American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 158: got caught

By the time Steve realized he had fallen into a trap, it was too late.

The floor of Osborn's bedroom opened instantly, and Goofy and Steve fell down together.

Osborn's home is full of secret passages, and this is his trump card.

With two muffled noises, Goofy and Steve fell into a dark and cold space. This should be the basement of Osborn's house. The space is small, square and surrounded by hard metal walls.

The metal walls are almost completely closed, except for a finger-wide exhaust vent at the top corner, and a metal door on the front.

There is a palm-sized window on the metal gate, which is the only way to connect the interior and exterior spaces.

Steve, who got up, waved his vibranium shield and slashed towards the metal gate.


The roar of metal shook people's brains. Although the gate was cut with a scar by the vibrating gold shield, there was no sign of it being opened.

"Forget it, Steve, don't waste your energy, we can't get out." Goofy said calmly, sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Steve looked at Gao Fei with a puzzled face, this big brother, your psychological quality is also very good, right?

"Goofy, we fell into a trap, we became prisoners!" Steve said depressedly, "Is this your plan?"

"Yes, this is my plan." Goofy smiled lightly, "Don't panic, soon we will be able to see the true face of Norman Osborn."

Sure enough, about a few minutes later, the window on the metal door of the closed room was pulled open, and Norman Osborn's strange face appeared on the window.

"Officer Goofy, Officer Steve, I'm so sorry, I made you worry, hehehe..."

Norman Osborn smirked, full of smugness.

"The two of you tried your best to protect me, but I was thrown into this cold confinement room. Speaking of which, I feel that I am a bit too much..."

Steve is really angry, Nima is such a bad old man.

However, Gao Fei was very calm, squinting his eyes and smiling: "Mr. Osborn, I really regret that I didn't kill you with a cannonball."


Norman Osborn was shocked when he heard this, and realized that Goofy had already seen through his identity.

"You know I'm the Green Goblin?"

Gao Fei shrugged: "Of course I do."

Osborn took a deep breath and immediately regained his composure.

"But what if you know? Are you still my prisoner now? Hehe..."

Steve warned solemnly: "Mr. Osborne, if you dare to detain the police without authorization, the NYPD will hold you accountable!"

"NYPD?" Osborn sneered, "Is that the waste department whose turnover rate continues to soar? Don't worry, they won't even know that you are in my hands. I have long forged the surveillance video of the gangster assassinating me, and you Surveillance footage of leaving my house to chase the gangster... I'll tell the NYPD when you two go after the gangster who assassinated me, that stupid Superintendent Schneider wouldn't have guessed that you were imprisoned in the basement by me."

Steve didn't know enough about the surveillance footage, so he turned around and asked Gao Fei in a low voice, "Isn't he fooling me? Can this surveillance footage be faked?"

Goofy nodded: "Theoretically, it can be faked, just find two people who are similar to us as stand-ins."

Steve's face was depressed, and he wasn't fooling me.

At this time Norman Osborn smiled arrogantly.

"Hehe, two police officers, stop making unnecessary struggles, you are destined to be my prisoners, and unless you cooperate with me well, you will be tortured by life rather than death!"

Steve despised the most insidious criminals.

"Dream, we will never cooperate with you!"

Gao Fei is very good at talking.

"How do you want us to cooperate with you?"

Norman Osborn smiled lightly: "Well, there are test tubes and syringes on the table in the closed room. I need your blood samples."

Gao Fei pouted: "You really want our ability."

"Of course." Norman Osborn made no secret of his greed, "Immortal body and super soldier serum, how could I miss these two treasures?"

Goofy smiled disdainfully: "I'm sorry, you'll never want to get our blood samples."

"Goofy! Don't toast, don't eat and drink fine!" Norman Osborn's face sank, and his tone became gloomy, "What if you are immortal? Being tortured in life is more painful than death. !"

"Oh? How are you going to torture me?" Gao Fei's expression was calm and his mood was calm, "Roast me with fire? Stab me with a needle? Or cut the flesh with a dull knife and torture me bit by bit? Happy to accompany.”

Norman Osborn smiled grimly: "Goofy, I know you are a hero who is fearless, but as long as you are human, you have weaknesses. You are immortal, but what about the people around you?"

When Gao Fei heard this, he immediately became nervous.


Osborn trying to **** the people around me?

It's time to show real acting skills!

"You... what do you want to do?" Gao Fei put on a nervous look, and even stuttered when he spoke.

"As far as I have a lovely little daughter." Norman Osborn smiled more sinisterly.

"You... don't hit her idea! Otherwise I'll make you pay!" Goofy blushed and said loudly.

Norman Osborn smiled negatively: "It's too late, I have already sent someone to invite this little girl, and soon, we will see the warm scene of father and daughter reunion..."

Osborn became more and more proud of his words, and the corners of his mouth almost reached the roots of his ears.

Gao Fei was very proud in his heart, but there was a bitter expression on his face.

"Osborn, you sinister villain!"

Osborn laughed: "Officer Goofy, the good show has just begun. When your daughter arrives, I'll show you what a sinister villain is!"

After speaking, Norman Osborn slammed the window shut, turned and left the closed room.

After Gao Fei finished a play, he was secretly relieved.

Steve was in a hurry, pulled Gao Fei's arm and said, "Goofy, what should I do now? Carrie is also involved! You are Carrie is not!"

"Dad has been arrested, the girl has to come and see me, right?" Gao Fei said with a good attitude and smiled.

Steve was hooked on the spot.

How can there be such a pitiful father in the world?

and many more…

Since Gao Fei is so calm, isn't this little guy Carrie simple?

"Goofy, is Carrie also immortal?" Steve asked cautiously.

Gao Fei smiled mysteriously: "She's not."

"No? Then why are you so calm? You're not afraid of Osborn's attack on Carrie?" Steve looked bewildered.

Gao Fei patted the old man on the shoulder: "Don't worry, you will understand when the time comes."

It's time to send the little girl out for activities.

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