American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 292: new superman

After Loki and Nick Fury were arrested successively, the first half of 2010 passed peacefully, with neither the mutation of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube nor the invasion of the Chitauris.

In addition, the appearance of Goofy successively prevented Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk and Thor from joining the Avengers planned by Nick Fury, and even Nick Fury himself was caught by Goofy and put into a lunatic asylum, so he took revenge The League of Legends plan was in vain, and this team of superheroes did not appear in this world...

In the following period of time, Gao Fei's daily work was dull and monotonous - either supervising super criminals to carry out labor reform, or interrogating and interrogating superpowers illegally in New York.

New York has been quiet for a long time since the last time the Asgardians came to New York en masse, and it was only last week that a new superhuman appeared in the Hell's Kitchen area.

This guy sneaked into New York quietly, and as soon as he crossed the border, he attracted the attention of the "compound eye". Goofy and the Super Patrol gave him 72 hours. After he entered New York, he has been wandering in the Hell's Kitchen area.

The NYPD can easily investigate his profile, and his name is Karl Creel.

He is also known by the nickname "The Rock Crusher" and is a boxer in Hell's Kitchen.

This guy has a lot of history, but most of them are small and innocuous cases, the only serious charge is that he has been shown to have a close relationship with another boxer who was active in Hell's Kitchen: Jack Murdoch's death .

But in fact he was just the opponent of Jack Murdoch's last boxing match before he died, and the police later found out that Creel was not the murderer of Jack Murdoch, so it seems that Creel is not a danger Molecule, just a typical Hell's Kitchen citizen who isn't too honest.

It's a pity that this guy is not obedient enough. He didn't come to the police for registration within 72 hours. What's worse is that he robbed a jewelry store on the third day of his return to Hell's Kitchen and stole a lot of gems in the store.

The funny thing is, the way this guy grabs gems is very interesting - he only grabs one of each type of gems and never takes more, but he grabs one of all kinds of gems in the store, and he doesn't drop any of them...

At this point, the suspect Karl Creel was officially targeted by the Super Patrol because of two counts of robbery and violating the Superpower Registration Act.



Manhattan Super Patrol Office.

Goofy stared at Carl Creel's profile on the computer screen, only to think that he was very familiar, but he couldn't remember who this guy was.

"It sounds familiar, but I forgot that there is such a villain in Marvel... Why does he go to the jewelry store to grab gems? And he only takes one type of gem... Is he a collector?"

"As for his case..."

"In connection with the death of Jack Murdoch..."

Goofy only knows that Jack Murdoch is Matt Murdoch's father, but there doesn't seem to be a character named Karl Creel in Daredevil, right?


Gao Fei rubbed his forehead and decided to catch him first.

"Steve, are you ready for action?"

"Stand by." Steve Rogers came in through the door with a shield and a doughnut in his hand.

Johnny at the workstation asked, "Do you need my help?"

Gao Fei shook his head: "No need for now, you stay here with Tom."

Johnny nodded gloomily, and Tom, who had been sitting in the office all the year round, had a coquettish expression on his face.

Goofy and Steve leave their Manhattan office and head straight for Hell's Kitchen, which has always been one of New York City's most chaotic places, with many filthy criminals.

Fortunately, with the help of Reed's "compound eyes", it was not difficult for the Super Patrol to find Krill.

Gao Fei can't even complain. Do you think all the police in New York are fools? Or the belief that "the most dangerous place is the safest place"?

Creel's apartment was dingy and dilapidated, and the hallway was littered with advertisements.

Goofy and Steve parked the car two blocks away and walked closer to Creel's house, while Reed kept monitoring of Creel's whereabouts to make sure Goofy didn't startle.

It turns out that Krill has a big heart, until Goofy and Steve come to his door and still haven't found the danger, the guy is sitting on the sofa inventorying the gems he has stolen, humming an outdated ditty.

Goofy and Steve looked at each other and slammed open the door without saying a word.


Claire on the sofa was dumbfounded on the spot, stood up and asked angrily, "Who are you?!"

"NYPD! Psychic Patrol!" Steve answered his question head-on, "Karl Creel, you were arrested for allegedly violating the Psychic Registration Act and committing robbery, with your head in your hands on the ground!"

Krill snorted coldly: "It turned out to be you! Isn't this the famous Officer Goofy and Officer Steve?"

Steve was stunned for a moment - this guy didn't even recognize us when he saw us? Looks like a bit of a skill!

Krill made the first move and turned around to touch the pistol on the coffee table.

Of course, in terms of speed, it is not inferior to Creel. He pulled out the gun around his waist and started shooting.

Bang bang bang!

Glock fired three bullets in a row, hitting Krill's torso.

Krill smiled coldly, and clenched his right hand lightly—in the palm of his right hand, there was a dazzling diamond.

In the next second, something miraculous happened, and I saw a strange change in Krill's body. Starting from his palm, his flesh and blood suddenly turned into diamonds!

He became a diamond man!

It was only then that Gao Fei realized that he finally remembered Karl Creel!

Absorb people!

It can absorb all the materials he touches and transform his body into the materials he touches. This is why he robs the jewelry store. He needs gems as samples to change his state!

If you touch a diamond, you will become a diamond man, if you touch an emerald, you will become an emerald man, if you touch cement, you will become a cement man, and if you touch rubber, you will become a rubber man!

At this moment, Steve threw the vibration gold shield in his hand towards Krill.

Gao Fei was dumbfounded.


It's a pity that it's too late to say anything, and the Zhenjin Shield has already hit the absorber.

Absorbing people is quite cunning - first absorb the material of the sofa and turn it into a fluffy sponge man, so that the vibration gold shield cannot bounce back, remove Steve's strength and successfully get the vibration gold shield, and then directly absorb the vibration gold, becoming a whole body Vibrant people composed of vibranium!


"Absorber" Karl Creel proudly tapped his body made of sneered: "This material is good, it makes me feel full of power! I like this material !"

Steve Rogers realized it later and was shocked: "He can absorb everything he touches?!"

"Indeed." Gao Fei nodded, "So now we are facing a monster made entirely of Zhenjin..."

"God..." Steve was depressed, "This ability is too difficult to deal with! Goofy, you should know the power of Zhenjin."

Of course, Gao Fei knew the power of vibranium, and a body made of vibranium - this is simply a body at the level of vision and Ultron.

"It's really tricky." Goofy nodded in approval.

"We have to find a way to change his material. We have little chance of winning against a person who is covered in vibranium." Steve frowned.

"That's not necessarily true." Gao Fei was quite optimistic, shook his fist and said, "We have a 30% chance of killing him."

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