American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 284: neighbors moved

The sun was shining brightly on the weekend morning, and it was warm everywhere in the apartment.

Gao Fei just took a break today, and Carrie didn't have to go to class. The father and daughter could logically sleep in and wake up naturally.

It's a pity that the day didn't go as planned. After eight o'clock in the morning, Gao Fei was woken up by a chaotic noise.

Carrie was not spared either, with a messy head of hair, dragging her stuffed toy polar bear, and walked out of the room with a sad face.

"Where did the sound come from? It's so noisy..." The little girl said depressedly.

Gao Fei pointed to the corridor outside the door: "It's a neighbor."

Out of curiosity, Gao Fei opened the door and went to the corridor to take a look, only to see the Black family living next door carrying their luggage.

"Huh? Mr. Blake, are you... moving?" Gao Fei was a little surprised. Blake was his old neighbor. He had lived next door since he was in middle school. Now that he suddenly moved out, Gao Fei was a little uncomfortable. Abandon.

"Oh, Officer Goofy, yeah, we're moving to Queens, which is closer to my business," Mr. Black said with a smile.

Seeing Goofy and Carrie just waking up in their pajamas, Black immediately felt guilty.

"Isn't the noise making you rest? I'm so sorry... I originally asked the moving company to come back at ten o'clock, but they arrived at eight o'clock, which is really a headache..."

"It's okay, Mr. Black, it's time for us to get up." Gao Feiqiang resisted the urge to yawn and said with a smile, "By the way, do you need my help? I don't have to go to work today, so I can help you move."

After all, Gao Fei is a superhuman, and he is best at manual labor.

"Oh, no, we don't have much luggage, thank you," Mr. Black said with a smile. "Goodbye, Officer Goofy."

"Goodbye, Mr. Black." Goofy waved at him, still very reluctant.

Speaking of which, this is not the first neighbor to move out of the apartment. Gao Fei's old neighbors left one after another, and Gao Fei also understood what was going on. After all, it was too dangerous to live next to him.

Neighbors have moved out of the apartment building every month since Goofy became a New York hero.

After closing the door, Carrie whispered, "Dad Goofy, I know why Mr. Black moved out..."

Goofy rubbed Carrie's messy hair and asked with a smile, "Are you using mind reading again?"

Carrie nodded. "Yes, I wonder why the neighbors keep moving out..."

"Father Goofy, there are always some strange bad people coming to our house, and when these people come, they will make a lot of noise. The neighbors can't stand the noise, and they are worried that these strange bad people will hurt them. They chose to move away..."

"But everyone likes you very much, and he was worried about hurting your feelings, so he made an agreement not to move out together, but to move out quietly every now and then, trying not to let you notice the abnormality and not let you feel abandoned by everyone..."

"After all, you got into those bad people to protect the city and its citizens. You took the risk because of everyone. The neighbors didn't want to see you pay such a high price for them, but ended up feeling abandoned... "

"So they only move one household every month, and they leave quietly. Mr. Black's family has been lined up for this month, so it's only today."

"They wanted to leave quietly when we didn't get up, so they made an appointment with the moving company until eight in the morning, but I didn't expect our hearing to be sharper than ordinary people, and we were still woken up..."

"Mr. Black was very guilty just now, he was worried that we were both sad..."

Having said this, Carrie shook her head and said, "But I'm not sad. The neighbors take care of our emotions so much. How can I be sad? Dad, are you sad?"

Gao Fei smiled and shook his head: "I'm not sad either. The neighbors moving out is the best solution. It's too late for me to be happy. How can I be sad?"

Speaking of which, Gao Fei's neighbors have been living in fear since the black gang came to take revenge. Gao Fei has enough self-protection ability, but the neighbors do not.

After that, there were SHIELD arrests, the Green Goblin's revenge, and the ebony throat came to the door...

One thing after another, Goofy's apartment was never peaceful.

Neighbors are long overdue to move, living next door to Goofy is horrible.

But in order to take care of Gao Fei's emotions, it took nearly two years for everyone to move out about half of them - this feeling alone is enough to move Gao Fei.

During this time, not only Gao Fei was protecting the city and taking care of the citizens in the city, but the city was also protecting Gao Fei, and the citizens in the city were also taking care of Gao Fei.

It's just that everyone uses it differently.

Thinking of this, Gao Fei felt that he should do more good deeds for the citizens.

In addition, it is not an option to live in the downtown area all the time. The population here is too dense. There are about 50 households in the entire apartment building. Everyone can’t just move out to accommodate Gao Fei, right?

Besides, even if these residents can move out, the restaurants, supermarkets, and convenience stores across from Gao Fei can't move out.

"I think it's time for us to buy a house." Gao Fei thought about it and said seriously, "Move to a place with fewer people in the suburbs, so as not to affect the neighbors."

"Really?" Carrie got excited.

The little girl is very shrewd and has started to pay attention to the real estate market in New York. After all, the Raven Craft Asylum invested by Goofy will get a very substantial payment from the government next quarter. By then, Goofy's worth will be will skyrocket.

Carrie thought about it for a while, and felt that Goofy would buy a house after becoming So she has already started to search for information on the Internet quietly.

The houses in the suburbs are all large-sized villas, and the experience of living in is much more comfortable than Gao Fei's current small apartment.

"Father Gao Fei, there are many good houses in Kanasi, all of them are single-family villas, and the price is quite good!" The little girl enthusiastically recommended.

Gao Fei was stunned on the spot, when did you start paying attention to the house, girl?

Are you too forward looking?

Ignoring Gao Fei's shocked expression, Carrie thought to herself: "I want a house with a big yard, preferably a lawn and swimming pool... A garage is also essential, when I get my driver's license in the future Just give me a sports car..."

Gao Fei coughed helplessly: "Cough, girl, wake up, wake up, your father hasn't made a fortune yet..."

"Sooner or later! I'll make mental preparations and plan for the future first, so as not to become a rich second generation overnight, I'm afraid that I will lose the direction of my life for a while!" The little girl said plausibly.

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