American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 252: S.H.I.E.L.D. base

Johnny fell from the underground entrance of S.H.I.E.L.D., his burning body illuminated the dark secret base, followed by the panicked cries of S.H.I.E.L.D., accompanied by a few gunshots.

Gao Fei said that he would wait for the iron gate to cool before entering, but he was very concerned about Johnny. He turned back to Steve and said, "I'll go down to explore the way first, and you wait for the iron gate to cool before taking everyone in."

"Yes." Steve nodded.

Gao Fei walked through the iron gate and jumped towards the underground fortress of S.H.I.E.L.D.

During the fall, Goofy saw that Johnny was fighting against the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the battle between the two sides was quite intense.

Four or five S.H.I.E.L.D. agents pointed their guns at Johnny, and bullets rained down on him.

But Johnny is not afraid of this level of siege at all, but this guy is a little self-satisfied.

The flame on his body reaches a high enough temperature, and all bullets will melt immediately when they are close to him. If the temperature is higher, these bullets will sublime directly.

They do no harm to Johnny.

Several agents were desperate, but there was no other good way to deal with this big torch. In desperation, they could only keep shooting, shooting again, and shooting all the time...

Johnny, who was covered in flames, sneered at the agents and asked provocatively, "This is your skill? Please, I'm so disappointed..."

At this moment, an oval-shaped object suddenly flew behind Johnny's back. Johnny didn't take it seriously, relying on the protective body of the fiery flame, and didn't pay attention to this little thing at all.

But when the gadget came into contact with the flames on Johnny's body, it immediately exploded violently.

It's a miniature bomb!


The strong shock wave directly knocked Johnny into the air. If it wasn't for Johnny's body's extraordinary ability to fight, this tiny bomb would have killed him!

But the lingering power of the bomb still overturned him to the ground, and the flames on his body went out.

Gao Fei, who fell from the air, frowned: Thanks to me, I came down, or else your kid must be planted in the hands of SHIELD agents.

And out of the corner of the eye, Gao Fei immediately saw the agent who attacked Johnny.

A cold and glamorous beauty with red hair - the cunning and fierce Natasha.

"Oh it's you…"

Goofy smiled lightly, and immediately rushed towards Natasha after landing.

At the same time, Reed's voice came from the headset: "Goofy, the unregistered superpower is right in front of you..."

"So the unregistered psychic is Natasha?"

Goofy suddenly realized that Natasha is indeed a superpower. She received a reagent similar to Steve's super soldier serum in the red house in the early days, and it was for this reason that she was able to stay young forever.

Seeing Gao Fei rushing towards her, Natasha took a deep breath.

"It's this guy!"

She understands Goofy's fighting power very well, so she never dares to take it lightly.

"Hey Officer Goofy, I think there's some misunderstanding between us..."

Natasha said while avoiding Goofy's attack, she tried to use words to slow Goofy's attack.

And Gao Fei has the same plan.

"Agent Natasha, you just bombed an NYPD officer with a search warrant..."

"Besides, you are still an unregistered superpower..."

"I advise you to raise your hand and surrender immediately, otherwise I will be welcome."

"Cooperate, Natasha, you have no other choice."

"Stop fighting the beasts, continuing to resist is tantamount to a crime!"

Although Goofy was moving at an extreme speed, his words were clearly and unmistakably conveyed to Natasha's mind. Natasha was disturbed by Goofy's voice, and even gave her the illusion of being brainwashed.

I don't know why, Gao Fei's words reminded her of her life in the red house, and the tragic and painful memories flooded to her like a flood, which shook her original firm resolve, and also affected her attitude towards the battle situation. judge.

Coupled with Gao Fei's lightning-fast movements, before Natasha could react, Gao Fei was already in front of her.

"Go ahead, Natasha."

Goofy's big hand held Natasha's shoulders like iron tongs, and then pushed her to the wall with a slight twist. Natasha tried to break free by using physical techniques, but found that she was shaking a tree like a clam!

Can't move at all!

Goofy's power is too strong!

But at this moment, a small red dot suddenly lit up at the end of the dim underground corridor.

Natasha caught sight of it out of the corner of the eye, and she was overjoyed.

Support is here!

Unfortunately, Goofy had noticed it long before Natasha discovered the red dot.

At the end of the hallway lurks an agent armed with a bow and arrow.

Clint Barton.

The famous "Eagle Eye".

"So..." Gao Fei said solemnly, "Your S.H.I.E.L.D. intends to openly become an enemy of the NYPD?"

Before Hawkeye's arrow could be fired, Goofy had ghostly flashed behind Agent Patton.

"Archer, do you think you can move faster than me?"

As soon as Gao Fei's voice sounded, Hawkeye only felt that his hand was light - the mechanical longbow specially made by SHIELD had been taken away by Gao Fei, and then it was easily broken.

"Damn it!" Hawkeye Barton's face was ashen, "My treasure is very expensive, you actually broke it for me!"

Gao Fei smiled coldly, grabbed Hawkeye's collar and lifted him up.

"If you just play with your bow and arrow, of course I won't break it, but since your arrow cluster is aimed at me, then I have to show you some color!"

After all, when Gao Fei threw his backhand, Hawkeye was like a large life-size figure, and was thrown out without any resistance.


Hawkeye landed heavily, and he grinned in pain. Natasha hurriedly ran over to hug him, and stared at Gao Fei cautiously.

"What the **** are you trying to do?" Hawkeye, who was struggling to get up, asked in a deep voice with an angry expression.

Gao Fei shrugged: "I should ask you this sentence, what exactly do you want to do?"

"What do we want to do? We are just in self-defense! If it wasn't for you aggressively breaking in, why would we do this?" Hawkeye was extremely aggrieved.

Gao Fei smiled coldly.

"You are in self-defense? Please, when I came in politely with a search warrant, you were hiding in this underground base and playing hide and seek with me. cops..."

Having said that, Goofy pointed to Johnny who fell to the ground.

"Natasha's bomb almost killed my partner. Isn't this a joke?"

Johnny is actually all tried to get up with his hands on the ground, but Goofy didn't agree, pressed him quietly, and pushed him to the ground again.

"Look at my partner, they've been blown up and can't get up!" Goofy said angrily, "This is what you SHIELD did!"

Johnny had a black line, but soon began to cooperate with Gao Fei smartly, pretending to be weak and humming: "My whole body hurts... I'm dizzy... I'm going to be bombed to death..."

Natasha looked up at Gao Fei and said in a low voice, "Officer Gao Fei, I apologize for our reckless behavior just now, and I also regret hurting Officer Johnny... But please understand that we are a highly classified base, Everything just now is just our helpless act for the purpose of secrecy..."

Gao Fei smiled, then took out the search warrant from his arms.

"I don't care how secret your base is, but I'm going to search this place according to law now. I suspect you're harboring unregistered psychics and an extremely unstable energy source. Agent Natasha, don't care about you Whether you cooperate or not, the search will proceed as usual!"

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