Chapter 714

“Speaking of which, a few years ago Zou Gou was put on a hospital bed for various reasons, and it was only in the last two years that it stopped. I think Kasang probably also realized that violence is useless for Zou Gou… “Not to mention Hiratsuka’s inner surprise, Doima Morama touched his chin to explain.

Tu Jian Zou Wu-In fact, the root cause is that the Tu Jian family’s guards have been unable to beat him, and Tu Jian Gui Long wants to do something with him, so he must be able to touch him!

“Actually, I don’t agree with the use of violence…” Shizuka, who feels that he and the little brother in front of him, may not necessarily be a total competitor, agrees: “If you want to correct a person’s problems, using violence is the most important thing. Inferior approach!”

“Yes, you think the same as mine…” Tamata nodded: “At the beginning, I actually wanted to persuade Kassan, not just to use violence, but to reason with Sougo and let him know right and wrong… ”

“Then, you were rejected?” Hiratsuka was silently puzzled. Could it be said that the prestigious Tuma Guilong actually tends to be violent?

“…” Dahei Tama’s face stiffened: “Actually, I was not rejected, but…”


“I took turns with Kassan, but I didn’t talk about the truth. Kassan decided to make it more comfortable in the end…” Tsuchima Dahei said with a bit of melancholy.

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

What the hell! ? Are you afraid that you are teasing Miss Ben? How old was that kid a few years ago? Even if you are a Nissan, but the old fox of the Guilong generation in the earth hasn’t talked about each other in truth?

“How come, something like underage alcoholism, as long as Sou Gou realizes the dangers of underage alcoholism…”

Before she could finish her words, Tama Dahei shook his head: “It’s useless. I always realize that he has his own set of codes of conduct. Even if you take him to see examples and talk about harm, he also has his own set of fallacies, such as : “It’s safe, I have decided to live a short life, to be a chic self, and not to bother others even to support the elderly…” Ha, ha!”

“Damn it, isn’t he irresponsible for his life?” Hiratsuka felt a bit angry, and she asked in a bad tone.

“Such words, we have also said…” Daomaa spread his hands flat and said, “However, that guy Sougo is a genius, but he never puts his cleverness on the right way, so when we say After finishing this sentence, he gave us a questionnaire about the number of deaths due to various accidents every year…

Then, he took the questionnaire and asked us: ‘These are the guys who are responsible for their lives, then why do they…’ How do we answer this kind of thing? ”

What Dahei Tuma didn’t talk about was that the questionnaires that Sougo brought out were not only those on the surface, but also the crimes hidden under the dark web, the countless missing people, and the dead…

“Isn’t this a fallacious reason? No one wants it to happen because of natural and man-made disasters!” Hiratsuka had a headache.

“I really don’t want it to happen, but who can avoid it? Instead of worrying about the future, it’s better to take advantage of the present to have fun, if something happens, at least enjoy it! This is the rhetoric of Zou Wu…” Daping also rubbed his temples.

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

It’s a complete joker~!

“Because of these remarks, Sougo has been lying in the hospital bed for more than a week…”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

She had just misunderstood the Tujian Guilong, and if it was her, she wanted to beat someone too!

“Writing is not good, and Wu is not good. Doesn’t Zongwu have any weaknesses?”

Tuma Daping shook his head: “I can’t say that there is no weakness, I always realize that his only weakness is probably to save face, and to extreme face…”

“Are you sure…” Hiratsuka Shizuka recalled her impression after contacting Sougo Doma, a little disbelief.

“I’m sure! However, that guy’s view of face is different from ordinary people. Most people care about other people’s evaluations, while that guy cares about his own feelings. For example, like this home visit, if Hiratsuka-sensei you Going to the Tujian family, it was a loss of face for Zong Wu…

Because Kassan would ridicule him about this, but after the home visit became me Nissan, Zou Wu felt nothing. Even if I laughed at him like Kassan, he would not feel the slightest loss of face… …” Speaking of this, Tuma Daping squeezed his fists, always realizing that this kind of differential treatment makes him uncomfortable!

“Why, why is there such a big difference?” Hiratsuka was silently puzzled.

“It’s very simple. If I use this to laugh at him, that guy can say indifferently: ‘The stupid Odoudou is so naive. It’s just a home visit. What’s so strange…’ Heh, heh!”

“Odoudou? But aren’t you his Nissan?”

“This is probably where the conflict between me and Sougo is. That guy Sougo doesn’t know what to think, but he doesn’t want to admit that he is a younger brother…” Tsuchima Daping grumbled: “This kind of thing can be changed by not admitting it. Why? Why is he reluctant to admit that I am also his Nissan, and even more so…” Xiaobuy’s Oni sauce!

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

Why does it feel like the style of painting has changed when it comes to this topic?

“Eh Duo, what do brothers and brothers have to say?” This is probably because of her pure curiosity. Could it be that the Tujian family is still the eldest son inheritance system, just like in ancient times, so…

“…” There is a saying, too much! The war named elder brother and younger brother is actually a war that revolves around who can enjoy the name Ounichan! No, not just a small buried! If Sougo is willing, Tama Dahei thinks that he can also enjoy it regardless of the predecessors, coughing cough, and accepting being called oni sauce by the other party…

Of course, this kind of rhetoric, Dahei, cannot claim to the outside world. Therefore, he can only say stiffly: “Remember that I said it? Sougo that guy wants face, and extreme face, for him, he calls me It is a very shameful thing to be Nissan. In his own feelings, only when he is an older brother can he have face…

However, how could this kind of thing happen, and how to save face, it can’t change the fact that he is Odoudou…”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: -_-!!!

In fact, you also care about who is the older brother and who is the younger brother, right?

“Cough…” Seeing that the other party was a little excited, she coughed twice and changed the subject: “In other words, if you want to correct the problem with classmate Zongwu, you must start from his love of face…”

“Ms. Hiratsuka, do you have any ideas?” Tachikawa was overjoyed.


“Ding Dong!” As soon as Hiratsuka was about to speak, the doorbell in the private room rang. After that, several waiters pushed the door and walked in. A social animal who looked like a foreman said: “Sorry, excuse me, you guys. The meal for a lifetime is ready, can we serve two of us now?”

Doma Ohira: “…”

Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”

Together, spend a lifetime together! ? This, isn’t this the legendary couple package?

Two of you look at me, I look at you…

There is a feeling of being overwhelmed!

It’s just that this feeling only lasted for a few moments, and then it passed away. The two looked at each other again and confirmed their eyes. That’s right, it’s that person-Sougo Tama!

What does that guy want to do! ?

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