American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 173: Sand sculpture skills

So Goofy called his partner Steve Rogers before taking Pepper downstairs to drive.

Hank sent the crime address to Gao Fei's mobile phone, and Gao Fei started the car and sped away.

Crossing the Brooklyn Bridge, Goofy returned to his precinct from Manhattan and drove three blocks forward to the address of the crime given in Hank's text message.

Pepper, who was sitting in the co-pilot all the way, kept calling Tony Stark's phone, but no one answered the previous few times. Just as Goofy turned the last intersection, Stark's phone finally came. Got through.

"Oh, Pepper, are you finished? Aren't you supposed to be having dinner with that undead cop? Why are you still calling me so busy... Damn it, I finally get to be alone for a while , can't you let me have even a moment of tranquility?!"

Hearing Tony Stark's voice, Pepper finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great, Mr. Stark, where are you now?"

"I don't seem to be obliged to report your location to you? Miss Potts, please clarify our relationship. Are you my assistant or am I your assistant?" Stark said impatiently.

Although Tony Stark did not disclose his location, Goofy can basically rule out the suspicion of his committing the crime, because the quality of Stark's call on the phone is good, and his voice is very stable, which is enough to show that Stark is on the move. Be in a fixed space and have not been vigorously active for a period of time.

If he was the one who committed the crime in Brooklyn, he would never be able to speak to Pepper so calmly now.

Looking up, Gao Fei had already seen the "Iron Man" floating in the air at the crime scene.

He pointed to the front and whispered to Pepper: "Come, look at this fake."

Pepper looked up, then took a deep breath.

I saw that the "Iron Man" floating in the air was almost exactly the same as Tony Stark's Iron Man. The battle suit was also composed of red and yellow, and the "Ark Reactor" on the chest was flashing with a faint blue light. Under the armor, it carries complex and sophisticated weapons.

"Why... why does he have an Iron Man suit?" Pepper asked in shock.

Goofy also felt very strange.

The technology of the Iron Man suit Mark series is very complicated, especially the Ark Reactor is Stark's patent. Who has such a powerful copycat technology to actually copy a set of Iron Man suits?

At this moment, the "Iron Man" in mid-air launched a miniature missile towards a building by the roadside. The missile hit the building and exploded. The whole building began to shake violently, and a raging fire was ignited at the same time.

"Damn, I have to stop this guy immediately!"

Gao Fei said in a deep voice, then instructed Pepper: "Miss Pepper, you hide in the car and don't get out, by the way, take this guy and send it to Stark to see."

"Understood." Pepper nodded lightly, and immediately followed Goofy's instructions to shoot the scene.

And as long as she hides in this chariot modified by Stark, the "Iron Man" fire should not hurt her.

Parked the car on the side of the road, Gao Fei pushed the door and got out of the car.

He strode towards the fake "Iron Man" while evacuating the surrounding crowd.

"Everyone, please leave here immediately and don't stay on the site! Repeat, please leave here immediately, don't stay on the site!"

Hearing Gao Fei's voice, the citizens turned their heads one after another, and even the "Iron Man" in mid-air stopped his destruction and turned to Gao Fei.

"Oh, Goofy! Why are you here? You shouldn't be on patrol tonight!" "Iron Man" said to Goofy in an old friend's tone, "I'm sorry, my man, I give You are in trouble!"

After speaking, "Iron Man" turned and flew into the air, apparently preparing to flee the scene.

"Damn it! This **** is just pretending to be Tony Stark. He doesn't know me at all, but pretends to be my old friend." Goofy immediately saw through his conspiracy, and then suddenly broke the roadside Road signs.

"Get me down!"

Gao Fei directly projected the half-way sign as a javelin towards Iron Man, and the sign made a sharp breaking sound in mid-air. "Iron Man" hurriedly dodged, but was hit on the ankle by the road sign.


Sparks sprang from the propulsion device of this guy's right foot, and his flight speed was greatly reduced.

Just as Gao Fei was about to continue his pursuit, there were a few heart-wrenching "help" sounds from across the road.



Gao Fei looked back and saw that there were still figures shaking in the fire after the explosion.


Gotta go to the rescue first!

Without any hesitation, Gao Fei rushed to the fire without saying a word.

And just as Gao Fei turned and ran towards the fire, his body suddenly lit up!

As if a huge chase light was projected over, shining on Gao Fei's body!

Not only that, Gao Fei's clothes are automatic without wind, and his hair flutters in the wind!

It's just pretending to go with the wind!

Goofy urinated on the spot!

Could this be the exclusive skill of the legendary Instructor template - a heroic role model, leading by example? !

Using this skill, Gao Fei will glow all over his body, walk with wind, and automatically become the focus of attention!

"TF!!" Gao Fei went crazy, "Is this too exaggerated?!"

But exaggeration is exaggerated, this skill is really useful.

The eyes of the surrounding citizens were immediately attracted to Gao Fei, and everyone didn't even care about the fake "Iron Man" who escaped.

And attracting more people's attention naturally brings more worship value for Gao Fei.

[Worship from Stam +3]

[Worship from Reed +5]

[Worship from Jack +4]

I didn't expect that this sand sculpture skill... actually has some practical effects!

But Gao Fei didn't care about complaining anymore. There were still many people waiting for his support in the fire scene, so Gao Fei dived into the fire scene with his own chase lights and blower.

And the citizens at the scene were shocked by Goo Fei's sand sculpture Officer Goo Fei was glowing all over! "

"Did you all see it? Officer Goofy is glowing!"

"I remember he was also glowing when he defeated the monster last night!"

"What do you know? Officer Goofy was chosen by God!"

"As expected of the protector of our Brooklyn!"

"A man with special effects!"

In the sound of everyone's discussion, Gao Fei successfully got into the fire and rescued the five citizens who were besieged, and immediately evacuated the residents of the entire building.

After the rescue ended, Gao Fei's system background also accumulated more than 3,000 worship points.

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