Chapter 981 The image of this thing may collapse if it changes its shape!

If there are any monsters in this world–probably it will look like this, right? perhaps……

Sougo Domama, who just walked to the front door of her house, looked ahead. It was a woman with a hair full of hair and a ferocious expression that could not see what she was like. Although her eyes were completely blocked by her hair, she was seen from inside. The killing intent that emerged was penetrated through the hair, and his body was full of resentment aura…

If the other party’s OL suit is replaced by a white dress, Tama Sougou might think that certain Zhen ran out of the TV. Of course, the current situation is not much better. The other party will stare at him with murderous eyes. , Staring at him tightly!

There should be no supernatural creatures in this world, right? Questions arose in Tuma Sougo’s heart again.

“Eh, much…” At the same time he had doubts, he subconsciously buried Xiao behind him, and tentatively said to the other party: “May I ask what’s the matter? I’m quite familiar with the owner of this house, of course, if so If you have any grudges or complaints, I fully support you in making trouble for him. After all, the owner and I are just neighbors, ha, ha ha…”

Of course, whether this woman is a monster or A Zhen, or a supernatural creature, he will first draw a clear line from the original self before talking…

“Toroma Sougo!” Regrettably, the woman who looked like a monster recognized her and gritted her teeth and said: “Don’t play stupid for me!”

“Hey, my surname is Okita. Is this monster lady confessing to the wrong person? By the way, many people say that I am with the earth…” It’s just a change of vests, and a lot of waste is not the same as the vests. Did he learn it?

“Who is a monster!” But before he put on his waistcoat, the woman was already roaring, which also made Tuma Sougo discover the identity of the other party:

“It turned out to be Yang Na. By the way, there is still a long time before Halloween. What is your dress?” He squeezed his chin and asked curiously. Didn’t it mean that women pay attention to their own image? But Yukoshita Yono shouldn’t have anything to do with the image now, right?

“Hun…” In this regard, Xuexiayangna was about to speak, but she had just said aloud, and there was a lot of waste behind someone but she had already spoken out:

“Who is this sister? Is it also a friend of O’Neill?”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

As a senior sister, she doesn’t want to attack each other in front of others.

“Um, that’s it…” Don’t know why, Tama always wanted to cover his face. Miss Yang Nai’s current look is really indecent. I am friends with such a person who has nothing to pretend to be a monster. I always feel that the wind will be criticized. Damaged look!

“Since I am a friend, why did O’Neill wear a vest just now?” The lady pointed straight to the core.

“The look is too horrible, I didn’t recognize it…” Sougo Tama said in a voice that only two of them could hear.

After hearing the words, the eldest took a closer look at the other party, she walked out in relief, smiling like an angel:

“This sister should have encountered some difficulties? Hey, it may be a bit rude to say this. Can we help?”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

This girl with a face full of innocence is, turned out to be the sister of this bastard in the earth? No, no!

Then again, the two people are obviously talking in encrypted language. What does it mean to wear a vest? Sougo Doma only replied, and this innocent-looking girl came to the conclusion—it really fits the role of a younger sister! Damn it, since the opponent’s one touch is present, is she going to converge? After all, fight with this bastard in the soil…

As a senior sister-in-law, no one understands more than Xuexiayangna how important a touch is to mankind!

“Well, little sister, you worry too much. Actually, sister, I haven’t encountered any difficulties…” she smirked.

“Uh, uh…” The eldest nodded her head as if she had heard the words and said: “If my sister thinks it is inconvenient to talk here, can we go in and say it’s okay?”

“Little sister, it’s dangerous to let strangers into the house casually…” Xue Xiayang reminded subconsciously.

“But isn’t my sister a friend of O’Neill? What’s more, my sister needs to take good care of it now…” In front of others, Miss Bai is still so understanding and perfect.

“Huh?” Xuexiayangna was taken aback when he heard the words: “Take care of it? What’s wrong with me?”

“…” The eldest lady was silent. In this case, she didn’t know what to say.

While she was silent, Tuma Zou Wu said: “Xiaobui, this may be someone else’s shape specially. It is too rude to take care of this kind of words!”

“Is that so?” After being stunned, the eldest lady hurriedly said to Yang Nai: “Sorry, I was rude. In fact, I have never been very familiar with fashion…”

Xuexiayangna: “…”

What the hell is fashion? Wait, what kind of look is she now?

Sensing something, Miss Xuexia quickly took out the makeup mirror and took a look. Then, she quickly turned her head and looked at Xiaobui and said, “Sorry, if I’m rude, can you borrow the bathroom?”

“It’s okay…” The lady nodded.

“Thank you very much!” Xuexiayangna was grateful.

The neglected Doma Sougo “…”

“Eh Duo, Yang Nao, isn’t this the shape you made specially?” He pointed to the other party’s scattered hair and black face.

Yukino Yukoshita: “Who would make this kind of look on purpose?”

“You…” Sougo Tama pointed at the other party: “If this is not a specially made look, how did you do it?”

Hearing that, Xuexiayang is like a downtime. After she was sluggish for a while, she suddenly pointed to Sougo Tuma and shouted, “Who do you think is the cause of this?”

As soon as the voice fell, the eldest lady also turned to look at him, deeply suspicious…

“Huh?” Sougo Tama was puzzled: “Wait, why did you point your finger at me, there is also a small burial, we were together just now, and I don’t know how to do avatar, how could this guy be like this… …”

“Does O’Neill really know how to do avatar?” The eldest lady buried her skeptical face: “It’s not going to be better, in case O’Neill hasn’t returned home, she will make this Yang… sister into this shape. What about?”

“Does it need to be suspected if you don’t know how to do this? And Yono, when did I make you like this?” Tsuchima Sougo wouldn’t take the pot easily.

Xuexiayangna: “…”

In this world, there are so many people who think that elder brother can do avatar, too, too foul, how can this bastard in the world, He De, has such a naivety! ! !

In contrast, Xiaoxuno is much colder towards her. Not only does he have to consider the timing of the night attack, but also thinks about changing the door lock code all day long, so she can’t learn like other people’s sisters, let her play with it. ? Ah, Yukino is really… ahem, this is not the time to think about this!

“It wasn’t you who caused it? Then why did I just press the doorbell and then fainted, and it became like this when I woke up!” Xuexiayang gritted his teeth.

“Eh!?” Sou Wu Tama froze when he heard this. Could Yang Nao trigger the defense mechanism, right?

“Eh Duo, when did you wake up?”

“I saw you as soon as I woke up! There are no other people around, and Bao is still…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Don’t think about it, this guy must have triggered the basic defense mechanism, no wonder it looks like a monster!


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