Chapter 958

Can chat work? Sougo Tama, who accidentally heard the script, said with a “happy” expression on his face:

“Is Xuexia already able to chat with his classmates? He can also take the initiative to talk to others. Compared with the elementary school, he has really grown a lot…”

Snow under the snow: #^_^

Why do people in movies and TV series talk about the past, full of memories and touches, but can be replaced by the bastard in front of them, so owe it? Is it unusual for her to take the initiative to talk to others? Although she hasn’t done it so far, it doesn’t mean she can’t do it. She just doesn’t want to waste time on boring interpersonal communication. That’s right, that’s it! That’s it… right?

Just as the second lady’s thoughts were flying, Tuma Zougou also added: “In addition to Yuexue…”

Yukino, who was stabbed again, said: “…”

Can, Can Nian! Why does every guy care about that two-two meat, Damn it…

“Your HENTAI-style speech constitutes harassment, right? Doma eats Han classmate!” There is no air condition in the ministry, but when Yukoshita smiled and spoke, Doma Sougo still felt it close to the spring of summer. The cold like a severe winter is really cool:

“Xuexia, I’m telling the truth, and speaking, it’s in line with your goal of never lying, right?” The earth, with his spear, attacking his shield, Sou Wu.

“You can be silent!” Xuexia Xuenai gritted her teeth.

“I don’t agree with your point of view, but I swear to defend your right to speak–some Voltaire who is not Zhou Shuren said so, Xuexia, do you want to deprive others of the right to speak? You can disagree with me and say you The view that Yuexue hasn’t grown up, of course, if you don’t agree with it, I will slightly have some additional knowledge about your statement that you never lie…” Tujian, persuade people with reason, always understand.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

He misunderstood a lot of bastards. They were neither gentle nor gentlemanly. She must have been blind when she thought this bastard might be a good person! Damn it, did you think she was the general? dream! Thinking of this, the smile on her face did not diminish, but the chill on her body was even worse:

“Student Tuma, what I mean by HENTAI-style speeches means that your words have revealed the fact that you have been secretly observing me. As for the problem of Yuexue, do you think I would care about this kind of thing?”

If it weren’t for the second lady who had already embraced her arms when she said this, subconsciously covering her plain Moon Mob, and tic tac toe appeared on her forehead, perhaps Tujian Zou Wu would have believed it. However, as far as her previous words are concerned, Yukino Yukoshita is still so confident, even if so flat…

“Watching you secretly?” Sougo Tama tilted his head: “Student Yukinoshita is really cute. You can say that. Who is peeping at me from time to time after transferring, even sleeping in class I feel that a line of sight will be moved at any time, if my heart is not good…”

“Student Tuma, when I first transferred, I told you that you would monitor your every move, right? Just like the police monitoring suspicious persons, can this kind of behavior be confused with voyeurism?”

“Are you a police officer? Do you have law enforcement authority?”

“Cooperating with the police is the duty of every citizen. I am just fulfilling my duty to stop and call the police when you want to commit a criminal act…” Xuexiaxu said without a face.

“Then I am a suspicious person?” Sougou Tama said with a smile.

“Yeah!” Xuexia Xuena nodded, she would never lie.

“…” The corner of Tuma’s eyes twitched: “Xuexia, where am I suspicious?”

“The behavior you have been observing secretly is suspicious…” Xuexia Xuenao sneered.

“Who is secretly observing?” Doma Sougo retorted.

“Heh, isn’t it?” Yukino Yukino suddenly looked directly at Toma Sougo: “Then you are talking about why you knew that I took the initiative to talk to someone? Although it is a bit inconsistent with the facts, you even I told people to know so clearly when I went to the office, and you said you didn’t secretly observe?”

“Xuexia, your imagination is so rich…”

“Want to deny it?”

“Huh…” Sougo Tama exhaled first, then cleared his throat, then pinched his throat to change his tone and said:

“Huh, huh, today I made eye contact with Xuexia classmate…”

The operation was too saucy, and Xuexia Xuena didn’t even react for a while, and Tōma Sougo spoke in another girl’s voice again, and this voice was quite familiar, who was it? Just as she was stunned, Sougo Tama changed her voice again.

“Si Guoyi, Hualian, you can make eye contact with Xuexia? You are so lucky, right? How did you do it?”

Had it not been for Sougo Tama to stand in front of her, Yukino under Yukoshita would doubt life, how many people could this guy imitate?

“Ah~! Teacher Kirisu asked Yuukishita to tell me to go to the office…”

I even imitated the tone! Under the snow, the snow is stunned.

Doma Sougou shrugged: “Now, that’s it. If Yukoshita hears this kind of conversation every day, do you still wonder why I knew you took the initiative to talk to someone? No, it should be. Just call someone into the office…”

“What are you imitating indiscriminately!?” Xuexiaxuno turned her face away again, and a blush appeared unnaturally on her small face.

“Imitate the conversation of the little fans under Yukoshita, let’s use a short name, what will happen to the snow fans?” After Sougo Doma asked, before the other party answered, he continued: “Imitate the snow fans’ meeting. The content of the conversation, trust me, Zongwu Recorder, you deserve to have…”

“Don’t, don’t be nonsense, nonsense…” Xuexia Xuenai blushed.

“If Yuukixia thinks I’m talking nonsense, then just ask the owner of the voice. With the memory of Yuukixia, it shouldn’t be difficult to tell who was talking just now, right?”

Yukino under the snow: “…”

Anyone who has a little conscience and knows how Asashi writes will not ask the person concerned about this kind of thing!


It turns out that other girls look at her this way. Are you so lucky to make eye contact with her? Idiot, wait, this is not the time to think about this, if she doesn’t cut this topic off, she still doesn’t know what this asshole will say.

“Let me assume that you are telling the truth…”

“It’s better to ask myself, for the time being, these words are too perfunctory.”

“You are telling the truth, right?”

“So HENTAI-style speech?” Sougo Tama chuckled lightly.

“…” Xuexia Xuena gritted her teeth, Damn it, this time it is the real general: “Sorry, I made a subjective misjudgment on you before finding out the cause, I’m sorry.” Why does she have to be like this It’s okay to apologize for the bastards who only value the first couple of months, Damn it…

Seeing the other person bowing his head, Tuma Zouwu subconsciously touched his chin, and Xuexia would admit it if he was wrong. It was completely different from him. However, this kind of talent is best bullied…

“Well, for the sake of your sincere apology, as long as you can help Zhenbai with tuition and let her pass the exam, I will forgive you a lot.”

“You don’t need to talk about this kind of thing, I have already agreed before entrusting it!” Yukino Yukino turned her face away again.

“If it weren’t for your remorse…”

“I never regret what I promised!” The second lady turned her face and looked at Tuma Zou Enlightened seriously.

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