American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 129: father and daughter soldier

The speed of the little girl's punches was comparable to that of Gatling, and Gao Fei looked stupid.

From this point of view, Carrie's usual food intake is not exaggerated at all. After all, compared to her current energy output, the daily food intake is simply a drizzle!

"That's why my Carrie doesn't eat very well..." Gao Fei showed his old father's smile, "I need to add more nutrition in the future."

The little guy beat up Professor Lizard for more than a minute before Gao Fei quickly stopped this one-sided **** abuse. Although Professor Lizard's ability to fight after his transformation is very good, Bao Buqi will be beaten to death by Carrie's eight punches.

"Alright, alright, alright." Gao Fei waved to Carrie, and Little Loli obediently put away her fist and ran back.

"Father Gao Fei, am I very good?" Carrie looked up at Gao Fei with a pleading expression on her face.

Gao Fei rubbed Carrie's head: "It's very powerful, it's shocking!"

Carrie waved her fist: "I will beat up anyone who dares to bully Goofy's father in the future!"

Gao Fei's heart warmed, this girl didn't feel pain in vain.

But Gao Fei still reminded: "Carrie, you must not let others see that you have such destructive power, understand?"

"Understood!" Carrie nodded obediently, "I will disguise myself as an ordinary soft girl in front of outsiders."

"Well, that's great." Gao Fei smiled comfortably, and then pointed to Professor Lizard, "Then how did this big monster become so virtuous?"

Carrie tilted her head and thought for a while, then she said cleverly, "I was beaten by Goofy's dad!"

"Very good." Gao Fei couldn't help but praise Ruzi for being teachable, and then pointed to the top of the sewer, "Let's go, Carrie, it's time for us to go back."

Carrie nodded obediently and walked to Gao Fei's side, while Gao Fei hugged Carrie in one hand and Professor Lizard who had been beaten down in the other, and ran straight out of the sewers along the underground well.


On Queens Street.

All police officers and citizens are praying for the heroic Goofy officer who saved lives.

Goofy is not afraid of danger and fights with the lizard monsters, causing his poor daughter to be taken hostage by the lizard monsters. If it wasn't for saving people, Goofy wouldn't have been threatened by the lizard monsters and jumped into the sewer and was in danger.

Everyone is looking forward to the miracle, and looking forward to the safe return of police officer Goofy and his lovely daughter. Although everyone understands that this probability is really not high.

Even in a fair fight, Goofy might not be able to successfully subdue the big lizard, let alone now that Goofy's daughter was kidnapped by the lizard monster.

Officer Goofy, this trip is dangerous.

As time passed by, the hopes of the citizens gradually came to naught.

The three NYPD officers listened to the constant crashing from the sewers, and they all felt that Gao Fei must be cool this time.

At this time, George Stacy asked nervously on the radio: "How is the situation at the scene? Is anyone injured?"

"Matt was injured, he was thrown out by the monster... but there is no danger to his life. The rest is..." one of the police officers whispered.

"What's the rest?!" Sheriff Stacey almost threw the radio station in a hurry, can you not catch your breath?

"The rest is that Officer Goofy went to fight the lizard monster alone in order to protect everyone. The lizard monster kidnapped his daughter and forced him to go to the sewers." The police officer quickly explained.

"What?! Constable Goofy's daughter? When did he have a daughter?" Sheriff Stacey was shocked, but immediately realized that his focus had shifted, "I mean, what's going on with Constable Goofy? ?"

"It's hard to say now..." the policeman whispered, "The situation is very bad, the situation of Constable Gao Fei is very bad, he is very likely to die..."

"Don't give me a crow's mouth! Officer Goofy won't have an accident! Don't stand still, you guys, go and help!" Sheriff Stacey shouted anxiously, "I'll be at the scene right away, you go to support first. Officer Goofy, I'll be there soon. Listen, I'm not going to let him have an accident!"

"As ordered, sheriff, as ordered..." The police officers nodded quickly, and then prepared to set off for the sewer.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a huge black shadow burst out of the sewer, drew a parabola in the air, and landed heavily on the ground.


The citizens and the NYPD police officers on the street were all dumbfounded and looked at the dark shadow.

I saw that the shadow was the high-flying police officer they were worried about!

Gao Fei was holding an unscathed and well-behaved Loli in his left hand and a terrifying monster lizard Professor Lizard covered in bruises in his right.

After a brief silence, the citizens at the scene fell into complete madness.

"It's Officer Goofy!"

"Officer Goofy is back!"

"Officer Goofy defeated the evil lizard monster!"

"Officer Goofy beat the Lizardmen into a puddle of mud!"

"He rescued that lovely child!"

"Thank God! Their father and daughter are all right!"

The three NYPD officers also trembled with excitement and cheered loudly.

Sheriff Stacey on the radio couldn't see the scene and jumped in a hurry.

"Damn, what happened at the scene? Why is it messed up? Answer me, what happened?!"

One of the officers reported to Sheriff Stacey in a trembling voice: "It's back...he's back..."

"Who's back?" Sheriff Stacey asked impatiently, "Tell me clearly!"

"Our hero is back!" The police officer holding the radio burst into tears with hero! Officer Goofy, he has defeated the Tuatara, and he is back in triumph! "

"Great!" Sheriff Stacey clenched his fists and cheered loudly when he heard the news, and the radio in his hand was almost broken by him.

And soon, the cheers of all the citizens of Queens 15th Street were heard on the radio.

The much-anticipated Gao Fei was a little flustered, because the backstage worship value came too quickly.

[Worship from Catherine +5]

[Worship from Muller +5]


If Gao Fei continues to stand here, then he is likely to gain two levels in a row in the next ten minutes.

And considering that the big lizard in his hand was not crushed by him at all, Gao Fei couldn't help but feel a sense of shame of cheating in his heart.

It's obviously a good deed done by my daughter, why do you worship me?

This makes me very ashamed!

But on second thought, since Goofy is Carrie's guardian, isn't it a matter of course to temporarily keep the worship value for Carrie?

It's like lucky money, you give it to dad first, and dad saves it for you first!

Besides, Carrie doesn't have a system, so it's useless if she wants to worship!

So Gao Fei began to calmly accept the worship of the people on the scene, and quickly upgraded and added points.

At the same time, Goofy realizes that poor Peter Parker should still be in Professor Connors' car, but can't forget to rescue the victim.

Looking back, I saw that Peter Parker had gotten out of the car, and the little boy was standing not far away, looking at Gao Fei with admiration.

System background:

[Worship from Peter Parker +5+5+5…]

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