Chapter 947 Yes, the responsibility lies with Yang Nai!

“Humans really have their limits!” Seeing Yukino’s face covered with malicious intent, Sougo Tama also sighed in his heart before officially replying:

“If I can, I hope to change to aqua regia…”

“Mutama Sougo…” Xuexia, powerless, Xueno: “If you are here to make trouble, congratulations, you succeeded…”

“Don’t be like this, I’m really here to make a wish… ahem, okay, I entrust you to help.”

“Huh?” Xuexiaxue is in business status. She reopened the library book in her hand and said casually: “It turns out to be like this? So you guy needs my help too?”

“Xuexia, has anyone ever told you that you look so awkward now…” Although it was only a moment, Tuma Zou realized a trace of pride from the other’s casual attitude, so he was full of pride. Nuclear Shan said.

“I advise you not to…” Xuexia Xueno read calmly: “If you can find here, it proves that you are indeed in trouble. Since Hiratsuka-sensei recommended me to you, then prove me. I can help you here. I want to beat someone who can help you. How can this deal not be a good deal, right?”

“Xuexia, some people just want a happy life in their lives!”

“Really?” Xuexia Xuena looked up: “For example, you?”

“Wrong, I am definitely not this kind of person!” Sougo Doma shrugged: “You won, Yukoshita A dream, I want to entrust you with tutoring…”

“Bang!” Before the words were finished, Yukino Yukino had already closed the library in his hand again and said: “First of all, I am not a dream of Yukoshita, and secondly, the first grade, no, the first classmate in Tokyo, you are To show off or to mock?”

“After listening to me, I want to entrust you to help Zhenbai tuition…” Tuma always realized that he was not annoyed, and he said while pulling out a chair.

“I refuse!” Xuexiaxue answered without hesitation.


“I have the No. 1 classmate in Tokyo with grades, and the really white tuition won’t fall on me…” Yukino Yukino said softly.

“Eh, a lot…” Sougo Tama leaned back on the chair: “Don’t look at me like this. Actually, I’m a busy person. There are a lot of things waiting for me to deal with, I’m afraid I won’t be able to free up time…”

“Even if you don’t have the No. 1 classmate in Tokyo, what about Kasumigaoka, who is big, cough, Kasumigaoka Shiyu?”

“Um…” Sougo Tama was still lying down: “Don’t look at her doing nothing all day, she is actually a busy person, time is a little tight…”

“You are the guy who has nothing to do all day?” Yukino Yukino couldn’t help turning into a Tucao service again: “As far as I know, you and Xia Zhiqiu didn’t even join the club. What can I do?”

“I didn’t join the club because I was too busy…” Sougo Tama explained, “On the contrary, it was Yukinoshita. Although this inexplicable ministry was created, it was only the information I got from Hiratsuka-sensei. , You don’t seem to have publicized the content of the Ministry’s activities at all? Or, basically, there are no guys in this school who know the Ministry of Service…”

“…” Xuenai heard the words again after being silent for a while, before faintly said: “You don’t need to worry about this.”

“Really? But isn’t the purpose of the Ministry of Service for the rich to reach out to the poor? If the latter doesn’t even know about the Ministry, how can the other party ask you for help?” Sougo Tama asked rhetorically. Finally sat upright: “Of course, you can also say that the Ministry of Service has just been established, and you have not had time to promote…

But now I’m short of time, my first commission to the time-rich people, Xuexia, do you want to refuse? Well, you can also say that you are very busy, but as far as I know, since you moved to Tokyo, you have been in a state of unsupervised and even doing nothing. Even if you create a ministry now, you are only reading books in the activity room. That’s it…”

“How would you know?” Xuexia Xuena was taken aback.

“After all, your sister often keeps in touch with me, ah, will Xueno be lonely alone, does Xueno eat on time, do you want to go to the night to attack Xueno…” Doma Sougo imitated the voice of Xuexia Yangno. .

In response, Xuexiaxuenai’s face quickly blushed: “Enough! This is already considered as harassment!”

“Is it harassment? I just repeated what Yonano said truthfully, Sougo brand recorder, you deserve to have…” Sougo Tama shrugged first, and then pointed to himself.

“How could my sister be with you…” Xuexia Xuena retorted.

“Because I have too many touches, but I am not as HENTAI as Yang Nai, I have never done anything like Night Attack…” Tsuchima Sougo pointed his index finger up to the ceiling again.

“…” Xuexia Xuenao twitched, what is this? She has also become a communication tool between the two.

“Speaking of which, how many times has Yang Naiye succeeded in attacking?” Doma Sougo asked curiously.

“I refuse to answer!” Yukoshita Yukino turned her face to one side again.

“So that’s the way it is, that is, you have succeeded?” When seeing this, Sougo Morama pinched his chin to analyze.

“Don’t guess at me!”

“Then I’ll just ask Yang Nai another day…” Sougo Tama chuckled lightly.

“Don’t ask!” Xuexia, irritable, Xuenai.

“…” Facing the second young lady who jumped, Tuma Zouwu pondered for a long time before faintly said: “Xuexia, be elegant, not so irritable…”

“Who do you think caused the damage!” Xuexia, unable to calm down at all, Xueno.

“Sorry, I didn’t know that you were so jealous of Yang Nai, just hearing the name made you furious, then let’s skip her and not mention it…” Tuma Zougou is so empathetic.

“Don’t put the blame on others…”

“Don’t worry, I won’t put the blame on anyone other than Yang Nai!” Sougo Tama assured.

Yukino under the snow: “…”

This guy is just pretending to be stupid!

She should refute fiercely, but if she continues to entangle with the guy in front of her, she must be the one who flies into thunder. The most important thing is, how many secrets did Tōma Sougo know about her from her sister? This is a problem……

While Xuexia hesitated, Tuma Sougo had already continued:

“Then Xuexia, let’s talk about the commission. I want to commission you to help Zhenbai with tuition.”

“…” Xuexia Xuenai said softly after being silent for a long while: “I’ll just ask here first, although you said that you and Xiazhiqiu are very busy, as a high school student, you should still use your studies as a high school student. The Lord is right. Excuse me, what is it that keeps you and Xia Zhiqiu so busy that you don’t even have time to help your friends with tuition? Are they really your friends?”

Tuma Sougou: “…”


In fact, he is also very desperate. Originally, he was already mentally prepared to help Zhenbai and Yuzhi Yazi with tuition, but…

Time goes back to one day ago.

As a perfect beautiful girl with the current level in the eyes of others, the dumpling was buried in the longing eyes of everyone and returned home. Then, after instantly transforming into a dumpling shape, she suddenly changed her face and quickly ran to the living room and said:

“Ouni-chan, Ouni-chan, something is bad, an emergency has happened…”,

“Swipe!” The sliding door of the living room was opened by him instantly: “Euny sauce, there is no time, hurry up here with Xiaobu…” After saying that, she rushed to the kitchen again like a hamster.

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