Taking advantage of Gao Fei's research in the background, the Hulk finally got a chance to breathe. The big man got up from the ground and launched a counterattack, and punched Gao Fei out.


Gao Fei fell heavily to the ground, scaring the onlookers into nervousness.

"Officer Goofy!"

"Officer Goofy, are you alright!"

Gao Fei patted his **** and got up, scolding angrily: "Damn, you shameless big man, can you not use such a despicable method as sneak attack?"

At the same time as he spoke, the military's firepower covered him again, but instead of hitting the Hulk first, several stray bullets hit Gao Fei.

If it weren't for Goofy's rough skin and thick flesh, these bullets would have to knock him out.

"Damn it!" Goofy turned around and glared at General Ross.

"Do you hear me stop the fire? Don't force me to dismantle your helicopter first!"

General Ross saw that Gao Fei's combat power was extraordinary, and he was obviously here to subdue the Hulk, so he quickly obeyed, and ordered in a deep voice: "Case the fire first, let this kid go!"

Goofy charged towards the Hulk again, using his body to knock the Hulk back to the campus.

Carrie, who was full of food and drink in the distance, had already come over. This little figure could be vaguely seen in the night. Goofy aimed at Carrie's position and kicked the Hulk hard, forcing the big man into the depths of the campus.

Also dismiss potential witnesses around.

"You guys, hurry up and get out of here, it's too dangerous here, don't watch, it's important to save your life!"

The potential witnesses were instantly grateful.

"Officer Goofy actually cares about us so much?"

"It's so considerate!"


[Worship from Cook +3]

[Worship from Phoebe +5]

Gao Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, like a group of onlookers who were grateful.

So Goofy managed to drive the Hulk into a remote corner of the campus, where Carrie was already waiting.

"Father Goofy, is he the criminal?"

The little girl pointed at the Hulk and asked timidly.

Just as Gao Fei was about to nod his head, he glanced at Carrie's little green face, and burst out laughing.

"Silly girl, come here, Dad will wipe your mouth for you."

Carrie ran over obediently, while Gao Fei took out a tissue from his pocket and carefully wiped the little girl's face and chin.

The Hulk next to him looked stunned, what kind of warm drama are these gentlemen playing here?


The behemoth roared at Goofy and Carrie, spitting out saliva.

Carrie looked disgusted.

"It's disgusting!"

Then he turned and rushed towards the Hulk.

"Eat full and digest!"

The small fist instantly charged, and the loli-type Gatling officially opened fire.

"Wash you!"

In an instant, Carrie's chubby hands clenched into fists, and the Hulk couldn't even hide.

Gao Fei was dumbfounded. Carrie's combat power improved too fast, right?

Is this because of Carrie's own talent, or because she just drank almost all of the Hulk's blood samples?

Could it be that the energy contained in the Hulk's blood sample was too great, which gave Carrie this ill-like escalation?

Under Carrie's almost overwhelming advantage, the Hulk was almost powerless to fight back.

Carrie was still fighting.

bang bang bang bang...

The little fist didn't stop at all.

The Hulk held his head in despair, and his body gradually began to shrink.

Gao Fei took a look, **** it! The Hulk is going to be beaten back by Carrie!

Sure enough, half a minute later, the Hulk was completely cowardly and hid back in Bruce Banner's body, and he just couldn't come out.

Bruce Banner successfully returned to human form and fell to the ground gasping for breath.

Goofy then stopped Carrie.

"Okay girl, that's it."

Carrie obediently stopped, turned and ran back to Goofy.

And Goofy walked over to Bruce Banner and pulled him up.

"Okay, Dr. Banner, I don't think that big guy will come out of your body any time soon."

Bruce Banner looked at Gao Fei in shock, and then looked at Loli beside Gao Fei in shock, and asked in a low voice, "Really?"

"of course it's true."

Goofy said as he threw Bruce Banner out, slamming against the wall.


Dr. Banner fell dizzy, but he was happy.

The big guy really didn't come out again. If it was before, if he had encountered this kind of injury, the Hulk would have come out to take over his body.

"He really disappeared?" Bruce Banner asked excitedly.

"No, he just didn't dare to come out for the time being." Gao Fei explained, "He was afraid of being beaten up by my daughter."

Bruce Banner was overjoyed, he dreamed of getting rid of the Hulk.

"Thank you, Officer Goofy, and thank you for your daughter."

Gao Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, our grandfather beat you up, and you thanked us.

Carrie was also at a loss. Is this uncle's brain circuit abnormal?

"By the way, I should go..." Bruce Banner finished his troubles and patted his **** to leave.

However, Goofy reached out and grabbed his arm firmly.

"What? You smashed the entire laboratory, destroyed several private cars, and caused casualties, and now you want to leave?"

Bruce Banner looked helpless: "Officer Goofy, but I can't help myself..."

"Can't help yourself?" Goofy sneered, "If you turn around and leave New York when I persuade you, then it's fine, not only will we be at peace with each other, but I will make you a friend. , you still insist on coming to Greyburn College, so sorry, you are a criminal."

Having said that, Goofy pulled out the handcuffs from his pocket and handcuffed Bruce Banner directly.

"Bruce Banner, you are now officially under arrest by the NYPD, and you have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will become evidence in court."

Bruce Banner looked at Goofy in shock, he didn't expect that he would really be arrested.

Gao Fei winked at Carrie, and the little girl wisely took the path and ran outside to join the crowd.

Goofy dragged Bruce Banner, who fell into the French Open.

"Come on, Dr. Banner~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Now it's time for me to squeeze the last remaining value out of you."

So under the onlookers of all the citizens, military troops and NYPD colleagues, Goofy escorted Bruce Banner out of the empty campus slowly.

Gao Fei announced loudly: "Everyone, the suspect you saw is the Hulk who ravaged the campus just now. His body has undergone a terrible mutation, which led to the disaster. But please don't worry, he is now He has been subdued by me, and he will be arrested by the NYPD and brought to justice!"

As soon as the words fell, the crowd immediately burst into warm applause and cheers.

All chanted Gao Fei's name in unison to welcome their hero's triumphant return.

And as the worship value in the background soared, Gao Fei was promoted again.

Gao Fei just took this opportunity to study, whether his various attributes really can't break through the bottleneck of 8.0, and whether his upgrade path has come to an end.

Please remember this book's first domain name: . vertex

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