Chapter 919

“What is the invitation roll?” Shiina Masashi is still puzzled.

“It’s probably a means to win over capital. It’s really white, you can’t be hit by the other party’s sugar-coated cannonballs…” Before the dumpling could answer, Sougo Doma rushed to answer.

“Ouni-chan, you didn’t say that when you gave Xiaomai the invitation last year…” Tuanzimu showed a suspicious little eye again.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Can last year be compared with this year? Last year he was able to win with his status as the number one among the top ten, this year…

“I was really too young last year…” Fortunately, he changed his face immediately after being weathered.

“This has matured too quickly, right? By the way, Erina also gave Xiaomai a lot of invitations this year…” Tuanzi couldn’t help but said.

“Xiaobui, look, I said Erina was grateful to me from the bottom of my heart. Thanks to me for teaching her so much knowledge…” Tōma Sougo turned back to smile in an instant.

“However, Erina specifically explained that Xiaobui, saying yes, absolutely, absolutely can’t let Oni sauce know…” Tuanzibu madly made up the output!

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“Xiao Mai, what we just discussed was the student’s surname Xiaoniaoyou, right?”

Classmate Xiaoniaoyou: “…”

A girl calling herself Yamada: “…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

So, how did the topic just go over? ?

“But Erina said that the work Ernie Chan is responsible for is usually less than ten days. No, it should be said that it is difficult for more than a week. After only a week of teaching, he calls the other student his own…”

“That’s because I settled the matter within ten days. As for teaching for a week, Xiaobui, the teacher of the word is also a teacher!” Summa Sougo said in a serious manner.

“Even if it’s the teacher, you don’t have to come up with Ernie Chan to talk about things, right? Ernie Chan just likes to pretend to be mature by preaching to others, only strange girls will come up to recognize her elder brother indiscriminately!” Tuanzi muttered.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Mujiang said so much, it turned out to be jealous! ! !

“Eh…” After Sougo Tama smirked, he turned his head again and looked at Yamada: “Lying girl, you…”

Yamada Aoi: “Huh!?”

“Master Sougo, Yamada is still a child, don’t…” Xiaoniaoyou hurriedly stepped forward when he saw this.

“Tatata…” At the same time, everyone in the Vagunaria restaurant rushed out, guarding the girl and said: “My lord, Yamada might do some pranks, but we promise that this kid is nothing. Malicious…”

Seeing everyone’s emergency response, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu and Tuan Zibu once again showed suspicious eyes: “Zongwu-jun (Oni sauce), you said you didn’t do anything at the beginning!?”

Tōma Sougo was silent for a while before he smiled and looked at the crowds and said, “I said, are you a little overexcited? Am I like a villain who embarrass the little girl? Except for some misunderstandings at first, I am right. What have you done…”

Everyone in the Wagunaria restaurant shuddered upon hearing this: “Really, do you really want to say it?”

“I personally think that I am a reasonable person…” Sougo Tama maintained his image: “Let a chain restaurant on the verge of bankruptcy come back to life, no matter what…”

“Don’t scare people, and unexpectedly poisonous tongue, obviously looks like a child…” Otoo manager murmured.

“If you don’t scare you, can you be obedient? As for the poisonous tongue? If you don’t do too badly, am I so poisonous?” Sougo Doma retorted.

“Don’t let people carry katana…models…” After Hiyachiyo finished adding, he added another sentence.

Classmate Xiaoniaoyou: “…”

Why does he agree on this point!

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Sou-go-kun is hard enough too!

“Have you ever seen a waiter in a restaurant carrying a samurai sword, uh, although it is a model, but no foreman in a restaurant would do this!” Sougo Tsuchima said: “And, you still have it. Didn’t change it?”

“Then there is compulsory feeding? The most important thing is that the feeding is only half of the feeding!” Store manager Apricot said: “You know the kind of food that is not full, but still wants to eat, wants to eat, and wants to eat even the utensils can be swallowed Mood……”

“Excuse me, the manager of which restaurant will try his best to steal the food from the store?” Sougo Tsuchima asked rhetorically.

Classmate Xiaoniaoyou: “…”


I always feel that this young man in front of me is the real decent person!

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

The manager? Stealing food from the store? So Goku was really tired at the beginning…

Buried dumplings: “…”

It turns out that that’s it, then her detective-like reasoning doesn’t come in handy at all!

“It’s not stealing, I’m trying to eat. As the store manager, I have completely obeyed you, but I can’t even eat enough to eat. This makes people feel like working. It’s a devil!” Store manager Kyoko hands Hold your head.

“Not only doesn’t let Kyoko be full, but also deprives others of their interest in carrying knives, the devil…” Hou Yachiyo also said with his hands in his hands.

“Simply retrieving the lost wife, and adding so many guests out of thin air, so much work, the power of the devil…” Manager Otoo also put his head in his hands.

Classmate Xiaoniaoyou: “…”

No, no, no, this is what a normal person should do, right? Moreover, Manager Otoo, your fear is the only problem. Isn’t it a good thing that the increase in the number of customers in the store? Moreover, to find a wife who has been lost for many years, this kind of thing should call the other party a god! There are too many slots, and he didn’t know where to vomit for a while.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Only God knows how much a headache he had when he took over this weird restaurant!

Fortunately, fortunately, these have nothing to do with him now…

Everyone in the Vagunaria restaurant continued: “It’s obviously been a long time since we have been here. We all thought we had escaped from the devil’s claws since then. We didn’t expect the devil to attack again. The target was a little girl like Yamada…”

“Huh?” The girl who claimed to be Yamada was surprised when she heard that, “Is Yamada the target of the devil’s attack?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Buried dumplings: “…”

Oni sauce (Sogo-kun) was really not easy in the past!

“I’m talking about you…” Mujian, Heshan smiled, and he was always enlightened.

“I’m very sorry, we have just lost our minds collectively by the devil, and we don’t know what we are talking about!” Everyone in the Vagunaria restaurant immediately said.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Buried dumplings: “…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Uh, what should I say about this neat posture? Probably just… fooling around!

“It’s rude, everyone’s orders will be delivered immediately…” Just as Sougo Doma and his party were complaining, Manager Otoo stood up after Tuo got off his seat and bowed to them again. After saying these things respectfully, he stretched out his hand to Yamada: “Sao Go-sama, I will take this rude fellow first. I wish you a happy meal!”

This Sao operation made Sou Wu Tama dumbfounded. After everyone went down, he couldn’t help saying, “Who can have a good meal!!!”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Buried dumplings: “…”


Shiina Mashiro nodded silently, and sure enough, there are many interesting things around Sougo!

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