Chapter 896 Human beings are always attracted by other things.

Tuma Sougo is by no means a guy who is easy to suffer, but just now…

“Well, I didn’t turn on the light, then Shiyu, how about turning on the light? It’s in the driver’s seat. If I can’t turn it on, I will start to get off the car. My name is Shaqiang and the mentally retarded person is cured. By the way, what does it smell like, It smells of lavender…” He said in the darkness before his eyes.

“Xun, Lavender!?” Shiyu Xiazhiqiu seemed a little surprised.

“What’s the matter?” Tuma was always puzzled.

“Shiyu, isn’t this okay?” At this moment, there was a sound of rubbish from his own family.

“Don’t you want to try it?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu smiled.


“Scent of jasmine!? What are you doing?” Suzaku Tuma said, who had just woke up and was not awake.

“Oni sauce, it’s not the fragrance of jasmine, it’s tea…” Tuanzi retorted.

But before Tuma Zongwu heard the specific information, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu said: “Buying the sauce, can’t be exposed…”

These words caused Sougo Tama to fall into a long test. At this time, he was clearly in a predicament. First of all, because of the darkness in the mountains, his vision was deprived… Wait! Even in such a dark night, human eyes can’t be organized!

Thinking of this, Sougo Doma instantly lifted the cover on his face, and then:

“I’m talking about you two…” Seeing the two who fell on the bed, Doma couldn’t help but said, “Isn’t he just blocking my eyes with his feet?”

“Is there a problem? Someone said that mine is lavender…” Shiyu Xiazhiqiu rubbed her hair.

“Yes, it’s clear that Xiaobui used the tea fragrance liquid, but O’Neill said what jasmine flowers…” Tuanzijian followed and held his hand to the side.

The corners of Tuma’s mouth twitched: “Do you two know what sanitation is?”

“This is a punishment for Ernie Chan, and…” Hearing this, Tuanzi hugged his arms and said, but at the end of the conversation, she glanced at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, and the two laughed at each other.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

“Xiao Mu, the first question I want to ask is very simple, why is there such a thing as punishment?”

“Euny-chan pulled us out to camp without authorization, and we were still asleep while driving…” Tuanzi buried himself in a straightforward manner.

“Wait, that’s not to send Akalin back…”

“Hey, Senior Tama, are you awake?” It was only halfway through his words, when the door opened in his ear, accompanied by a voice full of vitality.

Girls camping together is definitely a wonderful event for boys. However, Tama Sougo wants to tell you, teenagers, if it is a group of girls, you think too much!

“Huh!? Did Akalin really meet Senior Sister Mu and Senior Mujian!?” Na Jingzi, a girl with a story, once liked Xiao Mu, and…

“Kyoko, the most important thing is Akalin right now, didn’t you just say that Akalin is okay yesterday?” Yui. Also a girl with a story…

“Hey, Senior Sister Buried is here too, not only Yui, but also Senior Sister Buried, I, I’m so happy…” A certain passer-by is also a girl with a story…

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Looking at these three things, he praised his urge to transfer Xiaomai to another school, and:

“Akalin didn’t bump into us at all? He was picked up by us after missing, you guys…”

“Wait, the lamp, the lamp disappeared yesterday?” Sui Najingzi looked unconvinced.

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Akalin, what are you…

“Wait, wait, Teacher Xihuan never said this! Yes, I have to go find her…” But before he could say anything, Najingzi, who was more anxious than him, couldn’t help but ran out. .

“…” This made Tujian feel a little headache, the last thing he didn’t want to face was the woman Xihuan!

As for the reason.

“Oh, friends!” Xihuan, dressed like a doctor and lab coat, walked over and said hello: “I thought Kyoko was a lie, but I didn’t expect you to really come. Do you want to try it with me… …”

“No, I don’t want to. The experiments you are talking about are basically the experiments that the predecessors gave up, right?” Sougo Tama refused expressionlessly.

“Student Tujian, don’t you think that the second person who eats pufferfish is far better than the first person?” Xihuan rubbed his messy hair and tried to persuade him again.

“I’ve only heard that the first guy who eats crab is very much loved!”

“That’s just a special case! Who knows what the first person to drink milk did to the cow?” Xi Huan in a white coat retorted.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu on the side: “…”

“Uh, is this guy really a teacher?”

Tuanzi nodded: “Taught me science for a year!”

Tuma Sougou: “This question is easy to answer. It is just a human nurturing instinct. The first person to drink milk is probably just a human baby!”

“…” Mr. Xihuan, who had a loose white coat, said: “There is no need to answer this kind of thing, right? I just said that…”

“No, compared with your second puffer fish…” Tsuchima Sougo said with a light smile.

“Yes, yes, don’t you think that the second person who eats puffer fish is amazing? Knowing that the first one has already died, I don’t know how high the grave head grass is, and I can eat it…”

“So Mr. Xihuan, are you underestimating the food?” At the end of the speech, Sougo Tama retorted: “By the way, did you overestimate the level of information dissemination in ancient times? Second A guy who eats a puffer fish may not even know the heroic sacrifice of the first person, any basis for a researcher…”

“Huh!?” Xi Huan, an explosive madman, teacher.

Tuma Sougou also breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly said, “This guy should calm down, right? If it wasn’t for the small burial…”

“Student Tujian, have you forgotten how happy we were when we exploded all the time?” Teacher Xihuan in a white coat suddenly took off his eyes and wiped the non-existent tears.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: “The joy of explosion?”

Could it be that she had misunderstood, isn’t it because some people say that men and women are actually shooting guns…

This teacher. She glanced at her figure…

Quite promising! ! !

“It’s an explosion~! At first, Ernie Chan and Teacher Xihuan almost wiped out the whole school…” But when she was thinking about it, Tuanzi suddenly said.

“Huh? No school?” Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu covered her mouth, this is really explosive! ?

“I heard that the principal was very angry that time, and Teacher Xihuan was forced to go to the student union to hang around…” Tuan Zijian recalled again.

Toma Sougo said this even more: “…”

“It’s obviously you who likes explosions? That time I brought a special medicine to treat voices, President…”

“TOEFL, the president can speak now, even though it’s just a drug sequelae, by the way, do you want her to come over and say hello?” Xi Huan, shameless, teacher.

“Xihuan, if you don’t like explosions that much, maybe we can go deeper…” Sougo Tama couldn’t help saying.

“Impossible! The explosion will never stop as long as there is an experiment…”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

So, is this guy Deidara?

By the way, what is this guy here for?

“Miss Xihuan, have you forgotten the purpose of your coming here?”

“Huh? It’s not that we finally meet again…”

Someone who has been ignored: “Teacher Xihuan, Senior Tujian…”

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