American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 240: Super Patrol

So under the impetus of Commissioner O'Neal, a new department of the NYPD "Super Patrol" was established, with Goofy as the captain and Steve Rogers as the vice-captain.

The main responsibility of the Super Patrol is to be responsible for all cases related to superpowers in New York, and the Super Patrol will have the highest priority for any cases involving superpowers.

Of course, Goofy and Steve were then called out of the 109th Division, and Sheriff Hank lost his hair in frustration...

The Super Patrol's office is located on the 15th floor of the NYPD Building on Cloe Street in Manhattan.

The lighting here is very good, and the office area is spacious enough, especially at present, there are only two people in the entire department, Gao Fei and Steve, and they can hear echoes in the office when they are chatting at their workstations.

On the morning of the first day of employment, the two first arrived in the office to set up the environment. Steve brought a few pots of green plants from the administrative department, and Gao Fei was responsible for the installation of office equipment.

After tossing to eleven o'clock, the two finally sorted out the office. The two stood side by side from the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the entire Manhattan. The scenery in front of them was refreshing.

Diagonally opposite is Tony Stark's Stark Building, and further afield reveals the spire of the Osborne Group building.

The Baxter Building of the Fantastic Four is a little further away and is difficult to see from this angle.

Steve looked around for a while and then turned around, looking around the office area of ​​500 square meters.

"I think it's a bit too empty for the two of us here," Steve whispered. "What do you think?"

"That's it..." Goofy agreed, "Also, I don't think we can patrol the entire New York City with just the two of us—Steve, we have to expand."

"Director O'Neal said that we can recruit players freely, with superpowers first." Steve said, "But unfortunately, my old acquaintances are almost dead, so the expansion is up to you."

Gao Fei shrugged: "Well... the Tom I met a few days ago is not bad, you can come over to sit in the office on secondment."

"Yes, we need an operator." Steve nodded, then asked, "What about the field service? Just the two of us?"

"At present, there is no third person..." Gao Fei said helplessly, "Let's rely on the two of us first..."

Steve was quite depressed: "I'm afraid it will be very hard."

"Since the salary has increased five times, the workload must be increased by the same amount." Gao Fei smiled bitterly, "There is no free lunch in the world."


Over the next few days, Goofy and Steve successfully recruited the inhuman Tom Cooper to the patrol. Due to Tom's limited fighting skills, he was assigned to work as an operator in the office.

His ability—monitoring the flow of human energy—was very helpful in the work of the Super Patrol, which is why Goofy chose to recruit him.

At the same time of promotion and salary increase in the workplace, Gao Fei's sideline business is also in full swing.

The construction of the Ravencraft Asylum has been initially completed, and now the Osborne Group has signed a contract with Reed Richards to hire the gods to build a powerful prison for the asylum that can hold superpowers.

However, Shen Gongde is currently concentrating on developing an important invention, that is, the energy flow monitor that he was inspired by Tom's power a few days ago and mentioned by Goofy.

Once this monitor is successfully built, Shengangde can locate any superhuman in New York.

Any superhuman who rashly breaks into New York will naturally not escape the monitoring of Shengangde.

The efficiency of the gods is amazing. After about a month and a half, he excitedly called Gao Fei to inform Gao Fei that the instrument had been built.

Goofy takes Steve and Tom straight to the Baxter Building to see the masterpiece that invented the great God Gund.

This powerful instrument is proudly called "compound eye" by Shengunde, which means that the instrument itself is composed of thousands of single eyes, which can spy on everything. All in all.

The "compound eye" is placed in the core laboratory of the Baxter Building, and its signaling system is placed on the roof of the Baxter Building.

The size of the entire instrument occupies about one-third of the laboratory, which is already a highly simplified result of Reed.

"Come on, Reed, let me see how powerful compound eyes are." Goofy said impatiently.

Steve asked suspiciously: "He can really monitor the superpowers in New York?"

Reed nodded proudly: "Of course, but the premise is that these superpowers do not use special shielding methods to block energy signals. In fact, it is not easy to block energy signals, I think these superpowers Nor will he deliberately block his own energy signals when he has nothing to do..."

Susan on the side couldn't wait to look at the screen: "Did the result come out?"

Johnny pushed Ben: "Big man, stand to one side, I can't even see it."

Ben looked irritable: "Hey! Don't shove, doll match!"

At this moment, the "compound eye" screen lit up with small spots one after another. They were scattered all over the map of New York, looking dense and dazzling.

Most of these spots were blue, but seven in the Baxter Building were red.

At this time, Reed explained: "Each light spot represents a person, the blue light spot is an ordinary person, and the red light spot is a superpower."

Then he clicked on the statistics option on the screen.

"Now... let's see how many psychics there are in all of New York."

The data flashed on the screen, and the answer was given after about ten seconds.

Sum of red spots: 79.

"So many?" Susan was a little surprised, "I thought there were only a dozen people."

Johnny shrugged: "Please, my silly sister, there are seven psychics in this room alone."

Goofy explained: "Wilson Fisk used Osborn's Green Goblin serum to transform a lot of people before, and I think those people should occupy most of these superpowers."

Reed called up the registration information form: "But there are currently only 22 superpowers registered in New York according to the law, plus 3 people who were forced to register... That is to say, 25 people have registered, and 54 people have not come. register."

Steve tilted his head: "Goofy, it seems that our super patrol team has a mission?"

"Yes." Goofy nodded, "We have to find out why they didn't register and whether their superpowers would harm the citizens."

At this moment, Susan suddenly grabbed Goofy's Officer Goofy..."

"Huh?" Goofy turned back. "What's the matter? Susan."

"I have an unkind request..." Susan whispered, she is a very **** and charming woman, especially when she asks others, she can always show the most irresistible side of men.

However, Gao Fei's immunity was amazing, and he asked with a calm expression, "What kind of unkind request?"

Susan pointed to her brother, Johnny Storm, and said: "My brother is not suitable for staying in the laboratory, and he can't find another job for the time being. I think since he has an ability, he can't waste it. Dropped... or else, would you let him join your super patrol team?"

Goofy was stunned, looked at Johnny Storm, and then looked at Steve Rogers, who looked almost exactly like him.

Dude, I have recruited a pair of twins!

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