Chapter 987: Relatively speaking…

“Ms. Yukoshita looks a little bit fierce. It’s obviously not the day when a good friend visits you…” In the living room, Sougo Doma, who is turning his teacup, doesn’t care about the name bastard. After all, this sister-in-law He had already thought of killing him, and he was not unexpectedly cursed. He still smiled: “Would you like a cup of tea to quench the fire?”

“Doma, what do you want to do?” When confronted with other people, Yukoshita Yono may disguise and deal with each other with exquisite words, but when faced with Sougo Morama, she just wants to talk to each other quickly. .

“Ms. Yukoshita joked, I should be the one who asked this sentence? What do you want?” It is also true that Sougo Tama, who has never offended the other party, really wants to know why the other party has Kill his thoughts.

“…” Xuexia Yangnai gritted her teeth again after hearing this, this bastard tainted Xuenai and even dared to ask her what she wanted to do? If she couldn’t get the other party temporarily, she would have to…

Thinking like this, she asked again: “Why did she look for Yukino, she…cough cough, why is Yukino?” Of course, as a HENTAI-level sister, she didn’t want to mention her sister. Foul language, especially in front of the guy who defiled Yukino!

“Huh?” Tuma always realized that he was puzzled. Although he knew that Yuuki Xia’s sister-controlled attributes had been exploded, he wanted to kill him because he asked Yukoshita to help Zhenbai with tuition. Is this too much, and : “Miss Yukoshita, don’t you think you are distorted? Your sister is not a kid anymore…”

“She’s just a child!” Yuuki Xia Yangna roared. This bastard actually used the statement that Xiao Xue Na was not a child to excuse him. He wanted to say that that kind of thing Xiao Xue Na could call the shots by himself? Despicable bastard! Obviously it was he who coaxed Xiaoyuna to make her tainted by a single touch…

“This is no longer a distortion, but HENTAI…” The other party’s remarks made Tuma always feel ashamed. It seems that Yang Nao is indeed angry because he asked Xue Na to help with tuition, and even to the point where he wanted to kill him. Such a distorted degree of sister control, he is ashamed…cough cough, no, he is not sister control! This degree of distortion is fortunate that Xuexiaxuena can endure:

“Miss Yangnai, is it right that your sister is a high school student? She should have her own life. Is it fun to be alone all day? Although I only use her as a tool person, it is undeniable Yes, this will make her less lonely? Even though some small tricks were used at the time, I believe that this is not a bad experience for Xuexia classmate…”

Considering that the other party wanted to kill him because of a lot of touches, even though he had subconsciously regarded the other party as an enemy, Sougo Tama still had a trace of empathy with him, although he was not a sister-in-law…

However, when he was only halfway through his words, Yukino’s anger was rekindled. If she hadn’t been good at forbearing, I’m afraid she would have been tempted to make a move!

Worker, tool person? Toma Sougou, this bastard has no feelings for Yukino. Isn’t the name of the tool person being inflated? Make Xue Nai less lonely? What does he think of Xue Na on earth? However, what she had expected was that the bastard used despicable means, but he admitted it with a grin!

Admitting grievously, this bastard must think that Xuexiajia can’t help him, so… Xuexiayang gritted his teeth.

Damn it! What else is it not a bad experience? Is there anything worse than it is now?

“Asshole…” Thinking of this, even if Xuexiayangna is so good at forbearance, he couldn’t help but explode again, and his head warmly said: “I’ll take note of this time! Where is my sister? ”

“Miss Yang Nai, even if you are a sister-in-law, you have to be restrained…” The more angry the other party, the more embarrassed Tama Zougou, and the more sympathy for Yukino Yukoshita. With this kind of sister, it is no wonder that the other party has no friends. , Isn’t he asking Xuexia’s classmate to help his friends with tuition, and the other party can be so angry that he wants to kill him. If this is replaced by an ordinary person, wouldn’t it really be life-threatening?

“You have done too much. Although I did use some small tricks, Xuexia also took a step forward, didn’t he?”

“This step is too far, right? It’s already in the sky!”

“Miss Yangnai, are you too exaggerated? What kind of life did classmate Xuexia live? Not to mention high school students, they are junior high school students. No, even elementary school students are not uncommon, right?” Doma Sougo always speaks with facts.

“That’s someone else! I don’t allow…”

“That’s why I said you are too wide-minded!”

“It’s better than being deceived by you bastard with despicable means!” Xuexiaxue Nai gritted her teeth.

“Don’t say it so badly…”

“Isn’t it?” Xuexia Yangnai asked angrily with staring eyes.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Yes, he did not tell the truth to Yukino under Xuexia, and used tactics such as aggressive generals, showing weakness, and incitement, but he just asked the other party to help make up lessons, or help girls make up lessons. This sister-in-law is necessary. Are you angry? Even he didn’t take his own waste material so seriously!

For example, it’s like Xiaoli went down to instruct that Gong Kaoru in secret, did he say anything? In other words, it’s not sister control anymore, but HENTAI-like possessiveness, right? Who said this: “Don’t try to persuade a HENTAI, when you are persuading HENTAI, HENTAI is also persuading you.”

Although this is not a plausible saying, it is quite logical. Just think about the clown girl who entered Arkham in the first place to influence the clown, but assimilated herself into the clown. This…

Sougo Tama shivered. If he becomes a HENTAI like Yang Nai, there will be a lot of waste material in his house…

Shook his head, Tuma Zougou didn’t want to think deeper, so he wouldn’t let that waste material bear the same pain under the snow! Therefore, it is imperative to stay away from this transitional sister-controlled and transitional HENTAI guy. Although the easiest way is to kill the other party directly, but firstly, this is his home, and secondly, the other party is also for his sister;

Although Tuma Zougou is by no means a sister-in-law, but when he thinks that the other party is for his sister, he can’t bring up any murderous intentions. The transitional love makes people feel heavy and pressured, but can you say that it is not love? Besides, it’s not like he is the one who is under the weight and the pressure, and the one who is under the pressure doesn’t say anything, doesn’t it?

Stay away from this kind of thing, since you don’t consider killing the opponent, just avoid the opponent…

“…” After thinking about it this way, Doma Sougo was silent for a while, then said faintly: “Just take it as it is. Xuexia classmate is in the room where Shiina is really white upstairs. I have something to do. Chatting with you more!”

Seeing someone leave as if they were running away, Yukoshita Yono: “…”

Just fled like this? Did this bastard feel guilty in conscience, or?

and many more! Yes, what’s wrong! ?

Shiina’s white room? Shiina is really white, really white… This sounds like a girl’s name!

This bastard has defiled Koyuki. Don’t say, it’s still in the room of other girls. The girl whose name is Shiina really white shouldn’t be the bastard’s former lover, but separated for some reason-Koyuki was caught by the bastard. As a stand-in or a tool for revenge…

It’s no wonder Yukoshita Yono thinks so, normal people don’t take girls to other girls’ rooms, right? Not to mention–

Yukoshita is a delusion!

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