American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 191: impulsive harry

Speaking of Tony Stark and Steve Rogers two people have a lot of origins, Tony's father Howard once and Steve teamed up against a common enemy.

And because of the hot and **** agent Peggy Carter, young Steve also ate the vinegar of Howard Stark.

As for the vibranium shield in Steve's hand, it is the masterpiece of Howard Stark, and it is for this reason that Steve had to lend the shield to Tony.

Gao Fei patted the two friends on the shoulders and said with a smile, "You two are good friends. Let's have a good chat."

Stark just looked at the vibranium shield and didn't answer.

Steve looked disdainful. To be honest, he really despised Tony Stark's cynical and show-off character. This kid is no worse than his father.

Gao Fei looked embarrassed, and the air around him was frozen.

Fortunately, his cell phone rang at this moment, and a sudden text message successfully eased the atmosphere in front of him.

Gao Fei quickly took out his mobile phone and fled the embarrassing scene while looking down at the text message.

But after seeing the text message, Gao Fei's brows furrowed even tighter.

Because the content of this message is really enough to make people head.

"Officer Goofy, I found Wilson Fisk, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, but I must avenge my father with my own hands - Sincerely, Harry Osborn."

This bear kid made his own decision, and actually went to duel Wilson Fisk. You must know that the bald fat man is the strongest fighting force of human beings, and even with his fighting skills, he is not inferior to Spider-Man!

"Harry, Harry, you are so impulsive, do you really think you can avenge your father's death with the suit that Norman Osborn left for you?"

Fortunately, Goofy had already guessed that Little Green Goblin was a destabilizing factor, and kept Eddie staring at him for help.

Goofy dialed Eddie's phone directly.

"Eddie, tell me where Harry is, hurry up."


Lower Manhattan.

In a high-end, private private mansion.

A fat, bald man with a height of more than two meters and a broad body like a brown bear stood by the window, leisurely playing with the cuff nails on the front of his sleeves.

From a distance, this fat man is gentle and harmless, but if you look closely at him, you will find that what is wrapped under his black suit is not fat, but angular muscles.

A bald-headed giant more than two meters tall, as large as a brown bear, and covered in muscles.

He was Wilson Fisk, one of Norman Osborn's partners.

Ten minutes ago, he had just received a message from his assistant Wesley, telling him that the clubhouse had been exposed.

This made Fisk feel bad, but not helpless.

After making a few phone calls, the clues of the clubhouse were successfully cut off. No matter how the NYPD pursued it, it should never have found him.

But just as Fisk breathed a sigh of relief, a small green speck suddenly appeared in the air outside the window.

Fisk's eyes narrowed gradually, and he wondered what it was that was flying towards him.

iron Man?

But Iron Man's suit is red, but the flying man's suit is green.

And unlike Iron Man, he also rides a skateboard...

"What the..."

Before Fisk could finish saying those words, the green trapeze outside the window had already arrived at the window.

It was a small man standing on a glider that resembled a skateboard. He was dressed in a metallic green battle suit and wore a ferocious green mask on his face!

Seeing Fisk, the little man took out a ball and threw it at the window.

Boooom! !

The ball exploded on the spot, and the huge floor-to-ceiling windows shattered!


Fisk was caught off guard, and his entire body was pushed out by the shock wave of the explosion. His huge body slammed into the wall and directly collapsed a partition wall in the room.

Little Green Goblin Harry Osborn got off the Green Goblin glider with a sneer and walked slowly into Wilson Fisk's room.

He looked at the "Father's Enemy" who fell to the ground and lifted his Green Goblin mask.

"Mr Fisk, do you know me?"

Wilson Fisk's head was bleeding, and he looked up at the little green goblin in front of him.

"Harry Osborn? Norman's son?"

"It's really me." Harry sneered, "Fisk, since you recognized me, you should know why I'm here today!"

"Why? Your father and I are best friends! We are the closest partners, and I am the person your father trusted the most before his death. Why are you against me?" Fisk asked blankly. I really don't understand why Harry is messing with him.

"You really don't have a word of truth in your mouth!" Harry said angrily. "What? Do you think I'll be easily deceived when I'm young?"

"Liar to you?" Fisk was very surprised. "What did I lie to you for?"

"Of course it's to cover up the evidence that you murdered my father!" Harry said solemnly, "You coveted my father's Green Goblin reagent, and it's not enough to deceive the reagent formula from him. Your fortified men murdered him, you cruel liar!"

"What?" Fisk was speechless, what the **** was this kid thinking about?

"Listen, boy, your father and I were allies and partners from beginning to end. I never thought of doing anything against your father. As for the murder, it was indeed planned by me, but your father Knowing the whole truth, our real purpose is..."

As a result, when he said the key part, an unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded in Fisk's mind.

"Wilson Fisk, repent!"


"Stop your crimes and face your sins!"

"It's still too late to repent, confess your sins to the public!"

"Don't be stubborn anymore. Before the big mistake is made, there is still a chance to make up for it. Repent immediately!"

Fisk was confused—what was this babbling voice that suddenly popped into my head?

"Who?! Who is talking?"

Fisk rubbed his forehead and asked sharply.

But the voice in my head Fiske, you repent! "


"Stop your crimes and face your sins!"


"Damn..." Fisk looked up at Harry Osborn standing by the window, gritted his teeth and asked, "Boy, is this your trick? Stop your trick now, I told you, I and you My father is a partner, an ally, I don't… **** it! Shut me up!"

Harry Osborn didn't believe a word Fisk said at all, he firmly believed that the fat man in front of him must be lying.

"Stop acting, Fisk, it's time to avenge my dad."

As he spoke, Harry took out a throwing knife, then flicked his wrist and threw the throwing knife towards Fisk's neck.

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