Chapter 742 If you have an old lady, I will half the tricks, huh!

“Who said I can’t keep up with that guy?” Dongma Yaozi gritted his teeth.

“Who made a bet with that guy in Tuma, but just after listening to the other party’s performance, he automatically conceded?” Touma Kazuya glanced.

“Excuse me, who told me that this guy hasn’t touched the piano for years?” Dongma Yaozi asked back.

“This is what the guy in the earth said!” Dongma and Sa shrugged.

“He said you believe it?” Dongma Yaozi covered his face.

“Don’t you believe it?” Dongma and Sha’s eyelids twitched.

“I didn’t believe it!” Dongma Yaozi hugged her arms and said, “I just didn’t expect that the rebel could outperform so many musicians, or in a different field…”

“Wait…” A black line appeared on Dongma Hesha’s face: “Don’t you really want to choose one of those musicians and just half-push it, right?”

“What nonsense are you talking about!” A # sign appeared on Dong Ma Yaozi’s forehead: “Don’t you really think that this guy used things like me as a condition to bet against those musicians?”

“Isn’t it?” Dongma and Sa asked rhetorically.

“Should I be honored that I am still so attractive in my daughter’s heart? Or should I… Kaisa, do you really think so many musicians can fall under your mother’s pomegranate skirt?”

Winter horse and yarn: “…”

It makes sense, and she has no way to refute it. Although her mother is a sea king, her charm should not have reached this level!

“Then what are you betting on?”

“”Half of God”! When the guy found me, he gave me the condition that if someone can beat him, he would complete “Half of God”, otherwise, he would open the platform for a non-existent person. Every musician thought that the rebel figured it out, he just wanted to find a step, as long as there is a step down, he will make up for the biggest regret in the history of music…

After all, compared to the completion of “Half of God”, the matter of platforming for a non-existent person is not worth mentioning, let alone platforming for non-existent people, for real musicians , They can do anything as long as they can complete the “Part of the Divine Comedy” and turn it into a real “Divine Comedy”! ”

“Is it that exaggeration?” Dongma and Sa were puzzled, and regretted that they missed the final performance because something happened.

“Exaggeration?” Dongma Yaozi shook his head: “It’s not an exaggeration at all. It doesn’t seem to be a piece of music that belongs to the world at all. Hesha, as long as you know, so far, no one has been able to restore the “Half of God”. “The performance of “, let alone the completion… As long as you know this, you should understand that this regret belongs exclusively to the history of music, the regret belongs exclusively to the musician…”

When Touma and Sae heard the words, they clenched their fists: “So, that guy made this promise in order to let you help the Mai Sakurajima platform?”

“Wait, Kazuya, after hearing you say this, I realized that the rebel seems to have said that you knew about the existence of Sakurajima Mai from the beginning?”

“Um~!” Dongma and Sa turned their faces away: “You know, don’t you remember who the other party is? Anyway…” Don’t you know now?

“No, I have a feeling of memory conflict now. At that time, I clearly checked on the Internet and asked some friends. They all said they didn’t know Mai Sakurajima…” Touma Yoko wondered: “What did you do at the time? Know the other party?”

“Me?” Dongma and Sa pointed at themselves after hearing the words: “I only know that there is this person. As for why this is the case, I don’t know very well. I only remember that the guy in the earth said that he was infected by memes. Mai Sakurajima is defined by people as air, so she is like air, unable to be seen and remembered…”

“Kasa, are you talking about science fiction?” Dongma, Xuezhu, and Yoko.

“But this is the truth. Didn’t you forget who Mai Sakurajima was?”

“Then you should have reminded me!”

“Isn’t it good for the famous Dongma Yaozi to help the idols of the entertainment circle open the platform?” Dongma Hesha sneered.

“Stupid, if I had known that such a person existed, I wouldn’t be able to compare it to that guy with a piano at all. The rebels are simply deceiving people with skill! To deceive the master and destroy the ancestor!” The word # continued to appear on Dong Ma Yaozi’s forehead.

“As a teacher, he lost so badly in the skills he taught…” Touma and Sa sneered again.

“Hesha…” In order to protect his dignity as a teacher and mother, Dongma Yaozi pressed Dongma Hesha’s shoulders and said with a serious face: “You know, humans are incomparable with monsters, if I knew The rebel had never thought of completing “The Half Song of God”, so I would never compare to him at all!”

The corners of Dongma and the yarn mouth twitched: “Are you a declaration of a loser? Since you know that you can’t compare to that guy, why did you compare that guy to me in the past few years!”

“Wasa, although humans cannot be compared with monsters, people can regard monsters as their own targets. For example, you. With my careful encouragement, your piano playing level at this time has far surpassed that of this age. Me!” Every mature adult can cook good chicken soup!

“Do I have to thank you?” After being hit by other people’s children for so many years, Dongma and Sa even thought that the reason why her mother was merciful was because she was not as good as Tuma Sougou. , But now it seems… Thinking of this, Dongma and Sa coldly said.

“Thank you, let’s talk about Mai Sakurajima…” Every mature adult is good at changing the subject.

“What, Kassan, regret it?”

“Is regret useful? Let’s not say that this is a gambling contract, just say that the rebel allows me to regret it?” Dong Ma Yaozi gritted his teeth.

“You don’t dare to care about anything. You can’t even play at a level, so you can still be a teacher?” Dongma and Sa Heixian face.

“If you have half the tricks of your mother and mine, would I be angry with that rebel?” Dongma Yaozi was also disdainful.

“After listening to other people’s performances, I can’t compare them and give up?” Dongma Hesha was even more disdainful.

“Hehe…” Dongma Yaozi sneered: “Am I talking about this method? If I become that guy’s mother-in-law…”

Winter horse and yarn: “…”


“What are you talking nonsense!?”

“Come on, who asked me to help her go through the transfer procedures? What kind of transfer to Toyonosaki…”

“I’m learning piano, not what you think. Moreover, the Tujian family is not only the bastard who has the talent for piano. The young lady is trapped in the soil, and buried in the soil is the talented generation, and They are all in Toyosaki…” Touma Kazuza retorted.

Dongma Yaozi glanced at him, “Is that right?”

“Dang, of course!” Touma and Sha said with a certain expression: “At least, after I listened to the performance of Miss Tuma, who is less than ten years old, Kassan, you really can’t compare to each other!”

Dongma Yaozi: -_-|||

“Hesha, tell me how old is the other party?”

“Less than ten years old!” Dong Ma Yaozi affirmed, how big can a forty centimeter dumpling be?

“Do you think Kasan is weak, or do you think the Tuma family are monsters!?”

“Do you want to compare with the other party? The bet is up to you!” Dongma, Fox and Huwei, Hesha.

Dongma Yaozi: “…”

Are there piles of Tujian monsters! ?

and many more!

Did she forget something?

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