Chapter 72: Summoning the Earth: I am a good person as expected

Animals’ perception of danger is etched deep in their DNA, and so are humans.

When Doma Sougo held the silver needle with a wicked smile (brilliant smile?), looking at Yamauchi Sakura in front of her, the little girl’s perception of danger caused her to take two steps back unconsciously.

The sharp silver needle gave out bursts of cold light under the illumination of the lamp tube, which made Yamauchi Sakuraliang unconsciously recalled the scalpel in the operating room…

At this moment, the child’s nature made her suddenly frightened, but before she could make a sound, Tuma Zougou stepped forward again and covered her mouth with a hand full of silver needles. Then, he Put down the medical alcohol bottle in his hand.

Panic, at this time, Yamauchi Sakura Liang’s heart only had countless panics.

Could it be that she just didn’t nod her head in agreement with him, so this brother wanted to kill someone?

And this panic reached the maximum when Doma Sougo inserted a silver needle nearly a foot long into her brain…

If she can, she wants to scream.

However, Tōma Sougou’s hand filled with silver needles was blocking her mouth, and she couldn’t scream out—only big tears could be left behind.

Is she going to die?

five minutes later.

After Tama Sougo inserted the last silver needle in her hand into the little girl’s Baihui point, she was numb with fear.

At this time.

“Guru.” Tujian picked up the medical alcohol bottle placed on the ground again, and took a sip. Several 500ml bottles of medical alcohol also declared that they had completed their mission, and all entered the body of Tujian Zongwu.

Feeling the suppression of the brain cells caused by ethanol and so on, Tujian always feels a lot more comfortable, and there is no longer the feeling that a bunch of data is constantly being stuffed into the brain.

Turning around, looking at the little girl with silver needles all over her body, Tuma Zougou smiled with satisfaction: “Oh, what I pierced is quite artistic.”

“I, am I going to die?” Looking at the needle eyes all over, Yamauchi Sakura Ryo didn’t even dare to move. She was afraid that if she moved, there would be needles in her body, let alone a few more inserted. The brain, therefore, she can only roll her eyes and look pitifully at Tuma Sougo.

Sougorou touched his chin and smiled again: “Yes, I’m dying!”

The little girl’s tears were streaming down again. Why did she encounter such a thing?

“And it’s the most painful way to die.” Tuma, flickering, the general affairs officer pointed at the ceiling with his index finger.

Sakurayama Yamauchi: “@_@”

The guy in front of you is simply not human.

“Think about it, so many needles are stuck in your body, as long as they are cut off, they will eat your internal organs, pierce your brain, and then leak out of your face. When you look around, they are all blood.” Wu Man’s face introduced Nu Shan.

In response, Yamauchi Sakura Liang said that she didn’t listen, she didn’t listen, she really didn’t want to listen at all, but Tama Sougou’s words still entered the girl’s heart.

“Bad guy!” She wanted to shout, but found that the loudest sound she can make now is the decibel that she has just kept down.

“Wrong, it’s not a bad person, it’s a devil!” Tama Sougo retorted while admiring his masterpiece.

Yamauchi Sakura Ryo: “Why?”

“what why?”

“Why do you treat me this way? Me, I’ve already…”

“Because, what I said seriously, you have never believed it, and you shook your head and despised me. I am angry.” Before the little girl had finished speaking, Tōma Zougou had already forcibly interrupted.

Yamauchi Sakura Ryo first looked at Doma Sougo with such a look, and then threatened in a low voice, “Are you not afraid of being caught by the police uncle?”

“Not afraid…”

“Why?” Yamauchi Sakura Liang couldn’t figure it out.

“Because before I was captured, your blood vessels burst to death all over your body, and you would be irritated when you think about it. Moreover, the harm is like me, and you will definitely live for a thousand years.”

“??” Yamauchi Sakura Liang looked puzzled.

“Forget what I said at the beginning, good people don’t live long, the next sentence is, the evil will last for a thousand years.” After the brain cells were suppressed, Zou Wu found that he was a lot of talkative.

Sakurayama Yamauchi: “Yes, but didn’t you just say that you were talking nonsense?”

“That’s why I said that there is no cure for the brain-disabled people!” Sougo Doma shrugged: “Look, which villain is not full of lies? Blame you for your bad luck and met the villain of the villains!”

Yamauchi Sakura: “@_@?”

Is it that simple to admit that you are a badass? What do parents teach to be good children?

“I, I just came to get the medicine…”

“Hmm!” Sougo Tama smiled again: “Actually, I lost your medicine on purpose.”

Yamauchi Sakura Ryo: “???”


Seeing the little girl with aggrieved face, the slightly drunk Sougo Morama felt really happy. This feeling of being a villain behind the scenes should be photographed.

“Rather than thinking about why here, it’s better to think about some last words. Isn’t it better? Maybe I can help you take the last words out.” Sougo Doma, who played the role of the charming villain for the first time, entered the play.

“Woo…” The aggrieved little girl suddenly heard the last words, but suddenly thought hard: “Can I save my life?”

“You are dead after you stay, it’s useless.”

“Then, can you bring words to my mother so that she can eat my pancreas?”

“Are you an ogre?”

“But, I really want to live, even if it’s just a legend… I really want to meet a prince and have a love relationship with him. Well, I like him enough. Don’t let him like me. In this way, I After disappearing, he won’t be sad…” The little girl with aggrieved face muttered in a low voice.

“I also want to travel with the friends I want to make, and leave countless memories. Even if I disappear, they still exist in their memories.”

Hearing this, Tuma Sougou said, “By the way, how old are you, thinking of the prince?”

“I’m eleven, and my life is already short. Isn’t it okay to make a plan?” The self-defeating little girl was dissatisfied: “Originally, I thought I could live for a few years. Who knew I would run into bad people… …”

As he talked, tears began to fall again.

“Don’t cry, cry again, I won’t even help you out with the last words.”

Forcibly shut up.

“Well, how long can I live?”

“Probably, three…”

“Three minutes? The countdown to life?” As if she had accepted her fate, the little girl whispered: “Well, please let my mother eat my pancreas. Maybe, I also want to see the world more.”

Tuma Sougou: “…”

Rubbing some messy hair, he stepped forward and patted the girl lightly. Amidst a ping-pong-pong sound, Sougo Tama just took advantage of the situation and collected the silver needle.

“I’m afraid of you-if you want to see the world, just watch it as much as you want. No one needs to do it for you, because what I said is not a lie. The potential of the human body is endless. After you go out, do a new check. , Just as your reward for drinking and chatting with me, or compensation for losing your medicine.”

Yamauchi Sakura: “@_@?”

Facing the little girl with a bewildered look, Doma Sougo turned his head and smiled:

“I, there’s a touch of a lot, which is about the same age as you, oh, I always feel that after bullying you, I can’t face a lot of my own. I really am a good person.”

Yamauchi Sakura Ryo-If she had just cried dozens of times, she would have believed it!

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