American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 200: Whiplash Appears

When I saw the high-flying Ark reactor in the picture, I immediately understood that it turned out that "Whiplock" went to the Osborn Group.

As a hard-core technology villain who holds new energy in his hand, what Ivan Fanko needs most is money.

It is often said that "the rich rely on technology", but in fact this sentence is also true in reverse, that is, "technology depends on the rich", a villain who relies on playing black technology is useless without the support of the economy, so Ivan Vanke If you want to get revenge on Tony Stark, you must first find yourself a sponsor.

Whiplashes cannot be created by hatred alone, and a lot of money must be burned.

In the plot of "Iron Man 2", Ivan hugged the thigh of the military upstart Hammer Group, and played the no-brained upstart Justin Hammer in the palm of his hand, thus completing his own struggle against Stark and even the entire United States. A plan of revenge.

But the arrival of Gao Fei obviously changed the direction of the plot. This time Ivan did not fall into the arms of the Hammer Group, but chose another financial master father, the Osborne Group.

Although the Osborne Group is now in decline, the former energy giant is not completely bankrupt. With its remaining energy, it is more than enough to supply a whiplash.

After Goofy figured out all this, Harry Osborn had also driven the Green Goblin glider to Goofy's window.

Tuk Tuk Tuk.

The glass window was knocked, and the little Green Goblin stood on the Green Goblin glider and greeted Goofy.

Gao Fei's face was speechless, this bear boy didn't want to leave, he had to go through the window.

Open the window to welcome the little green goblin in. Before Goofy could speak, Harry, who was forced to wait, took the lead.

"Officer Goofy, have you seen the photo? If I'm right, it looks like it's Tony Stark's Ark Reactor!"

"Yes, it's the Ark Reactor." Goofy nodded, "How did you find out?"

"This starts with the group's new strategic direction - Osborne Group was beaten by Stark Industries in the energy industry and lost most of the market. Mr. Walker, the group's CEO, felt that with the group's current situation, it was difficult to compete with Stark Industries competes in the energy market, so he negotiated with the board to make a decision that since Stark Industries took Osborn's energy market, Osborn will take over Stark's military industry."

"What?!" Gao Fei was quite surprised, but when he thought about it, it was a reasonable thing. "The CEO's thinking is very clear."

Stark Industries voluntarily gave up the arms trade. This is a big cake, and the product level of the Hammer Group is really not very good. It is simply the spicy chicken among the spicy chickens. The right decision.

What's more, Norman Osborn actually developed a lot of equipment and weapons before his death. The Green Goblin suit, the pumpkin bomb and the Green Goblin glider are all his masterpieces. In addition, the Osborn Group still has the Green Goblin reagent in his hands. This kind of trump card coveted by the military, once they decide to enter military production, then Justin Hammer really has to step aside.

"Then this Ark Reactor..." Gao Fei asked.

"This matter is a secret of the group, and even I have been kept in the dark. Today I happened to see this thing when I passed by the R&D department of the group. It is said that it was developed by a new Russian engineer hired by the R&D department... ' said Harry.

Goofy nodded, sure enough it was Whiplash.

At this time Harry wondered: "But isn't this Tony Stark's ark reactor? How could that Russian have the technology of Stark Industries? I always feel that something is not right, so I came to you Please ask, Officer Goofy..."

Although Harry belongs to the camp of the Osborne Group, this child is very clear. Ask Gao Fei for advice.

After all, Gao Fei is his life mentor and the person he trusts the most.

Instead of hiding the truth, Goofy told Harry Osborn what he knew.

Although Harry was young, he was mature enough that Goofy didn't treat him like a child, but treated him like an adult.

"If I'm right, the Russian engineer should be called Ivan Fanko," Goofy said.

Harry was quite surprised: "How do you know?"

The child's inner OS: The person hired by our group, I only learned of this person's existence this afternoon, and you actually know him, this is unscientific!

Goofy said with a smile: "Tony Stark once talked to me about the development history of the Ark reactor, which involved a Russian."

Of course, Stark didn't actually talk to Goofy about these things, all of which were seen by Goofy watching the movie.

"The Ark Reactor is a new energy technology designed and developed by Tony Stark's father, Howard Stark, but this technology was not completed by Howard alone. Howard also had a capable partner back then. , the name of this partner is Anton Vanke."

Harry immediately understood: "Anton Fanko is Ivan Fanko's father, right?"

"That's it." Gao Fei nodded, "Anton and Howard worked together to complete the most primitive design of the Ark reactor, and further perfected the technology. But later, due to Anton's nationality and international relations, the poor The engineers inevitably suffered some persecution..."

Harry knew the history of this period in his textbooks, and was not surprised by what happened to Anton.

Gao Fei continued: "In the end, Anton was framed as a spy and exiled to the icefield. The original Howard's good partner became a fugitive, and his heart was gradually filled with hatred. He hated Stark, who was desperate, and hated even more. The America that slandered him and exiled him, and now that Anton is dead, his plans for revenge fall on his son Ivan Fanko..."

Harry heard a cold asked dumbly: "Is this story true?"

"Of course it's true." Goofy nodded.

"So, Ivan Fanko is planning to take revenge on Stark and the United States?" Harry suddenly became nervous, "Our Osborne Group actually hired such a dangerous guy to develop new products, this is not a joke Fire?"

"Yes, so we have to stop him as soon as possible." Goofy said.

"But you can't arrest Ivan until he has conclusive evidence of his crime, right? Officer Goofy." Harry asked cautiously.

After the Wilson Fisk incident, the child has indeed become a lot more stable.

Gao Fei shrugged helplessly: "Yes, in addition, the Ark reactor technology in Ivan's hands is his amulet. With this amulet, not only the Osborn Group will hold him as a treasure in the palm of his hand, but even the The military will take more care of him."

Harry frowned: "No, I have to stop this guy..."

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