Chapter 75 The teachers are all making up lessons, how can they close their eyes?

The basement of Doma’s home, the basement of Doma Sougo.

Seeing the pale face in front of him and the extremely dark circles in the eyes of the earth Zou Jian, the earth Jian Guilong felt extremely complicated, however, all these emotions only turned into a roar.

“Sougo, what the hell are you doing!”

Anyone who watches his son keep putting powder on his face and drawing dark circles under his eyes will probably have the same attitude as Guilong Tujian.

“Oh, old man, are you here so early?” Turning around and looking at the person, Tōma Sougou’s face remained unchanged (actually, I can’t change it if I want to change it, the foundation is too thick) and put the makeup box aside.

“What’s the matter with your face…” Guilong Tuma said with a complicated expression.

But he didn’t finish speaking, he was interrupted by Tuma Sougou’s words: “Actually, I haven’t closed my eyes for five nights. Look, how thick my dark circles are.”

Guilong Earth: “…”

Is this guy going to sell badly? Isn’t this thinking of him as a fool? In other words, this was all caught on the spot, and it could be sold like a miserable one, probably only his son.

“Let’s talk about it, what’s the matter if you call me back in a hurry? If it’s pocket money, don’t talk about it-who said that even if you don’t take money from the Tujian family, you can live well?”

“Huh?? Did I say that?”? Tuma Sougou continued to pretend to be stupid: “Old man, you don’t care about me, why didn’t you close your eyes for five nights?”

Guilong Earth: “…”

Could you please put away the makeup case?

“Well, then I would like to ask Zongwu, why did you fail to close your eyes for five nights?” Guilong Tuma held back his anger, gritting his teeth.

Sougo Tama stretched out his index finger and pointed at the ceiling and said, “Because Aoi, Hatto, Ozawa, these teachers have updated new teaching materials, so they stayed up late for five nights to make up lessons!”

Guilong Earth: “…”

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

Do you pretend to be pitiful just to tell me this? Moreover, Zou Wu, you are only twelve years old. Anyway, they have a lot of work in the Tujian family. Even if they really want to, they don’t need any teaching materials, right?

So, where’s his knife? Why does he always want to give this rebellious child twice.

“Just kidding, don’t be so serious, this is the latest Italian joke.” Seeing the blue veins on the head of Guilong Tuma, Sougo Tuma quickly calmed down: “By the way, did you bring high blood pressure medicine today? ?”

Guilong gritted his teeth: “Just ate.”

“Well, I just saw that your blood pressure was too low, so you got a boost, you see, now I’m more energetic.”

“Zongwu!” Tujian Guilong yelled again before gritting his teeth: “Do I have to thank you?”

“You’re welcome, this is what I should do.” Toma, pretending not to understand, Zou Wu smiled and touched the back of his head.

At this moment, Tujian Guilong felt that he was quite witty. Fortunately, he took the antihypertensive medicine in advance, otherwise he would have to get out of the brain.

“By the way, is there any special medicine for heart disease?” Sougo Tama asked again.

“Take…Wait, what do you want to do again?” Guilong Tuma learned shrewdly this time.

Doma Sougou held the back of his head: “I didn’t want to do anything, just want to see, old man, how can your heart stand?”

Guilong Earth: “…”

He subconsciously covered his heart, and then looked at the special medicine in his inner pocket.

Doma Sougou: “It looks like he is carrying medicine.”

“Zongwu——” Seeing Tujian Zongwu with a smile on his face, Tujian Guilong shuddered subconsciously. Although he was carrying medicine, if he could not take medicine, who would want to take medicine?

“Well, this time I’ll do it step by step.” Sougo Tama drew his ears: “Always let you take medicine, it feels like you are almost gone.”

Guilong Earth: “…”

Before he could speak, Tama Sougo had already handed him a copy.

“what is this?”

“The Tujian family’s industry constitutes a chain, or the Tujian family asset survey form.” Sitting on the chair of the boss, Sougo Douma manipulated the chair and turned in a circle.

By the way, Guilong was still standing in the earth at this time.

Seeing Tu Jian Zou Wu sitting on the chair, Tu Jian Guilong didn’t want to pick up the information for a while. It’s too bullying. How can Laozi sit with his son standing?

“Ahem–” So, he coughed twice and stared at the boss chair of Sougo Doma.

“What? Old man, you have a cold?”

“Surrounding the earth! You start—” Guilong the earth understands. Don’t do any dumb riddles with your son, otherwise, he will pretend not to understand, but he won’t finish the two words before he gets up. I heard that the soil always enlightened Dao.

“It’s really rude, the old man didn’t arrange a seat for you after you came in for so long. Is it because you haven’t closed your eyes for five days?”

Guilong Earth: “…”

Enough, when are you going to pretend to be pitiful, will you put the makeup case away?

However, before he could speak, I saw Sougo Doma pressed a few times on the boss chair, and then, for a while:


“Zi…” After the sound.

A set of luxurious sofa tables and chairs rose from the ground.

Guilong Earth: “…”

Deliberately? In other words, has it been too long since he returned to his home? Why does it feel so unfamiliar here? It’s wrong, even this basement was dug out by Zongwu himself.

Why would he not be surprised at the basement? Could it be related to the discovery of a pile of munitions when the basement was discovered? When a big surprise point appears, won’t you feel dumb at the small surprise point?

While wondering about himself, Tujian Guilong sat on the sofa.

“Coffee or tea?” As soon as I sat down, Sougo Tama asked at the right time.

“Tea.” Tujian Guilong is more traditional.

“Black tea or green tea?”

“green tea.”

“Japanese tea or celestial tea?”

“Where did you get the Tianchao tea?” Guilong the earth was puzzled.

“Everyone has their own little secret!” Sougo Tama answered solemnly.

Guilong Earth: “…”

If it were in the celestial dynasty, he would have slapped it a long time ago-you are my son, where’s the little secret?

Fortunately, this is Japan. Even children have their own privacy.

“Tianchao tea, try it.”

“Old man, you are really good fortune. I just got some Dahongpao from Wuyi Mountain. Although it is not produced by the mother tree, it is considered the best tea.” Tujian always felt a pain on his face.

Guilong the Earth: “???”

What secrets does Zouwu hide? Why can you even get the Dahongpao from Wuyi Mountain?

“Take your time to read the information, and I will help you make tea first.”

Tujian Guilong glanced roughly, and saw that it was almost the same as in the image, and then said.

“If it is the property information of the Tujian family, I think I don’t need to read it-I can count it with my eyes closed.”

“Are you sure?” Putting the tea into the purple clay pot, Sougo Doma said while pouring the first tea.

“I’m sure it must be, and sure.” Looking at the total enlightenment that looked like this, Guilong Earth also showed no weakness.

“Ask a question, Matsumoto Parts Processing Factory…” Sougo, who came over with the tea, said while passing the tea cup.

“Domain family holds 55%, and the annual dividend is around 7-8 billion yen, which belongs to…”

“Wrong answer!” Before Tujian Guilong finished answering, Tujian Zongwu stopped saying.

“Ichiro Matsumoto is an ambitious person. At the beginning, he accepted the capital injection from the Doma family. It was also because of the excessive hoarding of goods on hand. The buyer got Matsumoto Ichiro on the contract, so he had to accept the capital injection from the Doma family.”

“It’s just that Ichiro Matsumoto, who has survived the storm, does not want his lifeline to be grasped-so in private, he has recovered a lot of shares from the Tama family…”

“Impossible!” Before Tu Jian Zong Wu had finished speaking, Tu Jian Gui Long cut off firmly.

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