American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 250: energy source

The next day, "Global Daily" reported the news of Gao Fei's heroic subduing of alien invaders, and the content was "artistically processed" based on Gao Fei's self-narrative.

So Gao Fei had a thrilling fight with Ebony Maw in the newspaper, and was almost killed by cruel and cunning aliens over and over again. Of course, in the end, the heroic policeman relied on his own experience and wisdom to kill the alien invaders. , and threw him violently out the window.

Even Frank complained about Goofy's "shameless" after reading this newspaper, and he just blew himself up.

Gao Fei didn't care about Frank's complaints. Anyway, he gained a lot of admiration for this report.

After one morning, Goofy's backstage worship value exceeded 10,000 points, which means that he can open the treasure chest again, which is the seventh treasure chest of the guide template.

After opening the treasure chest ten times, Gao Fei can open the next template. He can't wait to think about which template to choose next time. This time, he will never let the system choose it automatically.

After lunch, Gao Fei crept into the office toilet and opened the seventh treasure chest of the mentor template.

The treasure box was slowly opened, and the light flashed in his mind. Gao flew into the treasure box and looked into it, only to see that there was still a bottle of spiritual potion at the bottom of the box.

"Oh..." Gao Fei felt depressed for a while, "I've prescribed spirit potions three times in a row..."

However, it seems that the core of the mentor template is to improve mental attributes, and the spirit is not strong enough to flexibly use the skills of this template.

Now that Kai is out, Gao Fei no longer complained, and after taking the spirit potion, the data began to improve.


Constitution: 8.0—8.0

Strength: 11.0—11.0

Agility: 10.0—10.0

Spirit: 15.0—20.0


Directly increased by 5 points, the spirit value has reached 20 times that of ordinary people in an instant!

"Damn it! It's worth it now!"

Gao Fei was ecstatic in his heart, and got up and left the compartment in satisfaction.

Although there is no skill, but raising 5 points of spirit can be regarded as a great gain.

At the same time as Gao Fei pushed the door out, the door of the next compartment opened faintly.

Tom Cooper, who was sitting on the toilet, quietly looked at the back of Gao Fei's departure through the crack of the door, and said sincerely: "Officer Gao Fei is really powerful, and he can produce such a shocking energy flow when he goes to the toilet..."


The Ebony Throat incident became a hot topic for a while, and even Tony Stark came to inquire about the alien invasion. The wealthy dog ​​said that if there were really aliens trying to invade the earth, then Stark would The gram industry can resume military production overnight.

Goofy quickly soothed Tony and told him that aliens would not invade so soon.

As long as the Cosmic Cube has not been stolen by Loki, the Earth is temporarily safe.

But it is indeed time to plan ahead.

In the next period of time, the super patrol team became very cautious. Everyone began to check one by one the superpowers who have been active in New York for more than 72 hours but have not yet registered. Goofy will not be soft on these guys who ignore laws and regulations. Husband and Johnny searched for their whereabouts.

Under the control of the Super Patrol, the number of registered superpowers in New York increased. After two weeks, the number rose to 62, and the registration rate was as high as 95%.

The remaining superpowers who are really unwilling to register have to choose to leave New York - after all, the "Superpower Registration Act" is only the law of New York State, as long as they leave this acre of land, they can be unregulated.

In the end, there were only two unregistered superpowers in New York. These two superpowers frequently lived in the suburbs of New York and occasionally appeared in the city center. One of them frequently traveled long distances, and the other was relatively stable.

Reed monitored the every move of the two people through "compound eyes", and finally deduced that they probably belonged to some mysterious organization, and three days ago he suddenly monitored another thing - the two superpowers are located in a secret base in the suburbs There seems to be an unusually powerful source of energy.

Out of a responsible attitude towards New York, Reed reported the matter to the relevant departments in a timely manner. Finally, the FBI took over the case and cooperated with the NYPD super patrol team to jointly handle the case.

According to the current New York law, the NYPD super patrol team has the highest priority in cases involving superpowers. Therefore, the FBI, which has been dominant in cooperation in the past, has become an accessory of the NYPD this time, and the commander-in-chief of the case. fell on Gao Fei.

And after a series of intricate events during this period, Goofy's prestige and status in New York have also increased significantly. Now he is not only famous in the NYPD, but even the FBI agents trust him.

In fact, in order to make Gao Fei have a more comfortable working experience, the FBI specially assigned an Asian agent to cooperate with Gao Fei, but the embarrassment is that the agent is of Korean descent, and the FBI's painstaking efforts fell short.

But fortunately, this agent Jin was still agile in his work, and his character did not disgust Gao Fei. Anyway, everyone was a colleague, and if he could do things with one heart, everything would be fine.

On the first day of the establishment of the working group, FBI agents and the super patrol team gathered in Reed's laboratory. Reed opened his "compound eyes" and showed the findings of these days to everyone.

The "compound eye" shows a red dot representing a psychic in the suburbs of New York, which means a psychic is lurking there (another red dot just left New York a few hours ago).

"Everyone must have seen it. This should be the last unregistered superpower user in New York. Fortunately, this person's energy flow is not strong, indicating that his superpower is very limited..."

"Actually I didn't follow him because of his identity as a superpower. An ordinary unregistered superpower is not enough to mobilize the FBI and the super patrol team to act together. What really worries me is this, you can see …”

Having said that, Reed adjusted the program of the "compound eye", and then a huge swirling light spot appeared near the red dot.

Johnny Storm took a deep breath: "HolyShit! What the **** is this?!"

Agent Kim, the head of the FBI, was also shocked: "This is... How does that term come from? It's the word that seems to be very learned... Uh, Einstein-Rosen Bridge? "

Reed said seriously: "I can only say that this is a very powerful energy source, and the energy it contains has far exceeded human cognition. Intuitively, the energy contained in this energy source may be Stronger than the entire sun..."

"What?!" Johnny looked terrified, "Are you kidding me?"

"I'm not kidding." Reed shook his head. "So you should know the importance of this mission, and I need you to act immediately."

Goofy has probably guessed what this energy source is, and it is indeed something that can determine the fate of the earth and even the universe.

"Okay, Reed, let's act now." Gao Fei pointed on the map, "Ready to go."

. vertex

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