"Nick Fury? This guy got out of Ravencraft prison?"

Hearing Chief Hill's answer, Steve asked in shock.

Goofy shook his head firmly: "Impossible, Nick Fury is still in prison."

After that, he specifically called the head of the prison to get the real-time situation of Nick Fury's prison unit.

Soon the picture of Nick Fury was sent over. The former SHIELD director was still sitting in his prison unit honestly. Raven Kraft's security system was quite strict, Nick Fury There's no way to sneak out and grab an ssr-084 without anyone knowing and run back.

"So what's going on here? Did S.H.I.E.L.D. have two Furys? Or did someone steal Nick Fury's identity and exercise his rights?" Steve asked.

"I think the latter is more likely. Someone forged Nick Fury's identity, obtained the authority of a tenth-level agent, and used this authority to take ssr-084." Goofy said.

"So what exactly is ssr-084? Can we see the relevant information about it?" Natasha asked. "Only by knowing what this thing is can we figure out who took it."

Hill nodded, and then retrieved some relevant information-I saw some photos appeared on the screen, and the content of the photos was the ssr-084 in the metal box.

It was a metal trophy-sized obelisk that looked both mysterious and technological. The obelisk was also engraved with some weird runes, which were written by the resurrected SHIELD agents and others. The alien texts are not the same.

Hill then retrieved other information, including a description from the Red Skull, the head of Hydra, on the obelisk.

"It can explain death itself." - said the Red Skull.

This is a sentence that sounds mysterious, but is actually useless.

But the photo of the obelisk evoked Goofy's memory.

Gao Fei, who had watched several episodes of the American drama "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." before crossing the road, although the impression is not particularly clear, but he roughly knows the direction of the whole plot.

The obelisk is a key that the Cree people left on the earth. This key can open the process of human evolution, and this so-called "evolution" involves a special race - the Inhumans.

Thousands of years ago (mcu timeline, comic timeline is millions of years ago), a war broke out between the two major races in the universe - the Cree and the Skrulls, and the Cree came in the process of fighting Arrived in the solar system and established a workstation on Uranus.

At that time, the Cree discovered the civilization on the earth, the Maya civilization, and had a strong interest in the genetic potential of the Mayans, so they carried out genetic experiments on the Mayans to induce the Mayans to evolve in a more powerful direction.

Later, these Mayans really mutated, and mutated various powerful abilities. The fighting ability of these mutated Mayans even surpassed the Cree themselves, and they were Inhumans.

The Kree who tasted the sweetness began to carry out large-scale transformation of human beings, making a considerable number of human beings become Inhumans.

But the mutation of these aliens is not spontaneous, they need the stimulation of a substance called "Terrigan" to mutate, which is the substance stored in the SHIELD ssr-084 object.

And Tom Cooper, the civilian boy in the Super Patrol, is a mutated Inhuman.

Under the reminder of the obelisk, Goofy finally remembered what those alien symbols represented.

Those resurrected S.H.I.E.L.D. agents wrote those weird texts because they were injected with Kree bodily fluids, and those words were actually a map left by the Kree people.

The Kree people built a temple on earth to store Terrigan crystals, which is specially used to promote the mutation of humans with alien genes on the earth, and these words are the maps that mark the temple, ⊙, ○, ┻. Densely-like symbols are actually three-dimensional patterns.

The resurrected agents fused the body fluids of the Kree people, and they knew about this very important plan. They were like migratory birds flying from south to north. The consciousness in their bones made them want to find this temple of the Kree people...

After thinking about all this, Gao Fei roughly also understood the purpose of Hydra.

Hydra should also be looking for this temple, and hope to open the temple, release Terrigan, and create a group of aliens.

After all, the combat power of the aliens is too powerful. They are undoubtedly the most powerful and advanced weapons in the world. Once they master the aliens, they are equivalent to ruling the world.

Thinking of this, Gao Fei pinched his forehead.

"Headache, this is a tough question..."

He didn't tell S.H.I.E.L.D. about this, and he needs to discuss it now - whether to release Terrigan to produce a large number of Inhumans, or destroy Terrigan to prevent the outbreak of the Inhumans - this is a serious question.

After a brief discussion, Goofy and Steve temporarily left the S.H.I.E.L.D. base.

Next, S.H.I.E.L.D. will continue to investigate based on the clues of ssr-084. This clue is enough for them to have a headache.

And Gao Fei took out his mobile phone and sent a group text message after leaving the S.H.I.E.L.D. base.

There were two recipients - Reed Richards and Tony Stark.

The content of the text message is simple and straightforward: "Meeting!"


late at night.

Upper East Side of Manhattan.

The exact location is unknown.

Gao Fei walked lightly and quickly turned into an elevator. After swiping his face in front of the camera in the elevator, a hidden floor "i" was displayed at the top of the floor key.

At the same time, Jarvis' voice sounded.

"Welcome, Officer Goofy, you're late."

"I know, Jarvis, you don't need to remind me." Gao Fei said helplessly, "I have to put my daughter to sleep before the meeting. What can I do?"

"Say hello to Carrie for me," Jarvis said politely.

"I will, thank you." Goofy nodded.

At this time, the elevator arrived and the door opened with a "ding" sound.

Jarvis gave instructions: "Please go straight and turn left, the first door is."

Goofy walked out of the elevator, and the lights on both sides gradually turned on as Goofy went.

Gao Fei went straight and turned left to a door, and opened the door before he could even start.

At this time, Tony Stark's voice sounded from the door.

"You're late, Goofy, that's rude."

"Sorry, my fault." Gao Fei had the courage to admit his mistake.

Shen Gongde laughed and teased: "Who said you must never have a meeting? I didn't expect you to hold the first meeting of the Illuminati~www.wuxiamtl.com~ What can I do?" Gao Fei Shrugged, "I can't ignore the trouble if you come to the door."

Reed raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's the trouble? Is it related to those weird alien words?"

"Yes, it does," Goofy said. "I've deciphered those alien texts, and they're actually a map of a temple left by the Kree, and it's all related to an ancient experiment, the Kree. Once the Earthlings were transformed..."

Reed was aroused by Gao Fei, leaned forward and listened carefully.

Tony Stark simply poured himself a glass of red wine and commented with a smile: "This story is interesting."

"Interesting shit," Goofy said with a headache, "it won't be funny when you know how tricky this thing is. Now it's like this, this temple is about to be discovered, and once the temple is Be turned on, there will be thousands of people on earth who may mutate into superpowers..."


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