Chapter 87

What should I do if I make a girl angry?

Asashi’s man would say: “Sorry, it’s all my fault…”

Then they were sad together silently. Perhaps, they would also offer drinks or something. Of course, they were all hiding in the dark. The men in Asashi were generally muffled. How could they deliver it in person? At this time, the girls themselves are required. Discovered, and then sighed and said: “It turns out that he is such an Asashi.”

The pretending man is: “You are ruthless, you are cruel, you are making trouble without reason.”

The girl also said: “Where am I ruthless? Where am I cold? Where can I make trouble?”

The pretentious man said: “You are ruthless…”

At the end of the quarrel, most of them can be reconciled, don’t ask why, asking is the will of the universe.

The overbearing presidential man is even stronger: “Oh, woman, do you want to get my attention when you are angry?”

As for the soil total comprehension.

“Wow haha… if the guy Erika knew that the author he likes was my maid, he would definitely be pissed off, show off, show off… By the way, it seems that Xiao Bui also likes that guy, yo, teacher Xia Shizi , The maid, can you go to my house to clean.” In the soil, angered and not paying for his life, Zong Wu moved forward, looking at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu with a playful look.

Let you grab my lunch, let you mention my dark history!


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu felt something broken in her head.

Does f*ck treat her as a maid? Still cleaning?

However, before she could speak, he saw Tama Sougo stepping against the wall, and then appeared on the iron net surrounding the roof.

“Danger, danger.” At this moment, looking at the crumbling soil, Shiyu Xia Zhiqiu couldn’t care about anger and poisonous tongue. They were on the top floor! The school fenced specially for safety! Just go straight up like this, it feels…

However, as soon as Xiazhiqiu Shiyu’s voice fell, he saw Tujian Zouwu jump down.

“Eh!!!” Looking at the falling figure, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu clutched her open mouth. What should she do at this time? ? Should we notify the school or call the police?

“Wow ha ha ha… It’s really exciting, it’s as exciting as jumping from six or seven floors.” While Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was shocked, the sound of Sougo Tama’s laughter came from her ear.

To this.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu said: “…”

Are you really jumping down from six or seven floors now?

When a person falls from a high altitude, how can he ensure that he is not injured?

The answer is, at the moment before landing, I found a borrowing point to offset the gravitational acceleration of high-altitude operations.

At the moment when he landed, Sou Wu Tujian stepped on the side wall of the teaching building, stepping on it so lightly that almost no one heard the noise, and Sou Tao Tujian also fell to the ground.

Turning around, he waved his hand at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, and said with a lip-like mouth: “Miss Maid, don’t forget my bag.”

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu: “…”

Seeing the unharmed Tujian Zou Wu, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu slowly slipped to the ground, what kind of monster student was transferred to their class? She now finally understands why Tujian Zou Wu can appear on the rooftop without the key. People don’t need the key at all!


This actually aroused the curiosity of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, she wanted to understand, what kind of person Tujian Zou Wu is like!

“Oh, I was delayed by that woman for a long time, and I didn’t even want to sleep. But why did it take more than two hours to leave school? It’s so boring. Waiting for her to come together…” At this time, Doma Sougo, who was staring at him, was walking in the empty campus while scratching his hair and murmured:

“It’s the first time that Xiaobuian moved out of his home. If she goes back alone, in terms of her level of waste, she will get lost, he will definitely get lost!”

Thinking of this, Sougo Tama was stunned again: “That guy seems to be going to school for the first time since he left his home. Will he be bullied? Will he be bullied? Will he…”

The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I am.

After thinking for two seconds.

Doma Sougou: “Xiaobui, you are waiting for O’Neill, O’Neill will pass right away, if someone dares to bully you, O’Neill will help you let them know-what is the real hell.”


A flashback.

Soverego Tuma rushed to the class where the hamster was buried, even if it was a lot of waste, but if he wanted to bully, he could only bully him!

Toyosaki is not too big, just for a moment, Sougo Tama has already rushed to the window in front of the class where the hamster was buried.

“Where is Xiao Buried? Let me see…” Sougo Doma leaned over the window looking for it.

In an instant, he had locked her figure.

“Oh, the eldest lady looks like! Still the dumplings are more cute…”

The hamster looked out the window, seeming to feel something.


Sou Wu Tama quickly lowered his head.

When Megumi Kato saw this, he asked, “Xiaobui, what’s the matter?”

The hamster smiled and said, “It’s okay, I just thought there was someone outside the window — Xiaohui, it’s okay, maybe I think too much.”

“Is there someone outside the window?” Kato Megumi’s face was a little puzzled, but he still paid attention a little.

“Xiaohui, it’s okay, it may be my illusion…”

at this time.

The soil outside the window: “This guy is so sensitive? Is this the instinct of the hamster in the legend?”

“But, who is the girl next to the guy Xiaobui? If there is a sense of existence like nothing—wait, she won’t be the younger sister in Quanzang’s mouth, Sarutobi calamus, right?” Doma Sougo put a hand on it. On the window sill, one hand rubbed his chin and pondered.

“If it’s a ninja, what is her purpose of approaching Xiaobui?”

“Ah!” As if thinking of something, Tuma Sougou’s face changed.




“The group of ninjas like wild cats can’t do anything. Today is indeed the right one!”

“No, I have to check it out. If there is a sense of existence that seems to be nothing, there is definitely a problem, who sent her here…” Sougo Tama made up his mind.

Thinking of this, Sougo Doma stretched his head and looked into the classroom again.

“However, it’s been a long time since I saw the little burial of the complete eldest lady, it’s so cute.” Sougo Morama looked content.

At this moment, Kato Megumi glanced out the window.

Sougo Doma, who was obsessed with watching the waste material, did not notice the changeable eldest lady.

Looking at the head of the person outside the window, Kato Megumi said: “…”

She understood, Xiao Mu didn’t lie, there were people outside the window.

After thinking about it, Kato Megumi handed Xiaobu a note: “It’s not an illusion, there is really someone outside the window.”

Buried in the earth, turned his head, and the earth shrank with lightning speed.

Buried in the soil: “???”

“Xiaohui, are you right?”

“No, it’s just that as soon as you turn your head, he hides.”

Buried in the soil: “…”

Back to the note again: “Do you see that person’s appearance clearly?”

“Blonde, boy, the hair is about just past the eye, it looks messy, it looks a bit like you…”

Buried in the soil: “…”


The pen is broken, but fortunately it can still be used.

Then she wrote a few lines in the notebook again and threw it out the window.

“Salted fish ohni sauce, I didn’t study in class, or there was not enough homework. Last time you sent me the simulation of the celestial dynasty to do? If it is not enough, there will be five years of simulation and three years of college entrance examination ((‵□′) )”

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