Loki's matter was quickly notified to the relevant departments, but the process of processing was very slow.

In view of Loki's alien identity, the relevant departments must re-create a trial lineup for him, and Loki not only slaughtered NASA related personnel, but also murdered 27 employees of S.H.I.E.L.D., this case In the end, it is very likely that the International Security Council will accept it and negotiate with the American side to make a judgment.

Gao Fei didn't care about this matter. How to decide that the criminals were not under the control of the super patrol team, his mind was all on Carrie and her powers, and the little girl's teleportation ability became increasingly stable.

When Carrie got up in the morning and tried it again, she could teleport from the apartment to Ravencraft Prison and back with precision—over 20 miles in length, and Carrie was able to complete the transfer in the blink of an eye. .

The little girl went back quickly, and took back a change of prison uniform from Ravencraft Prison as evidence.

"Dad, look, I succeeded!"

Goofy squinted his eyes and nodded, "So as long as you've been anywhere, you can now teleport there?"

"It's like this, it should be..." Carrie said, "but I'm not sure if there is a distance limit for my teleportation... After all, I've never been out of New York..."

"That's right, Ravencraft Asylum is the furthest place you've ever been..." Goofy nodded, "That's it, let's find a chance to go out after the Christmas break, and I'll take you there too. See the world."

"Really?" When Carrie heard that she was going to travel, her whole body became full of energy. "I want to see the pyramids!"

"Egypt?" Goofy pondered for a moment, then shook his head. "It's a little too far, Carrie, we've got to go step by step and start closer. How about Connecticut? Philly can..."

"Clam?" The corners of Carrie's raised mouth drooped immediately. "So close?"

Gao Fei smiled awkwardly, "Hey, you know, Dad is too busy with work, so he can't take a long vacation, so he can only take a short trip..."

"Okay, okay..." The little girl said in frustration, "I know that my father is busy with official business and is the protector of the whole of New York. The people of New York can't live without you... Forget it, don't force it."

But when it came to this, Carrie had an idea: "Dad, since you work so hard, otherwise you should not go on the tour, or I will ask Sister Jessie to take me on the tour, you are responsible for providing us with funds. ,How about it?"

Gao Fei was petrified on the spot, how could he not bring his father to play?

"That's how it works! Jie Qian is not your guardian, it's very troublesome for you to travel together!" Gao Fei said reluctantly, "Besides, this is your first travel, and as your father, I have to be with you. By your side!"

While the two of them were talking, a thunderstorm suddenly came from outside the window.


Carrie was startled, looked out the window and said, "Why is there a thunderstorm all of a sudden?"

Gao Fei also found it strange that when he woke up in the morning, it was clear that the sky was clear, but suddenly there were a bunch of dark clouds, and there was a thunderstorm.

But in a flash, Goofy realized that this should be the arrival of another Asgardian god.

Sure enough, a few minutes later Goofy heard heavy footsteps on the stairs, as if an elephant was going upstairs.

"We have guests," Goofy said to Carrie, smiling.

Carrie asked blankly, "Who's here? Eddie or Sister Jessie?"

"Neither, it's a new friend." Goofy replied.

And just then, there was a knock on the door.

Tuk Tuk Tuk…

The fast-paced knock on the door shows that the person who comes here is impatient.

"Please come in." Gao Fei said loudly, and then the door of the apartment was pushed open.

A sturdy man in armor, a red cloak, flowing blond hair, and holding a giant hammer walked in from the door. His height was nearly two meters, and he was surprisingly burly.

Carrie was astonished to see this eccentric man in fancy clothes.

Turning around him, Carrie excitedly asked, "Big uncle, are you a drama actor?"

The big hammer man glanced at Carrie, and was speechless for a moment. He put the giant hammer in his hand on the coffee table of Gao Fei's house, and then walked towards Gao Fei.

"Officer Goofy from the New York Super Patrol, right?" the big man said straight to the point. "I'm the son of Odin, the eldest son of Asgard, and Thor."

Goofy had long recognized his identity, so he wasn't surprised.

"It's a pleasure meeting." He nodded and smiled. "Please sit down. What would you like to drink?"

"Anything is fine." Thor was also polite and sat down directly on the sofa.

"I have juice here..." Goofy introduced Thor while opening the refrigerator.

"Juice? I don't drink juice. Asgardian men never drink juice," Thor said.

"And Coke..." Gao Fei continued to introduce.

"Coke? Oh, that sweet sparkling water? I don't drink it either... Thanks." Thor said critically.

Gao Fei was about to roll his eyes, who said "anything is fine" just now, Nima?

Thor was also a little embarrassed, and coughed, "Cough, what do you have here...with alcohol? Beer is also fine, yes, beer..."

"No." Goofy refused abruptly. In fact, there was Frank's wine in the wine cabinet, but Goofy was too lazy to take it for Thor.

"The only thing left is milk. If you don't want to drink milk, drink cold water." Gao Fei gave an ultimatum.

"Milk is fine, I can drink milk." Thor finally gave in and nodded.

So Gao Fei poured a glass of milk and handed it over, and then asked, "Tell me, what's the matter with me?"

"Oh... it's because of my brother. My brother, Loki, you know what? I heard that he appeared on Earth and was arrested by your super patrol team, so come and take him." Thor seriously said.

"The Loki who claims to be the **** of tricks in Asgard, the son of Odin, and the first division of the Nine Realms, is your younger brother?" Gao Fei asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, he is my brother, so I have to take him, please understand." Thor said.

Goofy shrugged, "He killed 27 S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, 6 NASA engineers, and destroyed a secret scientific research base worth more than 2 billion in New York... I think you, the elder brother, will take responsibility for him. yes, right?"

"Cough! Cough cough..." Thor choked on the milk and quickly cleared the relationship, "He was adopted..."

But after coughing, Thor still insisted, "I know Loki made a lot of mistakes, but I hope you can give him to me."

"Why?" Goofy's expression became serious, and he looked up at Thor, "Loki killed people on our earth and destroyed our earth's property, and now he has been arrested and is waiting for the punishment of the law. Why should I give him to you before I pay for what he did?"

"This..." Thor looked embarrassed, and he didn't know what to say.

"Since you can't take responsibility for Loki, then let him take the responsibility. Killing people to pay for their lives and debts is very simple, isn't it? I don't think your Asgard laws will indulge a murderer. Murderers and criminals?" Gao Fei asked again.

After hearing this, Thor asked nervously, "Do you still want to kill Loki?"

Goofy smiled coldly, "Rocky killed 33 people, and 33 innocent lives died because of him. Isn't it right and proper for him to pay for the lives of these 33 victims?"

"No, you can't kill Loki! Where is Loki? I want to see him now." Thor's emotions gradually became agitated, and his worries about Loki were unreservedly reflected.

Thor doesn't care if the 33 victims on Earth are dead or alive. What he cares most about now is the safety of his brother, even if his brother is a felon.

Standing anxiously from the sofa, Thor yelled, "I want to see Loki! Take me to see Loki!"

Goofy smiled disdainfully.

"Sorry, Thor, I know that you are the crown prince of Asgard and the **** of thunder of Asgard, but that is just Asgard, with me, you are nothing, you have no right to order me. "

"Earthman, I warn you, I won't allow you to hurt Loki! Even if he is guilty, it should be judged by us Asgard!" Thor's emotions were already a little excited. He has always been an impatient person, not to mention A The Sgardians are born with a sense of superiority, and they consider themselves superior to the High Earthers, and Thor is no exception.

Now mortals are actually trying to judge the gods above them! Even if the gods violate the laws of mortals~www.wuxiamtl.com~ they should not be punished by mortals!

Thor just thought everything was absurd, and he ordered again, "Take me to Loki, now!"

Gao Fei was unmoved, he didn't even bother to get up.

"Daughter, see off." Goofy waved at Carrie.

Carrie nodded obediently, then picked up Thor's hammer on the coffee table.

"I'll give you the hammer, you should go." Little Loli said coldly.

Mjolnir, Thor's hammer, was lifted lightly by Carrie like a rubber model.

Seeing this scene, Thor's anger dissipated immediately - he only felt a chill go straight to the top of his head, and his pupils shrunk together suddenly...

He didn't pick up the Thor's Hammer handed over by Little Loli for a long time, and he couldn't come back to his senses.


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