Chapter 922

Girls no matter how old they are, they are extremely sensitive to age. Although Xiaoniaoyou is a big lady in women’s clothing, she doesn’t seem to understand this, so that he said: “I’m not a transvestite anymore. I was forced to wear it because of the persecution of the female, Senior Tanjima, please help me explain to this elder sister…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

I don’t know why, is it so pleasant to watch others die step by step?

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: #^_^!

Big sister! ? She, is she the age when she is called the eldest sister by the clerk? Obviously she is a graceful high school student! Although the dressing up has matured a bit recently, I really can’t forgive it…

Fortunately, when her Blacken was about to be completed, the waiter who had just arrived at Tanjima finally reacted: “I’m very sorry, Kojima Tour has nothing malicious in him, although he is a pervert…”

“Huh?” Only halfway through these words, Xiaoniaoyou was stunned: “Senior, senior, abnormal or something…”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, who originally thought Tanjima would say something, was also stunned. After a while, she said quietly, “Sou-go-kun, even the victimized elementary school students said so, and even the pseudonym of the name, as expected, Call the police…”

“That’s it…” Sou Wu Tama unlocked the phone lock after hearing this.

“Huh!? Senior!!!” Xiaoniaoyou screamed.

“Wait, wait! Although Kojima Yu is a pervert, he is a harmless pervert, and he is not a primary school student anymore…” Seeing this, Tanjima hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

It’s just that she is too short, just to prevent Sougoto from dialing, she has to jump up desperately: “Don’t call the police, don’t call the police…”

“Well, I know, I know…” Seeing the little man jumping around in front of him, Tuma Zougou was quite perfunctory: “Primary school students like to make others mistakenly think that they are adults. As for island tours, they are still little birds. You should leave it to the police to judge whether you are harmed or not. As long as elementary school students testify that he is abnormal, you still lack the basic ability to judge other things…”

“It’s not an elementary school student!” Tanjima, who wanted to stop the caller from dialing, retorted again.

“I know, I don’t know, I don’t know that the police officers do not care about the employment of child labor, let elementary school students serve as waiters, it is depraved…”

At the same time they were arguing, Waguna Liya restaurant, back kitchen lounge.

After watching the scene where Tanjima was teased, the store manager Kyoko and the others opened their mouths and shouted in their hearts: “It’s over, it’s over, that demon didn’t even let go of the cuteness of Tanjima, after the sacrifice of Birdy , Has Tanjima also embarked on the road of sacrifice? Who is the next victim?”

Ordinary person Matsumoto: “…”

Shouldn’t you tell the store manager these people, their aspirations have been spoken out by themselves!

Thinking like this, she suddenly felt several scorching gazes, and those gazes were clearly hinting at ordinary people—Ms. Matsumoto, I would like to change you next.

“The manager, I really should ask for leave today…” Matsumoto replied in a normal way facing the scene in front of him.

“This month’s salary has doubled…” In response, Manager Otoo hesitated for a few seconds, and once again lured him to profit, but this shouldn’t matter what effect…

Ordinary person Matsumoto: “Understood! I must satisfy the other party…”

As soon as he finished speaking, Chuan Caikou also presented another dish: “Burgundy beef stew is ready!”

The manager of Kyoko and the others immediately looked at Matsumoto.

Matsumoto: “…”

For wages, fight for it!

The ordinary Matsumoto usually took the dishes, and then went to the table of Sougo Domama. He brought the dishes to the table, and asked: “A few guests, this is your beef stew in burgundy red wine. Can I help you?”

This level of ordinaryness even made Sougo Tama not embarrassed to take action against him. He could only point to the little bird and said, “Uh, it’s just because this transvestite boy seems to be a Loli control. He just shot the elementary school students here… …”

Ordinary explanation: “Although he is indeed a transvestite, Tanjima is not a primary school student, Tanjima, please show your student ID to the other party to have a look…”

Tanjima, who keeps emphasizing that he is not a primary school student, lit his eyes: “Ms. Matsumoto, you, you are so amazing! I thought of this way…”

Ordinary person Matsumoto: “No, this is just an ordinary way to deal with it…”

Tuma Sougou and his group: “…”

I don’t know if they encountered too many strange flowers. After meeting a normal person suddenly, they felt overwhelmed. After everyone was silent for a long time, Soverego Tukan spoke faintly:

“Girl, don’t you think you are incompatible with this shop?”

“What does the guest mean?” Ordinary puzzled.

“Don’t you think that you are not weird enough so that it is difficult to integrate into these abnormalities, or the feeling of a weird person?” Sougo Tama asked with his index finger pointing upwards.

“Thank you for your compliment…” Matsumoto replied with ordinary thanks, “Are there any other orders from the guest?”

“Although there is no child labor…”

“Too, too rude, people are not child labor!” Tanjima complained again.

“No, that’s right! Senior is always legal Loli! Always so petite and weak, don’t grow up, Senior…” Xiaoniaou stood up instantly.

“Then this transvestite is a metamorphosis, shouldn’t it be right?” Sougo Tama also pointed to the women’s lady’s boss when he heard this.

“Guest, although Xiaoniaoyou is abnormal, but his actions are fortunately permitted by law…” Ordinary answer: “Even if you call the police, it will be difficult to file a case because of insufficient evidence. By the way, I also considered… ”

Classmate Xiaoniaou was surprised again: “Ms. Matsumoto, what I did shouldn’t call the police!!!”

“As far as ordinary people are concerned, Xiaoniaoyou’s behavior is already in line with abnormal standards. It is reasonable to want to call the police…”

Classmate Xiaoniaoyou: “…”

It turned out that he had an appointment in the hearts of other people, is it equivalent to a pervert?

While he felt sorry for himself, Matsumoto asked again ordinaryly: “May I ask how many guests still need?”

Because the conversation is too ordinary, the service is too ordinary, and even the behavior is too ordinary, just like an ordinary waiter, so when the other party usually takes people away, Tama Sougou and his party are completely absent. After reacting, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was silent for a few seconds before faintly said:

“Zongwu-jun, it turns out that there are still normal people in this store…”

The corners of Tuma’s mouth twitched, and Shiyu even asked such questions. What impression did this shop leave on her? Bringing them into this kind of strange restaurant, if you follow the game’s statement, it will probably reduce the favorability, right? Hahaha……

Therefore, he had to forcefully pretend:

“As the saying goes: ‘Living for a long time, you can see all weird things.’ If you meet enough weird people, the more proof that Shiyu you have lived long enough…”

“Zong Wujun, are you reminding me that I am an old woman?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gritted her teeth.

The dumpling sitting aside buried: “…”

Sure enough, it is impossible for O’Neill to get along with Teacher Xia Shizi!

“Shiyu, what are you thinking about, we are in the same class, and Zhenbai is also…” However, Tama Sougo got used to the big wind and waves, and he couldn’t overturn the car…

“Zou Gou, is Zhen Bai also an old woman?” Zhen Bai, who was eating the cake, suddenly raised his head and asked.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Sure enough, as long as you are a woman, you don’t care about your age!

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