American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 126: Professor Lizard

Seeing the big, scaly hand sticking out from the carriage, Gao Fei knew something was wrong.

Professor Curtis Connors completed his ultimate evolution and completely turned into a cruel and ruthless Lizard Professor.

However, the police officers in Queens didn't realize how troublesome their enemies were, and they took up the Glock in their hands and shot at the big hand, but these bullets couldn't penetrate the hard scales of Professor Lizard at all, and they couldn't hurt him at all...

Carrie looked at the large, scaly hand not far away, and asked curiously, "Father Goofy, is that the Green Goblin in the car?"

"It's not the Green Goblin." Goofy shook his head gently, "It's another kind of monster."

Carrie seemed to understand, and said with a serious face: "No wonder you say that this world is becoming more and more abnormal, and there are more and more monsters. I used to think that I was a freak, and now I realize that they are not. A real freak."

Gao Fei was speechless for a while - from the appearance, it is true that they are more like freaks, but judging from the physical structure and ability, it is actually Carrie who is more perverted...

But now is not the time to compare these, Gao Fei instructed Carrie in the car: "You sit in the car obediently, and I'll help."

Of course, Goofy couldn't use Stark's modified chariot on the densely populated traffic arteries (not to mention that the chariot's ammunition had been exhausted), so he could only rely on NYPD's equipment to deal with Professor Lizard.

And before Gao Fei rushed to the scene, the police officer who was first caught by the big hand flew out with a scream - he was thrown far away by Professor Lizard in the carriage.

The screams of the police officers flying out here continued, and the onlookers at the scene suddenly screamed again.

I saw that the roof of the blue car was suddenly torn open, and then a burly monster broke through the car and appeared on 15th Street.

This monster looks like a hybrid of a lizard and a human. It is covered with dense scales, a pair of scarlet eyes flashing fiercely, and a long tail is dragging behind its buttocks.

He is at least 2.5 meters tall, and his size is much larger than the NYPD police officers present.

The remaining three police officers were scared to pee on the spot, and one of them threw the gun in his hand.

What is this Nima!

A live version of Jurassic Park?

"Back! Back now!"

While the three police officers were stunned, Gao Fei's voice came from not far away.

Only then did the three brothers and sisters realize that what Gao Fei said was right, they really should back off.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

The leading police officer gave an order, and the three hurriedly retreated into the police car. Unfortunately, they were too slow, and they were caught up by Professor Lizard before they could touch the door.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!"

Professor Lizard grinned, grabbed the chassis of the police car from the side and slammed it.

I saw that the heavy police car was directly overturned by Professor Lizard, spinning in the air and flying to the side road.

There are still normal vehicles on the highway. Once hit by a police car, it will definitely lead to a major traffic accident. The drivers driving behind are frightened, and they slammed the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes to try to escape.

However, this resulted in a rear-end collision. The four vehicles collided in a series. Although they avoided the police car that Professor Lizard overturned, the series of rear-end collisions directly blocked the entire traffic on 15th Street.

Seeing what he did, Professor Lizard laughed wildly.

The drivers and passengers who were blocked on 15th Street shivered under the shrill laughter of this monster, and they truly felt the fear of death.

Since the Green Goblin appeared on the streets of Brooklyn a few days ago, New Yorkers have gradually begun to realize that the world has become abnormal. Originally, these ferocious monsters would only appear in science fiction movies, but now they appear in the real world. .

This is simply the rhythm of doomsday!

And what's even more pitiful...the frequency of these monsters appearing too high.

The Green Goblin has just finished smashing Brooklyn, why did the lizard monsters jump out to harm Queens?

Even if you monsters and ghosts take a little rest for two days!

It's really impossible to arrange an odd or even number. At least let us little people take a breather!

The terrified citizens looked desperately at the lizard monster in front of them, and a coolness rushed from the tailbone to the sky. The quality of your own car is enough to resist the invasion of monsters.

Professor Lizard stared at the audience with his long and powerful tail, enjoying the sense of dominance that created fear for others, and then his eyes stayed on the three helpless police officers in front of him. He decided to kill these three stupefied young Liwei!

"All three of you must die!"

Professor Lizard growled wildly.

The three police officers were trembling, and even forgot to escape.

Fortunately, Gao Fei arrived at the scene at this time, and he walked through the rolling traffic and came to Professor Lizard.

Under the gaze of hundreds of thousands of citizens on 15th Street, Gao Fei shook his shoulders.

"The first time it wasn't to die for the sake of righteousness, it's still a wonderful feeling..." Gao Fei smiled lightly and said to himself, "If that's the case, let me really experience what it's like to be a hero!"

After that, Glock pushed the bullet into the chamber and fired it into the sky.


Professor Lizard's eyes were immediately attracted to He also attracted the eyes of three police officers and other citizens.

Goofy stepped on the overturned police car Ford Taurus, and the knife looked directly at Professor Lizard. Facing the scarlet eyes of the big monster, Gao Fei smiled coldly: "Take your costume and go back to your circus, you grandstanding monster!"

Professor Lizard was furious, turned and roared at Goofy.

His breath was covered in stench and sprayed towards Gao Fei, which was also mixed with Professor Lizard's fishy saliva. Goo Fei took the opportunity to raise his hand and fired a bullet, which penetrated the breath and accurately hit Professor Lizard's throat.

"Cheep! cluck!"

Professor Lizard was in so much pain that he was almost hit by the bullet in his upper jaw, but fortunately, his body after the injection of the lizard serum had an amazing ability to fight, and it blocked the bullet that was in his mouth.

"You **** policeman, you are so bold!" Professor Lizard roared angrily.

Gao Fei smiled lightly: "Of course I'm not small, and I don't even look at who I am?"

"Who are you?" Professor Lizard squinted at Goofy, and then the consciousness of Professor Connors of his body immediately gave the answer.

"Are you...?"

As the first living sample of the Osborne Group's secret human experiment, Goofy's appearance has long been deeply imprinted in Professor Connors' mind.

Seeing Professor Lizard recognize him, Goofy smiled and spread his hands gently towards him: "Since you recognized me, monster, come on and say my name."

Professor Lizard was shocked and angry, he opened his mouth and roared loudly.

"You are Gao Fei!"

With the harsh roar of the monster, Goofy's name spread to the ears of every citizen present!

(The fourth request is for a recommendation ticket)

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