American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 211: I am your conscience

Ben Grimm, who escaped from the scene of the crime, ran all the way, and soon left the NYPD far behind. The huge stone man had amazing destructive power, and every step on the ground would damage the road.

After finally running to an inaccessible place, Ben finally stopped gradually, and the lack of other people's pointing made him feel better, and his anger gradually subsided.

"Damn, these guys who judge people by their appearance, I don't just look a little fierce, why should I treat me as a criminal?!"

The stone man said to himself.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a voice sounded in his mind.

"Because you vandalized public property, affected traffic, and caused panic among the citizens, the police will come to arrest you. The police are not malicious, they are helping you."

"Who? Who's talking?!"

The Stone Man was startled on the spot, and looked around vigilantly.

But there was clearly no one beside him. This was an open space where no one could hide.

Soon the voice came again.

"The mutation isn't your fault, you're a victim, but you shouldn't be out on the street before you figure out what you're capable of, Ben, look at you now... 500 pounds, tons of arms, nearly Two meters're a small tank."

"Do you know what would happen if you rushed into that apartment just now? It's likely that the apartment will collapse. Not only will your beloved Debbie die, but your neighbors will not survive."

"So your behavior just now was too reckless, and you almost made a big accident."

This strange voice chattered, and Ben was going crazy.

But if you listen carefully, isn't this voice his own?

And it's still his mutated voice.

"Who are you?!" Ben Grimm asked desperately.

"I am your conscience!" The voice rang again, "I am your own conscience! I advise you to be kind!"

"It's impossible... this is just nonsense! I won't believe it." Ben said with a sneer, "How can a conscience speak?"

"I ran out because you did something wrong! I want to tell you that what you just did was wrong! You must face up to your mistakes!" said the voice, "Repent! Ben! Repent!"

"Shut up! Don't BB in my head!" Ben shook his head desperately.



"You almost killed someone in a building, you are not such a person, Ben, you are not bad by nature!"

"Go to the police and turn yourself in! Go to Sergeant Goofy in Brooklyn, he's a good cop in charge, and he'll help you!"

"Go and surrender! Before the blunder is made!"

"The police will help you, go find them."

"Ben, you have never made mistakes in your life, don't let this accident change you, don't get lost on the road of life."

After half an hour.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

The desperate Thing let out the growl of a marmot.

Desperate questioning.

"What do you want from me? What do you want from me?"

"Turn yourself in, Ben, and you'll be freed, or you'll be condemned forever by your conscience."

"Go to the 109th Precinct and surrender yourself. Go to the high-flying officer who arrested you before. Talk to him. He will help you find yourself."

The Stone Man nodded dumbly, his brain almost stopped.

"I listen to you, I listen to you all, I'll surrender, I'll surrender..."

The Stone Man slowly stood up and then walked towards the 109th Bureau.

At an intersection far away, Gao Fei showed a sly smile, lowered the brim of his hat, turned and disappeared into the streets of Brooklyn.


Soon, the Stoneman, who caused a sensation in Brooklyn, came to the 109th inning.

He obediently walked into the police station with his hands raised, claiming to have turned himself in.

Sheriff Hank was frightened and almost asked for reinforcements from his superiors. Fortunately, Gao Fei calmed Hank's emotions in time and took over the matter of the Stone Man.

Came to the police station, Goofy and the Stone Man face to face.

The Stone Man originally wanted to sit down, but the ordinary chair in the police station couldn't bear his weight at all.

After sitting on two chairs in a row, the Stone Man finally gave up. He simply sat cross-legged on the ground and communicated with Gao Fei in this way.

Gao Fei squinted at the stone man with a desperate face, and asked with a smirk, "Why did you suddenly figure it out?"

The stone man was about to hit someone.

Is that what I suddenly figured out? That's what my conscience forced me to figure out!

If I don't come to the police station and surrender myself, I'm afraid I'll go crazy tonight!

"I... I acted impulsive just now. I took to the streets without thinking about the consequences. My rampage damaged a lot of public facilities. I will... all compensate for it." The stone man said depressedly.

"Then it will be a lot of money." Gao Fei said bluntly, "I heard that you broke into the road and damaged three private cars. Two of the drivers were slightly injured. Thankfully, their lives were not in danger. Do you know about this?"

"This..." The Stone Man was a little surprised, "I really don't know that."

And when I heard that two ordinary citizens were injured because of him, the Stone Man finally started to feel guilty.

"Oh, damn, I'm so impulsive. If these two people die because of me, I think I will live in pain for the rest of my life." The stone man said while holding his forehead.

"That's right, you finally realize the consequences of your rampage." Gao Fei said, "The mutation brings you not only pain, but also super power, and if you can't reasonably control this power, you will It's going to be someone else's nightmare."

The Stone Man nodded in approval: "You're right, Officer Goofy, I think I need to calm down..."

Just as he was talking, Roger suddenly ran in in a panic.

"Goofy, Goofy, no, there's a weird guy at the door who's going to rush in."

"What?" Goofy got up quickly and followed Roger to the door.

I saw a young man with a blazing fire on his hands standing at the door angrily scolding Police Officer Sam.

"Hey cop friends, you better let my friend go now or I'll sue you!"

"Besides, I think you can see my abilities too, don't deceive people too much, OK?"

Gao Fei knew who was coming when he heard these two incomparable words in the middle school. The handsome young man standing in front of him looked exactly like Steve Rogers.

One of the Fantastic Four - "The Human Torch" Johnny Storm.

Before the mutation, he was a **** who likes to make trouble everywhere, and after the mutation, he is a **** who likes to make trouble everywhere.

Since this kid found out that he has mutated, he has been dragging 258,000 to 80,000 yuan. He can't wait to slap the air all day long, and slap all the people in the United States to prove that he is the most chosen son of Long Aotian.

In fact, he has a bad relationship with Ben Grimm, the "Stone Man". This time he broke into the police station to make trouble, all to show off his superpowers and satisfy his own vanity.

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