American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 196: Mansion Party (Seven/Eight)

It's getting late after dealing with the "Inner Fire" private club and Wilson Fisk. Stark insisted on throwing a party to celebrate today's victory. Goofy, Steve and Carrie could not escape his clutches, but Superintendent Schneider, who was very happy to attend the party, couldn't escape because he needed to deal with the follow-up matters. He was forced to return to the police station to work overtime.

The party took place at Stark's mansion on Manhattan's Upper East Side, not far from where Fisk was arrested.

Goofy and Steve were exhausted after a busy day, and both of them were going to lie down on the sofa to catch their breath, but the loud heavy metal rock music in the mansion made them restless.

Only Carrie was very happy and kept eating and eating everywhere. The Green Goblin reagents she had eaten in the clubhouse had already been digested by her, and now the little girl began to forage again.

Stark sat opposite Goofy and glanced at Carrie, who was passing through the food room.

"This child is also a fortifier?"

"You can say that." Goofy nodded, "Anyway, he's a very powerful little guy."

Pepper said in shock: "I saw with my own eyes today that she packed up several burly bodyguards by herself..."

Steve smiled and said, "You haven't seen the more shocking thing yet."

After chatting for a while, Stark glanced at the calendar and said, "By the way, the day after tomorrow is the day when the Stark Expo will be held. You two come to play? The location is in Flushing, not far from your jurisdiction. "

Gao Fei pouted: "Please, we are so busy patrolling every day, how can we have time to go to the expo?"

"Don't be such a spoiler." Stark advised, "Anyway, the time for the exposition is at night, so you will be off work by then, right?"

"It's impossible to say." Gao Fei shook his head, "The police patrol day and night."

Steve is also not interested in such cutting-edge technology exchange activities, and shrugged: "I'll forget it, the technology supplies I've been exposed to now are enough to give me a headache, as for the black technology at the expo... Please, forgive me. me."

"Hey, old man, you've been out of touch with the times for a long time. The exposition is a good opportunity for you to reconnect with the real world. Don't give up your treatment..." Stark persuaded bitterly, "Please, two, are you two? Doesn't anyone give me this face?"

"It's not that we don't give face, it's that we are busy with business and can't get away from it." Gao Fei said helplessly.

As a result, just after he finished speaking, Gao Fei's cell phone rang.

Looking down, it was actually Aunt Mei's phone number.

Gao Fei got up and walked to the corridor and answered the phone.

"Hi, Ms. Parker."

However, there was a voice that was deliberately imitating a woman while squeezing her throat.

"Oh, Officer Goofy, hello, yes, I'm Ms. Parker, I mean, I'm May Parker..."

Goofy laughed as soon as he heard it, where is Aunt May this Nima, this is obviously Peter Parker, the bear child pretending to be.

But Gao Fei sees it through without saying it, let's see what this bear child wants to do first.

"Ms. Parker, do you have anything to do with me?" Goofy asked with a smile.

On the other side of the phone, Peter Parker forcefully changed his voice and said, "Oh, that's it, Officer Goofy. I want you to do me a favor, I know you're a good friend of Mr. Stark, and Mr. Stark is going to be there soon. Stark Expo in Flushing, Queens... Could you please help me get two tickets? Emmm... three... oh well, two, if I can't get one... please Officer Goofy, no, I mean, please Officer Goofy."

Gao Feiqiang held back his laughter and said seriously, "'s a little difficult."

Peter Parker on the other side of the phone hurriedly begged: "Officer Goofy, you are Mr. Stark's savior, he will definitely agree if you speak. Peter and I both want to go to the fair, please..."

Gao Fei laughed: "Okay, I'll do this for you."

Peter Parker shouted "Yes" excitedly while covering the phone's microphone, but unfortunately it was still heard by Goofy.

And when Peter Parker answered the phone again, Goofy added with a wicked smile: "By the way, Ms. Parker, about the idea you said last time you wanted to send Peter to the cheerleading team, I very much agree. Although many people said that Boys will lose their masculinity when they are in the cheerleading squad, but I don't think Peter is too young, so it shouldn't be affected? Besides, there are a lot of girls in the cheerleading squad, I think Peter should like it."


As soon as he heard this, Peter Parker immediately revealed his secrets and exclaimed directly.

After shouting, the bear boy hurriedly covered up, and said with a squeeze of his voice: "I mean... this is not a good idea."

Goofy finally couldn't help laughing, exposing Peter's poor disguise.

"Hey, Peter, don't you think you're imitating Ms. Parker's imitation? Can you record your own voice first, please? It's not like your auntie at all, okay?"

"Oh... bad... you actually heard it." Peter Parker was extremely depressed, "Officer Goofy, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you, but I think the success rate may be higher if you speak in Aunt May's tone. When did you hear the flaw? Don’t tell me you heard the flaw as soon as I opened my mouth, please, I have practiced many times, and I think I can really mix the fake with the real. If you don’t believe me, listen to this…”

Saying that, Peter Parker imitated Aunt May's tone and shouted.

"Hey! Peter, it's time to get up, why haven't you got up yet?"

"Oh! Peter, look at what you've done!"

"Peter, don't sit on the bed and eat!"

So the next call turned into a big Aunt May impersonation, and Peter did it for five minutes before stopping.

Then the kid asked in a proud tone: "How is it? Officer Goofy, do I learn very similar?"

"Emmmmm..." Gao Fei reluctantly agreed, "It's quite similar."

Peter Parker continued to confirm with Goofy about the Stark Expo tickets: "Officer Goofy, you promised me that I would get the tickets for me, right? You already promised me, right? You will definitely help me. Thank you very much for this busy man, Officer Goofy, I really hope to participate in this exposition, I heard that Mr. Stark this time..."

(50000 words omitted here)

"Let's make a Officer Goofy!"

Gao Fei finally hung up the phone and looked down, Nima, only 3% of the phone's battery was left.

Turning back to the living room, Stark asked curiously, "Goofy, who did you go to call? Why did you go for 40 minutes?"

Steve asked sensitively, "Is there something wrong with Superintendent Schneider?"

Gao Fei shook his head wearily: "No, just a bear child..."

Then he turned to Stark: "By the way, Stark, give me two tickets to the exposition."

Stark smiled when he heard the words: "That's right! How can you be absent from such an important event? You don't need a ticket, and I will arrange for Happy to receive you at the door."

However, Gao Fei shook his head: "No, I asked for the tickets for another bear boy. As for me and Steve... We may not be able to participate in the whole process. Let's go over and celebrate for you after the expo is over."

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