Chapter 913 Boy, I am very optimistic about you, go to Thailand!

Before Tama Sougo arrived, the restaurant at Wagunaria had a meeting with the back chef.

“Although it is determined to let the little bird swim entertain, but if the waiter, will the adult feel that the reception is not adequate?” the chef Soma asked.

The manager of Xingzi was surprised when he heard the words: “Indeed, if male sex is born, it is more or less, Otoo, what do you think…”

Manager Otoo: “Do you think it’s better for Yamada or Panasonic? What name should I change to!?”

Store Manager Apricot: “…”

Obviously, the soundtail is totally unreliable. It seems that she can only figure out a solution.

“Small bird, you go to dress!”

Classmate Xiaoniaoyou: “…”


“Don’t worry, since your women’s clothing can even be fooled by male phobia, no one will be able to tell!” Store Manager Kyoko encouraged.

“That’s it, wait, why do I have to wear women’s clothing!? It’s just to entertain one person, it’s necessary…” Xiaoniao was struggling.

“Just to entertain one person?” The expressions of everyone in the Vagunaria restaurant changed in unison: “Xiaoniaoyou, if you are enlightened with this kind of thinking, then you will ruin the store, once that If an adult gets angry, he will die…”

Xiaoniaoyou took a few steps back when he heard the words, what kind of person he was going to receive! ?

Sougo Doma, who didn’t know that he had been demonized, was still quarreling at that time, but Xiao Niaoyou classmates put on women’s clothing at the instigation of everyone in the Vagunaria restaurant…

If there is regret medicine in this world, Xiaoniaou must go back immediately after eating it to stop herself in women’s clothing. This is simply to be seen through all of a sudden!

“Um, sir, I don’t know what you are talking about…” He still wanted to struggle.

“Usually, the skeleton of a man is much larger than that of a woman. By the way, boy, although your Adam’s apple is not big, it is also exposed…” Sougo Tama said with a knife.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu and Xiao Mu immediately looked over when they heard the words, and Xiaoniaoyou immediately covered his throat, which was completely exposed.

“Also, are you really a boy?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu couldn’t help but said.

“So, once a boy is beautiful, there is nothing wrong with a girl…” Tuma Sougo sighed.

Xiao Niaoyou who was publicly executed: “…”

So, how did he get on this road! ?

“Eunni-chan has also worn women’s clothing before…” Tuanzi said suddenly.

Sou Wu Tama instantly asked the black question mark face: “Huh?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu was shocked: “Zongwujun’s women’s clothing…”

“Don’t talk nonsense, I don’t have it, it’s definitely not me…” Sougo Tama denied Sanlian.

“But before the age of ten, Ernie Chan was raised as a girl…” Danzi said with a knife.

Xiaoniaoyou suddenly felt that he had found a confidant, Yuan, it turned out that he was not the only one treated like this by his family!

“Huh? It turns out that Zongwujun was a’girl’ before he was ten years old…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s voice was full of joy.

“How is it possible that there is no such thing…” Sougo Doma, who had only recovered his memory at the age of eleven, quickly vetoed it.

“Woo…” Tuanzi tilted his head and said, “However, O’Neill must not remember anymore, hehe…”

Seeing this scene, Doma Sougo seemed to think of something. At that time, there seemed to be a group of children around him: “It’s a fool girl, a fool girl…”

“Haha, she can’t even speak, and she can’t hide when throwing a stone…”

“Like sandbags…”

“Sandbags, sandbags…”

In that situation, a hero came: “You are not allowed to bully my sister, go away, go away!”

“It’s the sister of a fool girl…”

“Isn’t that a fool too?”

“Haha, it will help stop the stone…”

“Oh, she can talk, then will she tell the adults?”

“Go away…”

That day, he was wounded all over his body. That day, Xiao Mui was the same, but she was still saying: “Sister, Xiao Mu will become stronger, and then protect you, he will definitely, hehe…”

It seems that something like this has happened…

Although he had kept the secret from Xiao Mu and made those children in his memory to the point of being born, they were very sorry, but thinking of Xiao Mu’s sentence, she would become stronger, and then protect her sister…

Looking at the waste material in front of me, has it become stronger or wasteful? This is a problem! As for women’s clothing or something, no, it doesn’t exist, he didn’t wear it…

“Xiao, I believe O’Neill, there must be something wrong with your memory! The transvestite behavior of boys and girls…”

The women’s clothing elder standing aside was stabbed again: “First, sir…”

“Sorry, boy, I actually don’t discriminate against transvestites…” Sougo Tama turned his head and explained.

Classmate Xiaoniaoyou burst into tears: “…”

He really didn’t want to wear women’s clothes!

“Sir, do you have anything you need?”

“Zong Wujun, do you have any recommendations? After all, this shop is your recommendation…” Although the women’s clothing boss is very strange, but the tearful appearance of the other party still aroused the sympathy of several women, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu gave it to Steps.

“The basic dishes here have been improved by me, such as beef stew in burgundy red wine, Italian seafood stew, and the taste should be considered to be unsatisfactory. If you have a favorite dish, just order it…” Sougo also took it.

Okay, so awesome! Has it reached the level of modifying the menu a few years ago? Xiaoniaoyou was shocked when he heard this, and sure enough, there is no comparison between people and people!

“Then the beef stew in burgundy red wine is ready…” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu nodded after hearing the words: “What about Xiaobui, what do you want to eat?”

“Hamburger set meal!”


“Baumkuchen!” Shiina Mashiro never changed.

“It’s really white, how could there be something like Baumkuchen in a family restaurant!” Shiyu Xiazhiqiu complained.

Classmate Xiaoniaoyou: “Well, we have…”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

What a weird shop this is!

“Then the Baumkuchen is ready, so what do you want to eat?”

Xiao Niaoyou felt tight when he heard the words, and here, what would this big man who made the store manager and manager fear?

“My apricot meeting has been arranged. After all, I am here for work too. By the way, boy, I found that you have great potential. If you want to go to Thailand, come back, I promise you will be popular…” This is The persistence of Sou Wu Tama!

Shiyu of Xiazhiqiu, Tuanzi buried: “…”

Even they know what Thailand is rich in!

Classmate Xiaoniaoyou: “…”

Women’s clothing is already at the limit, is it necessary for him to cut Yongzhi? Hey, let me take care of it!

“Um, I’m just a waiter…”

“Trust me, have you ever heard of backstreet girls?” Tsuchima Sougou had a serious face.

“I have read comics…” Xiaoniaoyou’s mouth twitched.

“Trust me, I’m much more reliable than the gangster inside, and I’m not a devil!” Sougo Tama patted him on the shoulder, trying to give him courage: “Boy, the ultimate achievement of women’s clothing is to completely change. Body, I see this potential in you!”

Classmate Xiaoniaoyou: “…”

Is this encouragement? It’s encouragement! ? But he doesn’t need such encouragement at all! After all, who made him wear women’s clothing!

When Xiaoniaoyou walked away, it was a bit like running away, which made Tama Sougo feel a little regret: “Obviously he is such a promising young man, why don’t you think about your future?”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

That’s what it looks like for the future! ? anyway:

“Zongwu-jun, you haven’t finished telling the story just now. What kind of skirmish did you have that caused the store manager and them to be like just now?”

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