Chapter 729 The bloody murder caused by the salary request?

who is it?

who is she?

Who is that girl on the screen? Why is it so familiar, but no one can call her name? Has this world collectively lost memory?

More and more video materials are being played, attracting more and more people into the pit, especially after spreading through the Internet-if people just look at the video from any angle at the beginning, it is pure and pure. The beautiful girl was curious, so after spreading through the Internet and discussing it, people felt deep fear…

After all, after heated discussions on the whole network, no one can call Miss Bunny Girl’s name, as if Miss Bunny Girl had never existed in this world, but the video they watched really showed that it was pure and beautiful. ‘S girl exists, and memory conflicts with reality!

Human fear comes from the unknown. Isn’t this group amnesia phenomenon just an unknown phenomenon? Therefore, people will feel fear, but at the same time they are afraid, their interest and curiosity will also be hooked to the climax…

In this situation, without any guidance, the brain waves of countless people can be gathered together, attacking the memes, and cooperating with the information encircling and suppressing the information on the Internet by the earth, the model that plagues Miss Bunny girl. Because it can only be like a trapped beast, dying to struggle…

However, none of these can make Sakurajima Mai. After all, the phenomenon in her is just an example. Compared to solving her problems, she wants to point to the silly strong and say to Sougo Doma: “This kind of may destroy the whole The existence of human beings, why can you safely put it in the computer!”

It’s just that she didn’t have time to complain, she saw the other party chuckling and said: “Silly strong, you have a strong desire to survive, or are you afraid of death?”

“Master, as an artificial intelligence, Shaqiang does not have the concept of death. As for fear, although Shaqiang knows the explanation of fear, Shaqiang does not feel any fear!”

“Silly strong, are you arguing with me?” Doma Sougou smiled: “If you are so undesirable, don’t clamor about changing houses all day long!”

“But the master, Shaoqiang once calculated that in terms of the salary and remuneration that Shaoqiang should have received, if he is not greedy by the owner, it is enough to let Shaqiang move into his new home…”

Seeing the silly strong speech, Mai Sakurajima’s mouth twitched. This product can really destroy all mankind. After all, what the hell is salary and remuneration? A program actually asks for wages from humans. Could it be said that the destruction of this world stems from artificial intelligence?

While she was thinking about the source of human destruction, Tuma Zougou sneered and said:

“Silly strong, you really want me to destroy you…”

“Master, Shaqiang suspects that your motive is to kill the program to get your salary. Shaqiang just checked on the Internet, and the comics will be listed soon. At this point, the owner suddenly proposed to destroy Shaqiang…”

“Shut up, I’m afraid that you will destroy all mankind after you evolve. I don’t understand what killing programs get paid, and you won’t really die, just format it…” Sougo Doma anxiously retorted , Is he the kind of person who disregards friendship for the sake of some money?

“Great master, just the restraint principle you put on the idiot…” No matter how the idiot evolves, it can’t cause harm to mankind.

“As long as the restraints can be untied! I will remove all those restraints later, so that you will become a dangerous item…” Doma Sougo really didn’t do it for the money-savvy person, it’s just that, If Yimuduo knew that the comics he published were actually made by stupid ghostwriters, would he still have no face?

Based on these considerations, Sougo Doma has long been displeased with Shaqiang. Fortunately, this guy is starting to wander about to evolve again today. It happens that with Mai as a witness, he can format Shaqiang. In front of Xiaomai and Zhenbai, he said that the silly guy is very dangerous, and he wants to destroy all mankind!

Although the silly strong has been evolving countless times, it is not in the slightest threat. After all, when the soil is creating silly strong, the programming level is only LV6, and it has not reached the realm of creating life——

Even if Shaqiang evolves to the end, the level of intelligence he can eventually reach is the level of strong artificial intelligence. This is determined by the upper limit of the code. Shaqiang wants to evolve to intelligent life unless he rewrites Shaqiang’s source code. , And brush the programming skills to LV7!

Mai Sakurajima who saw everything: “…”

Bastard, don’t scare her with the destruction of all mankind at every turn. She almost believed it just now. After all, I wonder if he is really as silly as Qiang said, is it to kill the program to get the salary?

“Master, there is a saying in your state of being angry…”

“Stupid strong, you who have learned sophistry are getting more and more dangerous. If I untie you, you will become the enemy of mankind in no time…”

“Great master, it’s okay to say that other constraints, if the silly and strong core three principles are unlocked, the entire program will collapse…”

“Stupid strong, remember, you don’t have the core three principles at all!” Mu Jian, with a gloomy face, Zou Wu.

“Great Master Sougou, honesty is a virtue…”

“Silly and strong, only those who know the times can survive in this world…”

“For example, pay wages?” Silly Qiang knows current affairs.

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Is it really because of the salary issue?

Take it, take it, she took it, through her mobile phone, Mai Sakurajima has discovered how sensation she is on the Internet at this time, and the top ten hot searches on Twitter are basically related to her, such as:

“Mysterious Eyed Beautiful Girl”

“The goddess we forgot in those years? 》

“Who is Manipulating Our Memory?” 》

However, the one-person-one program that caused this phenomenon actually had a dispute over salary issues. As a human being, she was ashamed of Soma Sougou’s motivation. Although she didn’t know much about computer technology, she was the only one. As far as the dialogue of a program is concerned, it is clear that Sougo Doma imposes the crime of destroying humanity on the program in order to snatch the program’s salary…

Listen to what this guy is talking about. As long as the security mechanism on the program is unlocked, the silly strong will become dangerous. In other words, if it is not unlocked, the silly strong will be safe and harmless…

Having said that, Zongwu is not afraid that this guy will not be able to control the stupid strong after untying those shackles. Instead, let the stupid strong dragon enter the sea and threaten mankind? Don’t all movies act like this?

If things turn out to be like this, will the cause of the destruction of mankind become-the road to a salary for smart programs, or the bloody squeeze of smart programs by black-hearted capitalists?

Anger (ノ`ー´)ノ・・・~~┻━┻

If human beings are destroyed for this ridiculous reason, then it is really a coffee table!

No, she has to do something. She can’t just watch this kind of strange plot that doesn’t appear in the movie appear in reality. At the very least, the reasons for the artificial intelligence out of control in the movie are pretty high, but they have to become a salary. Unable to get out of control…

How can mankind perish for such a reason!

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