Chapter 721

Do not rely on the family, and rely on their strength to make their lives “poor”, Tama Ohira and Hiratsuka are troubled, but the wine for this meal has been arranged, and it is included in the set meal, obviously it is impossible to be refunded. They can only be “forced” to leave it behind and put it aside to be awake…

After all, the wine was opened only when it was delivered, and the foreman promised that no one had touched the wine before it was delivered. The foreman was still quite dissatisfied with this-before it was opened, who would hand over this luxury wine Give it to others!

When leaving, the foreman didn’t know what he was thinking, and pressed a certain button.

Seeing this scene, Tama Sougo smiled again: “Mai, do you know the benefits of wine?”

“Don’t ask me, I’m underage!”

“Hey” Sou Wu Tama sighed after hearing this: “Then you definitely can’t guess what will happen next…”

“There is a problem with the wine!? Isn’t the wine just opened? This can also be used for tricks!?” Mai Sakurajima reacted quickly.

“Of course the wine is okay, I just use the food to match the benefits of the wine to the fullest…” Sougo Tama shook his index finger and said, this explanation gave him an unexpected sense of accomplishment, no wonder whether it is. Novels or movies, villains like to talk a lot…

“So, what are the benefits of alcohol!?” Mai Sakurajima was puzzled.

“Of course it is a fascinating benefit. Don’t look at the Riesling sweet white wine with a degree of less than 15 degrees, but as long as it is properly matched, it can also make people fall into a drunk state, that is to say, the bartender is drunk!” Doma Sougou’s experience as a senior wine guest…

Mai Sakurajima: “…”

Guarantee, keep drunk? What’s this saying! ?

“Want to listen to music?” Her doubts were not answered yet, Sougo Tama suddenly said.


“When human beings are drunk, they will not only relax their vigilance, but also have the possibility of being happy. There is a word in the heavenly dynasty that is’alcoholic friends’. Although it is not a commendatory term, it can also explain one thing. Just when you are drunk, it becomes easy to bring people closer together! At this time, with soothing music…”

While talking, Sougo Tama picked up the laptop and walked to the VIP room, followed by Mai Sakurajima.

“So, I always realize that guy, actually, was right, lied to Nissan, too, too much, Hiratsuka-sensei, are you right?” When he opened the private room door, Toma Dahei was just as he expected. Has fallen into a state of drunkenness.

“Then you, what are you going to do? Unleash your Nissan’s majesty? Let’s let that bastard feel for a bit…hiccup!” Hiratsuka Jing also did.


“You, are you crying!? You, you guy is crying?” Hiratsuka smiled: “It’s like a lady, look at me, the old lady is so failed, and she doesn’t cry…”

“You, why did you fail? You, you and Zongwu are just teachers and students. The most contact with him is one, one or two years at most. But what about me, I want to contact him for dozens Years, years, decades have not had the time of Nissan’s majesty…” The conversation between the two is already a bit irrelevant.

“Old, what does my old mother say about the failure? What does it have to do with Tuma Sou Na, that bastard? The old mother’s failure is that until now, there is no one to marry me back!” Hiratsuka Jing said, holding his head. .

Seeing the scene in front of her, Mai Sakurajima twitched her mouth: “What are they?”

“Ordinary drunk…” Sougo Tama shrugged.

“White wine with ten degrees?” Although she is a minor, she also knows how can a ten degrees wine make people drunk into such a virtue?

What Mai Sakurajima didn’t know was that a few minutes ago, Ohira Doma and Shizuka Hiratsuka had the same idea with her. It was only a drink of more than ten degrees, so how could he look at it even if he had a drink?

“Didn’t I just say that? The bartender is drunk!” Sougo Tama said with a light smile. This is the perfect combination of his medical skills and cooking skills. It may be known that the combination of those foods will have such a brutal effect!

“But, does it really make sense for you to do this? This way of getting closer…” Mai Sakurajima’s mouth twitched as she looked at the two people who were complaining about herself–this would only make them sober. Are you embarrassed afterwards?

“Of course…” Sougo Tama talked, bypassing the drunk two people, and went to sit down in front of the piano in the private room: “They just lack a little music to regulate their hearts…”

“Dang…” Sougo Tama tried an audition while speaking.

“…” Before Mai Sakurajima could speak, Sougo Tama had already played the track.

“”The Wedding in a Dream”?” Listening to the familiar tune, Mai Sakurajima doesn’t think this tune can do anything…

“Wrong…” Sougo Tama said with a light smile: “For someone, it’s “Marriage Marriage March”!”

Although, because he hasn’t touched the piano for a long time, his piano skills are only at the level of LV4, but LV4 is already at the level of a world-class performance master in this world. Under his performance, the sound of the piano is heard, as if washing. , It should be said, torturing people’s hearts…

“Wedding…” Hiratsuka, who was drunk, closed his eyes.

“Wedding~!?” The same goes for the drunk Doma Ohira-if Sougo becomes a home, will it change? If Xiao Bui becomes a home…

“No… how can this happen, you can’t marry, you can’t marry…” The drunk Tuma Daping suddenly started talking with cold sweat on his face.

“Why can’t you marry?” The drunken Hiratsuka Shizuo became angry when he heard the words: “You, do you guys think I’m hiccup… can’t get married?”

“Why, why can’t you get married…” The Tujian Daping, who had heard it wrong, held his head. How could he not get married with such a lovely touch.

“Say, lie! You, you must be lying! Otherwise, you, tell me, how do you want to marry?” The drunk Shizuka was a little reluctant.

“Why, why do you have to marry?” Tuma Daping refused to accept it.

“Women, can women still not marry forever?” Hiratsuka Jing is no exception.

“Dang, of course!” Tuma Daping puffed up his chest and said, “No, if you don’t marry someone, then, even if you marry home, you won’t be allowed to marry!”

“Marry, marry home?” Hiratsuka Jingle said: “Marry, who do you want to marry? Why, how do you marry, can you help?”

“Only, as long as you speak, I, I’m fine!” Doima Dahei patted his chest. As Nissan, he can do everything for his sister.

“Then, what about marrying you?” Hiratsuka Shizuo asked.

“Yes, if you can…”

“Dang!” Before the words were finished, Sougo Doma had already pressed the rest. He turned his head to look at Ohira Doma. Although the dialogue between the two goods is not right, he can probably analyze what it means, okay. ! This fellow Tomata Ohira is really ill-intentioned!

That being the case, don’t blame him!

Music, start over!

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