Question 984

Xuexia Xuena still yearns for friendship, but…

“Dang…” Accompanied by the sound of the bathroom door opening, the HENTAI-level sister control will always appear quietly when she hasn’t figured out the situation.

It can be said that in addition to her own awkward personality, the reason why Yukoshita No. 2 has no friends, a certain HENTAI’s small tricks is also one of the main reasons. No way, HENTAI-level sister-controllers are all good at disrupting the game. They can always appear at the most inappropriate time, such as now–

Although it was a subconscious behavior, Yukino’s mind did think of embracing Mr. Pan’s puppet, talking with Mr. Pan alone, and so on. It seemed naive, but she was happy!

However, a good vision is always easily shattered. As a HENTAI-level sister, how can he still sit still when he hears a lot of voices? Especially when this HENTAI thinks that Yiwiduo has just experienced the most sacred but also the worst thing in life. A simple touch of Dao now needs comfort and embrace…

The soul of sister control began to burn. Compared with Yiwiduo, other things can be put aside. Xuexiayang is not alone. Behind it stands countless patients treated in Germany, with the longing of patients. After HENTAI Yangnai opened the door, he shouted from the heart:

“Xiao Xue Na…”

“Sister?” The second young lady who was thinking about living with the out-of-print Mr. Pan was startled when she heard the words. She a little unnaturally moved her gaze away. For her powerful and perfect sister, the second young lady was longing for her strong and perfect sister, and her head was big, although After telling the other party’s address, she was mentally prepared for the other party to come, but when she thought of facing someone who likes to tease her, she is powerful and perfect…

and many more!

Yukino, who moved her gaze, was taken aback again. What is the situation with that perfect and powerful sister now?

“What is your look?” The image of someone is too horrible, Yukino Yukino has no intention of asking when the other party will arrive. This person is her perfect and powerful sister? The corner of the second lady’s mouth twitched. The hair in front of her was messy, her face was dark, and the woman who rushed out with only a bathrobe is definitely not Yang Na!

Sister, how could she be so gaffe in front of so many people! ?

Xuexiayangna: “…”

Oh, oh, because I cared so much about Koyuki that she didn’t control herself when she heard the voice, she couldn’t see people at all in this way! but……

After Meikong’s attention on her body was fleeting, she carefully looked at it. The second lady’s expression was very shy and embarrassing, just as Yukoshita Yono expected, after that happened. , Koyuki must be in a complicated mood, whether he is shy or embarrassed, it’s all the fault of that bastard in the soil!

The clothes are still O…No, after the bastard did something like that to Yukino, he even let her wear school uniforms. Maybe under the seemingly complete uniform, Koyuki is… not OK at all! Xue Xiayang, who doesn’t know what his brain fills up, has a sharp increase in killing intent. If she is not scrupulous about being on the scene, and she can’t beat the opponent, she’s probably going to fist against someone…

No, no, it’s not the time to pursue responsibility. The most important thing is Koyuki’s feelings. Even if you want to retaliate, you have to wait for Koyuki to figure out what she can do now. , Is to do a good job in the aftermath and guide the other party:

“Xiao, Koyuna, isn’t your sister’s look good? It must be very eye-catching to go out like this, ha, ha ha, do you want to go outside with your sister to try?” Method one for forgetting the pain: stay away from the sad place, for Therefore, Xuexiayang did not hesitate to sacrifice himself.

However, her sacrifice did not make any difference.

The lady present was very silent: “…”

It’s over, it’s over, the victim can’t accept the reality, it’s broken, it’s broken!

On the other hand, Zou Wujian took the opportunity to squeeze his chin and whispered: “Little buried, look, maybe this is the shape that the other party made specially. I now suspect that the fainting statement is a cover, in fact, she didn’t trigger it at all. Defense mechanism, maybe this guy just wants to be eye-catching…”

In response, the eldest lady buried a squint: (¬_¬)

If it’s a look made by the other party, you won’t be surprised at that time, and you won’t borrow the bathroom. If it’s not a special situation, who would bathe in someone else’s house?

As for the most important protagonist of the incident, Xuexiaxuena looked at HENTAI with unquestionable eyes: “Sister, you are sure this is pretty good…”

“When…” Xuexia Yangnai, who wanted to sacrifice herself, was about to nod her head, but with a touch of justice in her eyes, she flinched: “Ha, haha, wait a while for me, it will be fine.”

“Kang Dang!” As soon as he finished speaking, the bathroom door was closed again by the other party.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Sister, what the hell is she doing! ? While thinking about this, the second young lady turned her gaze back to the Tujian brother and sister, and leaned slightly and said:

“Sorry, I made you laugh, my sister…” This is not usually the case.

However, before she said the following words, Sougo Tama took over the words:

“I understand, your sister is becoming more and more HENTAI…” To the culprit who wanted to kill herself and let herself be suspected of being buried, Tōma Sougo did not hesitate to pour sewage on each other.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

After her sister showed up, she couldn’t refute it!

Thanks to the presence of a diplomatic team who is good at Endgame, before Sougo Doma could not speak, she stopped the opponent with her eyes, and quickly changed the subject: “By the way, Senior Yukoshita, Senior True White. Is it okay?”

When it comes to her own responsibilities, Yukino Yukino became serious in an instant: “Student Tuma, I now doubt what kind of education Zhenbai received in the past?”

“Is there any problem?” Tuma Sougo was puzzled.

“Totally zero points…” Yukino Yukino covered her face: “I can understand the zero points for the time being, but why can’t I understand the examples I gave? It’s not that I am boasting, even if I explain it carefully. Elementary school students should also be able to understand!”

“Student Xuexia, do I remember what I said? Zhenbai has been painting in the past…” Sougo Doma reminded.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Even if you keep painting, it’s too ridiculous! ? Wait, he was afraid that he had already smashed Zhen Bai’s body and settled in the sand before asking her for help, right? To teach Zhenbai to pass the make-up exam, isn’t this embarrassing her?

“Student Tujian, I don’t think Zhenbai can pass the make-up exam by surprise tuition. It should be said that Zhenbai does not have the qualifications of a high school student. Maybe she should start her education again in elementary school…”

“Do high school students need qualifications? Or maybe this is a poisonous tongue?” Sougo Tama said “confused”.

“This is a fact! You have been with Zhenbai for so long. You should know better than me. Apart from age, where else is Zhenbai like a high school student?”

“…” Although Tama Sougo wanted to point to the opponent’s Yuexiu Dao, at least this is more like a high school student than you, but considering that there is a lot of waste material on the scene, plus the other party seems to have another burden. He still suppressed the urge to leave, and responded in a radical way:

“Student Xuexia is making excuses for her incompetence, and using this to reject this commission to help Zhenbai tuition?”

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