Chapter 960 Social rhetoric is the most useless and necessary language and culture for mankind

The face is lost, it is no longer suitable to say more, the most Shangchuan-Vice President Okada sighed in his heart, and his face was silent.

In this silence, President Yimei could only spit a long breath: “Huh! Even the inexplicable information, it is understandable to participate in the other party’s club activities as a means of investigation, but what I did not expect is… “Speaking of this, she took another deep breath: “Hiss…”

“Vice President Okada, I’m asking you to investigate whether the streaking incident is related to the Oolong Tea Research Society, not to join them in their carnival party! The vice-president of the Student Union frankly met in the school atrium. What do the girls think of our current student council members!?”

“Oh, much…” Vice President Okada in the seat of the soil humbled online.

“I don’t care about the evaluations of the younger brothers and younger sisters, after all, it’s all in the future, dong dong…” The humble man was of course not qualified to speak. President Yimei rearranged the papers on the table while reorganizing in his hand. Continued: “As long as the students will be more active in handling affairs for everyone in the future, the lost reviews can be reversed…”

“Bang!” Speaking of this, President Yimei smashed the organized files on the table again: “What I didn’t expect is that you have joined the other party’s carnival party, and you who have met everyone frankly— —Vice President Okada! What the hell is the investigation report you sent? How the Oolong Tea Research Institute works —

Using oolong tea as a weapon, men and men are fighting each other and shouting…” At this point, President Yimei was silent for a long time, and then furiously said: “I can’t understand why oolong tea can be used as a weapon, and how to fight with each other. Scream! ? ”

Vice President Okada was silent, this description should be very consistent with the actual situation…

“Huh…” While President Yimei sighed again, he also sorted out the documents on the table again: “Killing and shouting, I will be Okada. You are guilty of secondary disease, so I will study oolong tea for the time being. The people in the club are competing for tea art, but what did you write in the column of the role of oolong tea? Hmm…

Oolong tea can radiate the blood in a man’s heart and inspire the fire of youth. The hot fire with youthful breath will burn in the heart and burn! So you like to burn, why don’t you burn yourself to ashes? Why does the tea, which is obviously lowering the fire, set you ablaze? ”

Vice President Okada still said nothing, but the area with his face on the ground grew more and more.

“Of course, these can be ignored…” In this regard, President Yimei also continued: “After all, I asked you to investigate whether there is a relationship between the Oolong Tea Research Institute and the streaking activity, and whether there are members in the club inciting boys. We carried out this activity, and then, how did you report it? Well, let me see…

Activity: In the Oolong Tea Research Institute, you can even improve your rock-paper-scissors boxing skills…” Speaking of this, President Yimei fell silent again. After a while, she smashed the papers in her hand again. On the table: “Why can you improve your boxing skills in tea art research clubs? Are you serious about this survey report? ”

The humble Vice President Okada wanted to say something-very serious!

Amidst the roar of President Yimei and others, before Vice President Okada’s humble and silent seat, today’s Student Union is still peaceful…

the other side.

“Student Xuexia seems to be a little nervous…” Seeing the second young lady who was facing a big enemy, Tama Sougo said with a chuckle.

“Who, who is nervous?” Xuexia Xueno looked away, looking rather unnatural.

“This won’t be your first time, is it?” Sougo Tama tilted his head.

“Little, less long-winded…” Xuexiaxuenai gritted her teeth: “Can you still get in?”

“I’m doing this for your own good. If you feel uncomfortable because of the nervous transition after going in, isn’t Yukinoshita’s first experience terrible?” Sougo Doma was so considerate.

“…” I don’t know why, Yukino Yukoshita always feels that there is something in this guy’s words.

Seeing that the other party didn’t speak, Tuma Sougou could only continue to say: “Ahem, okay, I can only work hard on my side, and try to make the first time of classmate Xuexia a good memory.”

While talking, he opened the door with a smirk: “I’m back!”

“Doma, are you guys planning something again?” Yukino, who walked into the house of Doma, changed shoes while changing shoes, and asked vigilantly.

“Student Xuexia, you are too sensitive…” Sougo Doma blinked innocent eyes.

“…” Xuexia Xuena was silent. She felt that something was wrong, but she had no evidence. She didn’t notice anything…

As the second young lady wondered, she followed Doma Sougo to the living room. As soon as she walked in, the two girls who walked out of the painting greeted the bastard beside her:

“Euny sauce, you are back, who is next to you?” This is the lady buried.

“Sougo, Yukino, are you here?” This is Shiina Mashiro.

Toma Zouwu nodded when he heard the words, and pointed to the next to Xuexia, “Xiaobui, let me introduce you. This ice-cold girl is the one who will help Zhenbai tuition during this time. Classmate, nickname, Snow Mountain is fierce…”

Xuexiaxue Nao issued a death gaze.

“Cough cough…” Sougo Tuma quickly coughed twice: “It should be the Snow Girl…”

Xuexiaxuenao’s death gaze did not stop because of the change of nickname.

“Of course, it was just me joking…” Doma Sougo, who was frantically probing in his anger, said quickly: “It’s actually Yukinoshita Hirano…”

At the same time that Xuexiaxuena stared deathly, the tic tac toe on his forehead kept popping up.

“Ahem, lip, lip, it’s Xuenao, Xuexiaxuenao…”

Snow under the snow: #^_^

Sorry, your sister, don’t think she didn’t know that this guy was deliberate, why is there such a Damn it guy in this world…

Just as the second lady’s heart was burning with anger, Tuma Zougou pointed to a beautiful girl she had never seen before and said: “Student Xuexia, this is a small buried, buried in the soil, I thought A touch of arrogance…” No matter how wasteful this dumpling is, she still has to help her maintain her image in front of other people.

“Senior Xuexia, you can take care of them, Aliado…” The eldest lady is very polite.

“Where, my side is often taken care of by classmates from Tuma…” Xuexiaxue Nao also said hastily, but she was quite aggrieved in her heart, why is there such a social language? When was she taken care of by this bastard Sougo Morama? Thinking of this, she subconsciously gritted her teeth when she talked about taking care.

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