Chapter 916 She is panicked, she panicked!

In the rest room of the back kitchen of the Waguna Liya restaurant, although there were many people at this time, the atmosphere was mysteriously silent. It felt like a mountain and rain were coming and the wind was full of the building, which made the group of migrant workers bewildered, Xiaoniao Student You said even more:

“The store manager, Sato-senpai, Soma-senpai, how…”

It’s just that before he finished speaking, Chef Sato, who is in charge of the back kitchen, sighed: “I didn’t expect this day to come…”

“It’s coming…” the other chef agreed.

Classmate Xiaoniaoyou was stunned: “Senior, what is this day…”

It is a pity that the two chefs fell into a frenzied working state after speaking. Fortunately, the manager of Kyoko explained his doubts: “Little Bird Tour, don’t disturb them, this is a trial for them… …”

“Try, trial!?” Such a solemn phrase surprised Xiaoniaou quite a bit.

“Hmm…” Store manager Kyoko nodded: “When the adult left, Sato and the others once asked each other if their improvement in cooking was not ashamed of the store? Do you know how the other party answered?”

“Very satisfied?” Xiaoniaoyou hesitated, you know, although this restaurant is only a family restaurant, it has been listed on the list of famous restaurants many times with the cooking of the two seniors. If it is not the manager who is too good to eat, this I am afraid that the monthly profit of the store may not be able to catch up with the annual profit of some small companies.

“No, the adult said, let’s do it so-so. For the sake of the honorary consultant, he will come to check whether they have made any progress in the future. No matter what kind of cooking is good, as long as the girl has improved, it will happen. The urge to marry a chef…”

“Wait, wait! What criteria is this!? How can anyone want to marry a chef just because of the cooking?” Xiaoniaoyou has already found the point.

Store Manager Kyoko looked away: “If the adult is not that bad and his age is not that young, no, it’s better to say that he is younger. In fact, I haven’t thought about it…”

“The manager, your idea is too dangerous, Miss Yachiyo is still there…” Xiao Tiaoyou always felt that he had vomited countless words today, and then think about how Yachiyo the foreman has always regarded the store manager as a longing object…

“Marry that adult, if that adult doesn’t break the knife casually, and can still eat that adult’s food for Kyoko every day…” The object of his worry fell into fantasy.

When the chef Sato sees this, his hand at the knife is in vain, isn’t it just cooking? He can also…well, he can’t yet…

Classmate Xiaoniaoyou: “…”

Hey, hey, hey, what about the fear just now? Isn’t it just a dish?

Manager, foreman, are you too unreserved? ?

Sato-senpai will cry, really cry, I couldn’t borrow the Sato-senpai who blasted Yachiyo…

Little Birdyou looked at the back kitchen, Sato-senpai was already crying! No, it’s just tears, but the other party is really desperate now!

At the same time, Waguna Liya restaurant hall.

“Ouni-chan, do you want Xiao Mu, a famous detective, to find out the truth after investigating it? Or do you take the initiative to confess?” Tuanzi, Zhong Er became ill and buried.

“Who said there was no surrender in his case file, and confessed or something, I have already recruited it?” Sougo Tama’s mouth twitched.

“This is not a surrender, but a testimony investigation by a detective. The first rule. Prisoners usually don’t tell the truth the first time they speak. Therefore, O’Neill quickly prepares for the second testimony…” Tuanzi buried forever So fine.

“Wait, why did you make me make up another set of testimonies suddenly…” Tama Sougo said it was difficult to cooperate.

“Making it…” Tuanzi buried Can Nianyan.

“No, I mean remembering…”

“Hehe…” I don’t know why. Looking at the daily routines of the two brothers and sisters, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s mood has improved again. This is probably the so-called warmth? The corners of her mouth rose slightly…

This scene was seen by Zhen Bai on the side. She looked at the smiling Kasumigaoka, and then at the brother and sister Tuma, nodded thoughtfully, the material is available again, and I really want to go back soon. Click back to draw it…

Just as a few people were laughing and talking, a girl dressed as a waiter quietly walked up: “Excuse me, are you that adult? You are really young and handsome…”

“That lord? What is this name?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was the first to express puzzled.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

He admitted that he was young and handsome, but he didn’t want to admit such a bad name.

“For the sake of your good eyes, I won’t talk about the address for the time being. Excuse me, what’s the matter? If you order…”

“It’s really that adult. Actually, I moved here recently, but I suddenly encountered a huge change in the fire. The poor girl Aoi Yamada who made herself homeless, that adult, do you mind having another lovely sister? Will… “Girl, it should be said that the girl who called herself Yamada Aoi introduced that.

“Wait, what are you talking about? Although your experience sounds sympathetic, Ouni sauce can only be the Ouni sauce of Xiaobui!” But she didn’t finish her words, the dumpling was the first one to sit down. Living.

“Are you the younger sister of that adult? That’s the older sister. Don’t worry, the lovely Yamada will never snatch the adult’s love from your older sister. As long as you don’t work, don’t study, don’t work hard, and you can eat… …” The girl who called herself Yamada Aoi quickly changed her goals.

“Sister, elder sister?” Tuanzi buried her face dumbfounded, and then, she didn’t work, didn’t study, didn’t work hard or something, this seems to be talking about her, is it because Ernie Chan has a halo that attracts waste materials? Is she going to be with a group of waste materials in the future…

“Yes, my sister, Yamada has a physique that attracts hatred. As long as I adopt Yamada, my sister’s usual innocuous minor problems can be compared with Yamada to become a perfect goddess!” Yamada Aoi is self-promoting.

Buried dumplings: “…”

She wanted to tell the girl in front of her that she was all in! ! !

“No, no, O’Neill is just a little buried O’Neill, and no one wants someone to adopt her as a sister as soon as they come up…”

“However, Yamada is really pitiful. Because of the fire, he was forced to leave his hometown without talking, and had to work every day…”

“Little sister, there are a lot of poor people in this world, so I won’t be able to run into every one of them…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu interrupted. It was the first time she had experienced this kind of thing.

“Is that adult called Zongwu? It’s a nice name, but the chefs say that Zongwu is a good person. Just now I wanted to sponsor Birdy to travel to Thailand and said, Zongwu is not a waste of money on Birdy. So why not use the money to raise Yamada in exchange for a lovely sister…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Thailand, Thailand, does this girl know the meaning of going to Thailand? ?

“Sou-go-kun, aren’t you going to say something?”

It’s the first time I saw myself so nervous because of my younger sister’s identity. Tuma Zouwu was in a good mood, but suddenly heard Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s question. He subconsciously said, “Well, adopting a waste material who can’t do anything is bad for you. It’s actually not a big deal for our family…”

The silence of the dumpling buried mystery: “…”

For a long while.


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