American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 334: dating hill

When it comes to black technology equipment, the quality of S.H.I.E.L.D. products is naturally second to none, especially the life-saving artifacts. S.H.I.E.L.D. has grabbed a lot of them.

Thinking of the friendship between Goofy and S.H.I.E.L.D., it was no problem to buy an explosion-proof vest from them, so he immediately called Maria Hill and contacted the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Director Hill was busy with other affairs, so Gao Fei called her three times before answering.

"Officer Goofy, what's the matter?" Hill's voice was hoarse on the phone, and it could be heard that she was not having a good time these days.

"I want to buy an explosion-proof vest from you, where are you now? Is it convenient to meet?" Gao Fei asked straight to the point.

"What?" Hill's mouth twitched and his expression froze on the other end of the phone - Goofy, are you sure you're not joking?

We S.H.I.E.L.D. are an organization specializing in dealing with alien threats, and we are not an arms supplier. Are you looking for us to buy explosion-proof vests?

"Gao Fei, you should know that I'm busy during this time, right? I don't have time to joke with you, and I'm not responsible for supplying explosion-proof vests..." Hill was so angry that he didn't even call the police officer.

"I'm not joking with you, I really need an explosion-proof vest, and we just meet to chat, maybe I can help you in your current job." Gao Fei said with a smile.

Maria Hill took a deep breath and pinched her forehead.

She thought about it carefully, and Gao Fei was right.

Gao Fei helped solve Coulson's matter at the beginning. He pointed out that the interior of S.H.I.E.L.D. was infiltrated by Hydra. There is no doubt that Goo Fei, as a bystander, was able to propose construction to S.H.I.E.L.D. sexual opinion.

"You don't care where I am, I will go to New York to find you in the afternoon." Hill was tight-lipped about his location, "How about I go to your house to find you?"

"Okay." Goofy said, "By the way, I'm moving now. The new home is in Canarsie, not behind Macy's..."

"I know, I can't go wrong, don't worry." Hill knew Gao Fei's situation well, "Which explosion-proof vest do you want? I have five options here."

"It's the lightest, and the explosion-proof effect is better. By the way, the user is a fat man who is 1.8 meters tall. Bring an oversized one." Gao Fei instructed.

"Got it," Hill agreed, and hung up the phone.



Gao Fei greeted his colleagues in advance and went back home to wait for Hill to come.

Just after two o'clock, there was a knock on the door.

Gao Fei walked over to open the door. Hill appeared at the door wearing a black trench coat, sunglasses, and a suitcase. Although she had lost a lot of weight before, she was obviously thinner now.

Obviously, the Hydra thing gave her a headache, and she must have been tortured for the past two months.

"Hello, Officer Goofy."

Hill took off his sunglasses, tidied up his trench coat and said with a smile.

Goofy invited Hill into the room sideways, and laughed and joked: "What? Is the black trench coat with sunglasses the standard for your S.H.I.E.L.D. director? Nick Fury also liked to wear this set before, and now you do it too. All in one suit."

"It's a little more low-key," Hill explained.

Gao Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Please! Go to the street to see? Which normal person would wear black and sunglasses to go out in broad daylight? Especially if she's a girl... You're going to be very high-profile, okay? I really don't understand what you guys do. Agent's thoughts..."

"Cough cough." Hill realized that Gao Fei was right, and changed the subject with an embarrassed expression, "Your home...isn't it being monitored?"

After she finished speaking, she took out a small instrument from her pocket, opened it, and walked around upstairs and downstairs.

The little instrument kept making a "humming" sound, as if it was doing a test.

"OK, everything is safe..."

After turning around, Hill said with satisfaction, and then complimented: "Your new home is very beautiful, Officer Goofy, that hacker girl from East Los Angeles lives in your home now?"

"Yes." Goofy nodded, "She is now a police officer of the Super Patrol."

"You picked up a treasure, and the combat effectiveness of the super patrol team has improved a lot." Hill laughed.

As she said that, she pushed the suitcase over and showed the explosion-proof vest inside.

"EPV-071, currently the most advanced explosion-proof vest of S.H.I.E.L.D., is of course the most advanced explosion-proof vest in the world." Hill said proudly.

"Very good." Gao Fei believed in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s quality control, so he didn't take it out for inspection. "How much? I'll write you a check."

"Just thank you for saving Coulson's life," Hill said, "or pay you the consultation fee for catching the Hydra."

"No." Gao Fei shook his head solemnly, "One yard is one yard, it's better to give money."

"Okay..." Hill couldn't resist Gao Fei, "The production cost is about $6,000, so I'll charge you the cost."

"Justice." Gao Fei smiled and wrote a check for $6,000 and handed it to Hill.

Hill put the check in his inner pocket and looked at Goofy awkwardly.

For two minutes, no one spoke, and the atmosphere was a little weird, even a little stiff.

After realizing this, Gao Fei quickly got up and said: "What to drink? I have milk, coffee and juice... Drink some milk? I feel that your current state is in urgent need of some nutrition. You are too weak, and it seems that you need it at any time. faint."

"I'm not that vulnerable," Hill said stubbornly, "I'm also an agent anyway."

"How's the situation on the S.H.I.E.L.D. side? Any news from Whitehall?" Goofy asked again.

"No, he disappeared completely after the incident in Puerto Rico..." Hill said, "SHIELD's investigation of Hydra was only carried out in secret. Zhongdu is a trustworthy agent, and let them come to secretly investigate the Hydra infiltration of S.H.I.E.L.D.…”

"Oh? Let me guess, the team leader is Coulson?" Goofy asked with a smile.

He was just joking, he didn't expect that in one sentence.

"How do you know?" Hill said in surprise.

"Is it really Coulson?" Goofy himself was surprised, "I just guessed it casually."

"It's really Coulson..." Hill didn't intend to hide Goofy, and said bluntly, "In addition to Coulson, there is an outstanding female field agent, two scientific elites who have just graduated from SHIELD Academy. ...the lineup is a little thin, but it's trustworthy enough."

"Just be trustworthy." Gao Fei nodded in approval, then pushed a glass of hot milk in front of Hill, "Drink some milk."

"Thank you." Hill nodded, and obediently picked up the cup and sipped it.

She had forgotten when she had her last meal, and only after a sip of milk did she realize that she was a little hungry.

The stomach growled unsatisfactorily, which of course did not escape the ears of Gao Fei, who had extraordinary hearing.

"There's still pizza in the fridge, can I help you warm it up?" Gao Fei asked with a smile, he suddenly realized that the agent also needs to eat.

"If possible...Thank you." Hill nodded shyly knowing that the cry in his stomach had betrayed her.

Goofy put the pizza in the oven, briefly heated it up, and took it out.

Hill, who was wearing a straight black trench coat, took a small bite of the pizza and ate it. This picture could not be violated any more.

"According to our investigation... Hydra's infiltration into S.H.I.E.L.D. can be described as pervasive, and the background of several senior agents I know is not even clean, which is really shocking..." Hill ate while eating. Spitting bitter water, she needs to communicate with people about the current situation of SHIELD.

"Don't underestimate the power of Hydra, we have previously concluded that the penetration of Hydra into S.H.I.E.L.D. may have started from the very beginning of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Shield ... the International Security Council, NASA, the U.S. Department of State ... any department could have Hydra."

"Don't scare me..." Hill put down the pizza and took a deep breath.

"I didn't scare you, this is the most reasonable inference. The number of war criminals smuggled in Operation Paperclip is huge, and they have long become the backbone of today's American society." Gao Fei said.

Hill frowned depressedly and sighed: "It seems that the investigation of Hydra will be a protracted battle..."

Having said this, Hill suddenly looked up at Gao Fei: "Gao Fei, did you know that S.H.I.E.L.D. was infiltrated by Hydra a long time ago?"

"Huh?" Gao Fei smiled, "Why do you ask that?"

"Intuition." Hill said, "Intuition tells me this is the case..."

Hill then trusted his instincts more and more.

"Wait... You must have known about this a long time ago, so you put Fury in jail, you are not punishing him for making a mistake and letting Loki You are protecting him, Right? You know that Hydra has penetrated S.H.I.E.L.D., and Fury is an ace you keep in your hand, so even if Hydra controls S.H.I.E.L.D., there is still hope for S.H.I.E.L.D., right? ?"

Goofy looked at Hill with a smile on his face, and saw what you were thinking about.

"You have an interesting idea, Hill." Goofy patted her on the shoulder and got up to clean up the oven and kitchen.

Hill was certain of his own thoughts and whispered: "It must be like this..."

A few minutes later, Goofy, who had cleaned out the oven, turned back to see Hill dozing off on the dining table—she was so tired that she had slept less than three hours a day on average for the past two months.

Gao Fei picked up Hill gently, put her on the sofa in the living room, covered her with a windbreaker, and sat on the side leisurely trying on the explosion-proof clothes that he was going to give to Happy.

The ups and downs in the living room are the sound of Hill's even breathing, and there are some undissipated pizza smells. The sun shines in from the window. At this moment, it seems that this is just an ordinary family with no competition in the world. There is neither S.H.I.E.L.D. There is no Hydra, and the bad guys people worry about most are just petty thieves...

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