Chapter 907

A person who did not want to give his name said that tea, cole, sprite, and juice are all drinks that can be lit and consumed in one go. This kind of drink is also called the most important props for the banquet. Sooner or later, the children There will be such a day…

The explanation is that way, but Xihuan’s murderous eyes are obviously full of unbelief: “Tujian, I think I should talk to classmate Bu, you guy…”

“Xihuan, I didn’t really act. Didn’t Kyoko and the others come back intact?”

“You guy is only sixteen years old, he already drove here…”

“Xi Huan, this kind of thing that can be mixed with the past with one eye and one eye closed is not a problem…” Tuma Zouwu tilted his head.

“Forget it, anyway, the truth will never be too much, for the sake of those kids who are bothering you…” Xi Huan sighed.

“Don’t think of me as if I have done something bad, if you guy can watch the students closely, I don’t have to…” Sougo Tama squinted his eyes.

“Um…” Xihuan froze when she heard the words. After a while, she took out a stack of house cards from her inner pocket and said: “Well, then this is a thank you gift. I heard that it was a concert. The house number was sent by someone else, but…”

“Xihuan, although I’m not uncommon anymore, but your thank you gift is a concert ticket that you, the experimental girl of the explosion, don’t use at all?” Sou Wu Tama said with a black thread.

“Eh, much…” Xi Huan turned his head slightly: “Don’t classmate Xiaomu often play the violin? I just thought…”

“What nonsense are you talking about!?” Before he finished speaking, Tama Sougo was angry.

“What’s the matter?” Teacher Xihuan was confused.

“Xiao Mai is not just a violin, cello, piano, etc., she’s all…” Tujian, Hyun-girl crazy demon, Zongwu.

“I know! That’s why I gave you the tickets for the concert!” In response, Teacher Xihuan said that she didn’t want to talk, just wanted to offer her knees.

Saying goodbye to a group of school girls (harems) who tend to be Lily. On the way back, Tama Zouwu touched the music tickets that Xihuan gave him. After thinking about it for a moment, he said to a certain dumpling: “Xiaobui, we There seems to be some concert going to be held nearby, you are going to…”

“Huh!?” Tuanzi was taken aback after hearing the words: “Is it a concert in the Vienna Hall?”

Toma Zou Wu was taken aback when he heard the words, then glanced at the ticket in his hand: “You know?”

“Hey, did you tell O’Neill? That must have been forgotten! Xunjiang invited us to join… Wait, O’Neill, how come you have so many tickets in your hand…”

“…” After listening to Sougo Tama, he glanced at the stack of concert tickets in his hand again, so what is the use of this thing! ?

Thinking of this, he threw it away later, and those concert tickets went back to dust and dirt…

However, the dumpling was in a hurry. While chasing the tickets that went with the wind, she yelled, “Euny sauce, why are you doing this?”

Tama Sougou: “Huh?”

Isn’t it normal to lose things that you don’t need?

“Do you know how much Xun Jiang worked hard for this concert? If even the audience is unhappy, it would be too pitiful. If the reason for the audience’s dissatisfaction is O’Neill, who clearly has a ticket but loses it …”

When Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu heard the words, he nodded: “This can be regarded as trampling on the efforts of others…”

Even Shiina Shiro nodded, “Sougo, you can’t do this…”

Tuma Sougou: “Huh!??”

Wait, what’s the situation? After he got these tickets, he still has to use the tickets. Xi Huan didn’t calculate him on this, right?

No wonder he just got the other party’s belly up yesterday, and today that guy can still show his gratitude with a smile…

Look now, what kind of thank you gift is, it’s obviously tasteless, it’s wrong, it’s obviously a cumbersome!

Or, send it back again?

No, let’s not talk about the world’s sophistication-there is no reason to send back the thank you received, so if you go back and have a relationship with the group of girls, Sougo Tama thinks there must be nothing good! Wait, is this also in Xihuan’s calculations? Sure enough, this is revenge for his forced feeding yesterday! ?

Why was he so cheap at the time! With this idea, he picked up the tickets scattered on the ground.

Lost tickets are easy to pick up, but what should I do after I pick them up? Speaking of giving away, the guys in the Kondo team would definitely not want to receive this kind of gift. The Tomosuki group, Sougo Doma estimated the time, and there was a difference of a day or two between the concert and the accommodation study. Where does the guy come to enjoy this kind of music appreciation!

By the way, isn’t it just some tickets? Is it necessary for Xiao Bui to make such a fuss?

“Euny sauce, you must be thinking now, it’s just some tickets. Is it necessary for Xiao Mu to make a fuss like this?” The dumpling who had packed up the tickets suddenly turned back.

Sou Wu Tama instantly got a big foggy face: “…”

Fuck, fuck, fuck! When did this guy learn mind reading! ?

“Euny sauce, we have been together for so many years! This is not a question of tickets. Xunjiang has been preparing for this concert for a long time. Not only does she ask Xiaomian every day for advice, but even…”

“Wait, Xiaobui, didn’t you play games at home all day long? Where did you come from…” Sougo Tama found Huadian.

“Ouni-chan, cell phone, cell phone, and Xiao Mu is not playing games at home. I discuss comics with Zhen Bai and discuss novels with Shi Yu…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Uh~! That is to say, the matter of staying at home is not refuted at all! Wait, why did these three get together…

While he was bewildered, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu testified: “Indeed, although the current situation is not very good, I will still discuss the new book with Mu Jiang!”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Begging bean sacks! ! Shiyu, have you forgotten why your final volume turned into that way, so you dare to discuss it with Xiao Mu?

Shiina Shiro nodded, “Master Buried is very powerful, and he has taught him a lot of knowledge…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Shouldn’t he tell Zhenbai this time, don’t learn from this fellow Xiaomu! ? What did he do with this waste material in his family? ?

“Euny-chan, have you heard it! There is a reason Xiao Mu stayed at home!” The dumpling was at a moment of self-satisfaction.

After hearing the words, Tuma Zouwu immediately reacted. This fellow Xiaobu is based on this, to cover up the fact that she stays at home every day and is lazy!

“Uh, that’s how it is…” Sadly, he who saw through everything couldn’t click through it at all!

What’s more, the main problem now is not to discuss Xiaobu’s dry matter attributes, but how to solve these tickets in hand! ?

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