei walked ahead with his immortality skills. He was an excellent meat shield. When he reached the gate of the villa, he looked around and found two burly bodyguards lying outside the gate.

"Are these two bodyguards asleep?" Gao Fei looked curious, "Mr. Manchu's bodyguards are too irresponsible, aren't they?"

Going over and looking down, Gao Fei was stunned.

I saw that the two bodyguards at the door had died, but Gao Fei could not find any obvious fatal wounds on their bodies-obviously, a friend with a skillful approach came here first and killed the two bodyguards.

"Oops, we might have been preempted." Goofy turned to Stark.

Stark came over to take a look, and said mockingly, "It seems that this man has a lot of enemies..."

"I hope this guy is not taken away, I don't want to give the prey I got to others." Gao Fei shook his head, got up and walked towards the villa.

The gate of the villa and the security system have been destroyed, which is not surprising to Gao Fei. Since the friend who grabbed the front of them killed the two bodyguards, he must go into the villa for a stroll.

After entering the villa, the first floor is a laboratory-like space with a computer in the center and some documents on the computer desk.

The computer has been deciphered, and the screen has not had time to automatically lock - it seems that the friend who broke into the villa in advance has just finished checking the information here.

Tony Stark looked through the documents and found that the contents of the documents were some archives.

These files record the personal data of some disabled people and their agreement to join the "Ultimate Bio" program.

"Ultimate creature? Why do I think this name is so familiar?" Tony Stark squinted and thought for a while, and finally recalled what happened in Switzerland more than ten years ago.

"It turned out to be like this... No wonder these people turned into living bombs!" Tony Stark suddenly realized, "It is the ultimate creature, a program that recodes the brain center, and these disabled people can repair their broken limbs after recoding the brain center, become normal people, but at the cost of telomerase instability, turning them into living bombs..."

At this time, his eyes stayed on the sign in the upper right corner of these documents, which displayed the three words AIM.

"AIM? AdvancedIdeaMechanics? Pioneer Technology? Could it be that Pioneer Technology came up with all this? But what are they related to Manchu?" Tony Stark looked puzzled.

"I think the answer may be here." Goofy moved the mouse on the table and played a video recording on the computer.

Killian's face appeared in it, along with the disabled people who had signed the cooperation agreement in the document.

"Just inject these ultimate then your disability will be healed, your broken limbs and physical defects will be repaired, and you will be new, perfect people..."

Immediately afterwards, the video of Killian hiring a bearded actor to play "Manchu" was also turned over by Goofy, and Killian clearly stated his plan in the video.

"I need you to play the head of an extremist organization. This head is called Mr. Manchu. I want you to hide in your villa in Miami and shoot some videos to terrorize the whole of America..."

"It turned out to be him!" Tony Stark suddenly realized, "This guy is the mastermind behind the scenes! There is no such thing as a Manchurian, and it is AIM and Killian who are behind the series of bombings!"

Gao Fei already knew about this plot, nodded and pointed upstairs: "Now it's time to go upstairs and see."

"I think so." Tony Stark followed Goofy and went upstairs.

But halfway through, the two suddenly froze.

I saw a **** corpse on the stairs. This corpse is the man who appeared on TV before!

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