American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 312: Skye joins

"I want to go to New York!"

This is Skye's most intuitive idea now. She has a straightforward temperament and says what she thinks, and now she is all about going to New York!

Go to New York to become a registered, socially recognized psychic and start a new life in New York.

More importantly, going to New York can still continue to ask Gao Fei for advice. This week Gao Fei has taught her too much, and she has regarded Gao Fei as a life mentor.

There was also the lovely Carrie, the little best friend she had just met, and the two chatted speculatively, like sisters.

As for Skye's request, Gao Fei was actually not surprised. Now Skye is actually the rest of her life, and she is still very timid and afraid in her heart.

So Goofy knew that only by following him would Skye feel safe.

Seeing that Goofy didn't speak for a long time, Skye was a little nervous.

"Officer Goofy, is this asking too much? Is it that you don't want me to go to New York? If you don't want it, forget it..."

Carrie next to her hurriedly pleaded for her best friend.

"Dad, Dad, you have pity on Sister Skye!"

Goofy almost didn't laugh, what is "poor poor sister Skye"?

Skye wasn't begging for a show, she was just making a suggestion for her future.

"It's nothing too much. Of course I welcome you to New York. In fact, if you choose to come to New York, you can also stay at my house." Goofy said.

He had just moved to a new house, and the space at home was too large. Frank didn't go home at ordinary times. Only he and Carrie lived in a villa of more than 400 square meters, which seemed a bit empty.

Whoever speaks aloud will have an echo in the house, which sounds weird. One more person will indeed add a lot of popularity.

What's more, with the expansion of Ravencraft Asylum, Gao Fei's income has also increased. With his current financial resources, of course, he is not able to learn Stark to buy an island, but it is still light to support an extra mouth to eat. Easy and loose.

Carrie was very happy when she heard it.

"Great sister Skye! We can live together!"

The little girl especially hopes to have a playmate and girlfriend, so that the two can get together and whisper.

Although Gao Fei's father is also very considerate, some things are inconvenient to communicate.

For example, the gossip of classmates, the gossip of school teachers...

Or a little boy quietly courtes her or something...

If these words are told to Gao Fei's father, Gao Fei will not go to school the next day to find trouble with other boys?

Hearing Gao Fei's invitation, Skye also showed a happy smile.

"Thank you, Officer Goofy, I won't cause you trouble in vain, I will do my best to repay you..." Skye said sincerely, "By the way, isn't your super patrol team lacking super police? I I think my conditions are very suitable. I have rich IT experience and can act as a network policeman. After I master the shock wave in the future, I can also go to the field..."

"Also, I heard that you also invested in a super prison. If you think my qualifications are not enough to join the super patrol team, I can also go to the prison to work for you. For the first three months, I can pay no salary, just be In return for your help!"

Skye volunteered.

Gao Fei smiled and shook his head: "I'm not so blackhearted, I won't exploit you like this, I can recommend you to go to the Super Patrol, after all, you also need to find a job in New York, but you should get as much salary as you want, you You can pay me the rent so I don't have to feel bad about it."

"Then it's settled." Skye nodded with a smile.

After Gao Fei said this, she suddenly began to look forward to a new life in New York.

A month ago, she was just an internet hacker who lived in her own minivan, swindled everywhere, and ate a meal without a meal. A month later, she not only awakened an extremely powerful supernatural power, but also met the people of New York. The hero is flying high, and is even going to New York to be a super-powerful policeman who maintains the peace...

This kind of life, the ups and downs is really exciting!


at dusk.

Goofy had just finished talking with Tony Stark and booked a plane, and was lying lazily in the room watching TV when suddenly, a strange voice was caught in his ears.

It was a sound of an air current collapsing and then releasing, a bit similar to the sound Carrie made when she completed teleportation, except that the sound was not made by Carrie, the source of the sound was on the beach several hundred meters away.

Immediately afterwards, there were the footsteps of three people on the beach. The amazing hearing made Gao Fei keenly aware that it was the footsteps of three adult men or women of equal weight.

The three were apparently uninvited guests, and they immediately caught Goofy's attention.

Goofy quickly bounced off the sofa and turned off all the light-emitting objects in the room with his backhand. His room is a 360° floor-to-ceiling glass room. Once the lights are turned on at night, it is undoubtedly the most striking landscape on the island.

After turning off all the light sources in the room, Goofy felt that his hearing became more and more acute. He deliberately ignored the whispers of Carrie and Skye next door, and concentrated on listening to the three uninvited guests on the beach.

Three people are discussing plans.

"Gordon, are you sure my daughter is on this island?" - This was the deep voice of a middle-aged man.

"Don't worry, Carl, the news can't be wrong." - This was also the voice of a middle-aged man, but he was younger than the previous one.

"Damn, everything was going according to my plan, but who knew Tony Stark would be there! Whitehall also ran away, and my daughter was gone... Sooner or later I'll make Tony Stark pay! "The older middle-aged man roared in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Gao Fei roughly guessed the identities of the two people who spoke.

The older middle-aged man should be Skye's biological father, Calvin Zabo. Nicknamed "Carl" and nicknamed "Mr. Hyde", he was a surgeon who assisted China during World War II. At that time, he fell in love with Skye's mother, Jiaying, the leader of the alien organization "The Other Side", in the Yungui area.

In fact, long before the Kree Temple was opened, some Inhumans on Earth had mutated through a small amount of Terrigen exposed. Tom Cooper of the Super Patrol was one of them, as was Skye's mother Jiaying one of them.

These aliens escaped to the Yungui area of ​​China under the organization of Jiaying, and lived in a village like a paradise. Unfortunately, this organization was discovered by S.H.I.E.L.D. (Hydra) more than 20 years ago. All were caught.

Jiaying was arrested by Whitehall for a slicing experiment, and the whole body was dissected. Mr. Hyde, Carl, fled to New York with their infant daughter Skye. Later, the father and daughter were unfortunately separated...

Whitehall dissects Skye's mother and acquires her powers, which allows her to stay young forever.

Although Skye's mother Jiaying was, her powerful ability can protect her from death.

Afterwards, Mr. Hyde found the broken Jiaying and put her together little by little. Only then did Jiaying recover gradually.

In order to avenge Whitehall and Hydra, the new "Other Shore" organization changed its face and pretended to cooperate with Hydra. The reason why Hydra was able to keenly discover the relationship between the alien text and the Kree Temple, and kidnapped Skye Come over to open the temple, all under the guidance of "the other side".

Mr. Hyde originally planned to tell the mutated Skye the truth after releasing all Terrigen on the day when the Kree Temple was opened, so that Skye who had acquired the ability personally killed her mother-killer Whitehall, but Unexpectedly, the plan could not keep up with the changes, and the sudden appearance of the Illuminati Big Three disrupted everything.

Terrigan not only failed to leak, but Whitehall also saved a dog's life.

What's worse is that Mr. Hyde's daughter Skye was also rescued by Goofy, completely out of his control.

Now Mr. Hyde has been investigating for a whole week and finally found Skye's whereabouts. He brought two foreign companions here to find his daughter.

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