American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 193: Big girl! (four/eight)

Gao Fei's state changes.

One second, he was a masculine and burly New York police officer, and the next second, his whole body exuded the brilliance of motherhood!

The milky white light poured down and shone on Gao Fei's body, and the surrounding citizens were dumbfounded. I'm afraid this is not a... Holy (nv) mother (zhuang) in (da) world (lao)?

"Look! Officer Goofy is on!"

"Officer Goofy is glowing!"

"I know that in this state, when Officer Goofy shines, there will always be good things to come!"

"Officer Goofy was glowing when he punched the monster in Brooklyn!"

"Is it possible... this poor child is saved?"

The citizens talked a lot, and their eyes were all paying close attention to Goofy and Harry Osborn, who fell to the ground. There were too many tragedies in New York during this period, and everyone was suffering in their hearts.

And today the child who died tragically is even more regrettable and painful, he is just a child!

How the townspeople hope that a miracle will come and that the poor child will be brought back to life!

So despite knowing that the odds of a miracle happening are slim, the townspeople continued to pray for Harry Osborn.

"Come back, child, resurrect."

"Stand up, boy, don't leave this world like that."

"Officer Goofy, bring him back to life!"

At this moment, everyone's prayers condensed into an incomparably powerful spiritual force, and Gao Fei instantly sensed the blessings of the citizens. These blessings turned into strength and condensed into Gao Fei's body, making him feel that his daughter was sufficient!

"Since everyone sincerely prays that Harry can come back from the dead, then I will fulfill everyone's request..."

Goofy said in a deep voice, slowly extending his right hand to cover Harry's body.

Immediately afterwards, the light on Goofy's right hand flickered, the milky white halo gradually spread, and the gentle light enveloped Harry's body, healing the wounds of the poor child's body.

At this moment, Goofy seemed to see the microscopic world of Harry Osborn's body in front of him. He saw that the molecules in Harry's body were rearranged, the originally fragmented organs were reorganized, and the broken bones were regenerated...

Citizens also saw a miracle happen, and the recovery of Harry Osborn's trauma was visible to the naked eye.

The ability to bring the dead back to life shocked everyone!

They didn't dare to hope that Gao Fei really had such a heaven-defying ability!

"Officer Goofy... Really can turn life and death!"

"My God! Officer Goofy is treating this kid!"

"Is Officer Goofy the incarnation of an angel?"

"The miracle happened! The miracle really happened!"

Gao Fei's backstage suddenly poured into a large amount of worship value, and the effect of this show was outstanding!

[Worship value from…+5+5+5…]

In just two minutes, Gao Fei had already gained almost 1,000 worship points.

"It turns out that being a female is also a good choice. It seems that I will be able to open the treasure box again soon... If you add the task reward of guiding Harry into a superhero, it is almost enough to open the next treasure box..."

Just as Goofy was thinking about it, Harry, who fell to the ground, suddenly made a sound.

"Well... it hurts, it hurts me..."

Immediately after Harry opened his eyes, the child was alive!


The citizens on the street cheered loudly, everyone rejoiced, a tragic ending was completely reversed, and the poor child was finally resurrected!

Harry was at a loss, he had no idea what was going on.

He clearly remembered that Wilson Fisker grabbed his ankle and fell to the ground. There was a violent collision between his head and the floor. How could he open his eyes and appear here?

Looking up, I saw that Fisk's hiding place was far in the sky, and it seemed that Fisk threw himself directly from the 23rd floor.

Looking back at the side, he was sitting in a deep pit, and Officer Gao Fei was standing beside him, looking at himself with a smile.

Seeing Gao Fei, Harry panicked and broke out in cold sweat. He looked like a child who had done something wrong (in fact, it did).

"Officer Go, Goofy..." Harry whispered, "Why are you here?"

"Why am I here?" Gao Fei was really angry and funny, "If I wasn't here, you would already be dead."

"Dead?" Harry hurriedly checked his body.

Judging from the current clues, it seems that I was really thrown from the 23rd floor by Fisker, and even smashed a big hole on the ground. From various perspectives, I should already be a dead person...

But why didn't he die? This is not scientific!

"Officer Goofy, what the **** is going on?" Harry asked blankly.

Goofy said: "You were knocked out by Wilson Fisk and threw it straight down from upstairs."

"Then I must die?" Harry said palely.

At this time, the citizen next to him answered Harry with a lot of talk.

"It was Officer Goofy who saved you!"

"You were smashed to pieces, but Officer Goofy rescued you."

"Officer Goofy used a resurrection spell!"

"But what the **** is going on here? Actually we don't get it either..."

Gao Fei smiled: "Maybe it's everyone's wishes that moved God, and this gave me the ability to bring the dead back to life. I didn't have this ability at first, but just now I successfully resurrected you, Harry."

"You rescued me? Officer Goofy, you brought me back to life?" Harry asked gratefully.

When he was caught by Fisk's ankle and smashed to the floor, this ignorant child felt the fear of death for the first time. At that moment, he was extremely regretful and even more But everything felt like Instantaneous, because he fainted right away.

"I saved you, Harry." Goofy nodded and said, "But it's a miracle, even I didn't expect that I could really save you... So, boy, don't be so reckless in the future, Cherish your own life for me, because if you die again, I may not be able to save you."

There is some irony in what Goofy said, because Goofy never cherished his own life in the Marvel world. But this does not mean that Gao Fei does not cherish life, he knows that life is precious.

After going through the transition between life and death, Harry understood this more thoroughly, and only cherished it more when he had lost it, and now he was afraid for a while thinking about his previous actions.

"Thank you Officer Goofy, thank you so much..."

Harry crawled out of the pit and hugged Goofy's thigh tightly, even if he was a precocious child, he was only a child after all.

Harry, who had escaped from the dead, was just dazed before. After figuring out the ins and outs of the matter, he suddenly collapsed and cried, while Gao Fei patted his head softly and said in a low voice: "Okay, child, it's time to kill the one who killed you. The guy got caught..."

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