Ivan fell to the ground in embarrassment, and the whole person was stunned.

Who is this burly Asian with a hat in front of Nima? Why can he speak fluent Russian?

I thought he didn't understand when I scolded him in Russian, but he actually scolded me in Russian, which is more proficient than me!

Ivan was shocked and angry, but there was nothing he could do.

Because the burly Asian man in front of him not only speaks Russian better than him, but is also much stronger than him.

Ivan is proficient in fighting, and his eyesight is also very good. He can accurately see that the two punches that the burly Asian hit him just now did not use all his strength.

The forward swing of the punch was unsatisfactory, and the swing of his body was not large when he punched. Ivan made an accurate estimate in his mind - the burly Asian man may have only used 20% of his strength when he punched him just now. !

Ivan who came to the conclusion urinated on the spot!

What kind of monster is this?

So Ivan simply fell to the ground and didn't move, lest he would be beaten if he resisted a little.

Gao Fei likes this kind of villain who knows current affairs. He doesn't pretend to be coercive, and understands the truth of retreating when faced with difficulties.

He threw Ivan aside and turned to Harry.

"Harry, how are you?"

Harry hadn't regained his strength yet. He bent down and panted, "This... this guy almost strangled me!"

Seeing Harry's pitiful look, Goofy was furious.

Such a cute boy, Ivan this beast almost strangled him!

So Goofy twisted Ivan's arm and pressed him directly against the wall.

"You are now under arrest for intentional wounding!"

At the same time, Goofy winked at Harry and told him to continue searching for clues in the laboratory.

Harry was very clever, taking the opportunity of Ivan's control to take pictures everywhere in the laboratory to save evidence, but two minutes later, a middle-aged man in a suit and ties rushed in with several security guards.

"Who are you? What do you want to do? Let go of our engineer!" the middle-aged man shouted in a deep voice, while the surrounding security guards were about to move with electric batons.

Of course Goofy didn't let go of Ivan, but turned and took off his hat.

Don't you know me with the hat on?

Then I take off the hat, okay?

So Gao Fei slowly took off his hat, and the youthful hairline of the 18-year-old was dazzlingly revealed.

The staff of the R&D department of Osborne Group and a group of security guards were shocked when they saw it!

There is such a well-preserved hairline!


The point is wrong...

This burly Asian guy is...

Officer Goofy!

"Officer Goofy!"

"Why are you here?"

"Officer Gao Fei, our group has not done any illegal human experiments recently..."

No matter how arrogant the employees of Osborne Group were, they didn't dare to pose in front of Gao Fei, and quickly put on a smiling face.

However, it is reasonable to say that even if Goofy is a famous hero police officer in New York, it is still unreasonable for him to rashly appear in the R&D center of the Osborne Group without saying hello.

Therefore, although the director of the R&D department looked polite, he still asked the question: "Excuse me, Officer Gao Fei, why did you appear in the R&D department of our group? Who gave you this permission?"

"it's me!"

Before Gao Fei could answer, a majestic and immature voice sounded in the laboratory.

The head of the R&D department looked inside and was startled again.

Harry Osborn!

Son of former chairman Norman Osborn!

Now the largest shareholder of Osborne Group!

"Ha... Harry, why are you here?" the head of the R&D department asked nervously, "Why didn't you come over and say hello to me? I can arrange for my staff to receive you."

On the surface, the head of the R&D department was respectful to Harry, but in fact he didn't take this child seriously. Even if he held equity in his hand, he was still just a child.

But he underestimated Harry.

Harry had already seen through his hypocritical appearance.

"Harry? My name is yours too? I'll give you another chance, Adams, don't let me down this time." Harry said in a deep voice, not like a child at all.

Adams, the head of research and development, was startled when he heard the words, and his face gradually turned pale.

"O... Mr. Osborn, I'm sorry."

Harry nodded with satisfaction: "That's about it."

Adams slumped in front of Harry, and his momentum weakened a bit, but he still did not fully obey, but tried to rescue Ivan Fanko from Goofy.

"Mr. Osborn, what crime did our engineer, Mr. Ivan, commit? Why did you arrest him?" Adams asked in a low voice.

Harry pointed to the handprint on his neck that had not disappeared, and said solemnly: "He almost strangled me, is this crime enough?"

"What?" Adams looked shocked. "Mr. Ivan tried to strangle you? Oh, Mr. Osborn, I think it must be a misunderstanding..."

"Misunderstanding?" Harry sneered, "How about you ask me to poke a mark on your neck and tell you it's a misunderstanding too?"

Adams smiled awkwardly, and then persuaded: "But Mr. Osborne, Mr. Ivan is very important to our Osborne Group. Our group is now competing with the Hammer Group, and the technology Mr. Ivan has mastered can make We are invincible in this competition..."

Harry smiled. "So, you mean he's trying to strangle me, right?"

"This..." Adams rolled his eyes slyly and whispered, "Mr. Osborn, I know you have been wronged, but please take the overall situation first."

"The big picture?" Harry said with a disdainful smile, "I am the big picture!"

This time Adams was speechless, and Goofy, who was standing aside, not only looked at Harry with admiration.

This kid is indeed a talent, and he already has such momentum at such a young age!

"Okay, Harry, let's go."

Goofy patted Harry on the shoulder and said while holding Ivan in his hand.

Ivan, who was nearly 1.9 meters tall, was carried by Gao Fei like a child.

Adams looked at Goofy and Harry with despair, and wanted to stop him, but he didn't know how to speak.

Goofy took Harry and Ivan out of the Osborn Group struttingly, escorting Ivan directly to the bureau all the way.

Let you take revenge on society and let you plan terrorist attacks.

I will directly arrest you in the game~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Let's see what kind of demon you can be!

After Ivan was imprisoned, Goofy left him first, while he and Harry summed up the clues found in the laboratory.

It seems that Ivan is building a batch of fully automatic mechanical exoskeletons for the Osborn Group. What I saw in the laboratory just now is the finished product of this mechanical exoskeleton. At present, the Osborn Group has begun mass production of this weapon of war, and the military must have already known the news.

When the two of them were halfway through their research, Sheriff Hank hurried over.

"Goofy, I heard you caught a Russian? What's the situation?" Hank asked in confusion.

Gao Fei shrugged: "Don't be nervous, old man, you're just a perverted saboteur."

"But the people from the Osborn Group specifically called and said that this guy is their most important engineer. They have sent a lawyer here and asked us to release him immediately..." Hank frowned and said, "They hired The lawyer is from Wyatt & Young, and this lawyer is not easy to deal with."

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