Chapter 703: This World Is Really Small

“Human beings, if you don’t force him, he doesn’t know where his limits are…” said Sougou, who is about to explore human nature.

“Huh?” Bai Yin’s father was taken aback when he heard the words.

“I mean, in terms of the financial situation of your family, Uncle Scrap, you should not be able to afford the cost of taking care of the mentally ill? Not to mention, this patient is still the main source of income for the family…” Sougo Doma said at the same time , Put his hands around the back of his neck, and spoke the most heart-wrenching facts in a lazy tone:

“Does this look like a “surprise” that God specially created for you in order to show your value? Uncle Scrap is here to verify whether President Silver is ill, it is better to think about what to do in the future, and to continue. Decay, or rise up to be strong?”

“Huh~!” Bai Yin’s father took another cigarette after hearing the words: “This should have nothing to do with your Excellency…”

“I’m just curious. After all, the current situation of Uncle Scrap’s house is very similar to the background of a certain story I read. It is called a model family representative after the Great Depression-the Yiyuan family is the enviable happiness of everyone. Home, but, one day Mrs. Yiyuan became insane and stabbed seven people to death in the street…

The envious happy home of everyone began to collapse…”

“Huh~! The mystery novel “The Fall of the Yiyuan Family”? It is really an analogy…” After Bai Yin’s father breathed out a smoke ring, he took over the words and said: “However, the Yiyuan family is the Yiyuan family, even if the imperial family If Xing is ill, the Baiyin family will never become another Yiyuan family!”

“Then the unpopular story, Uncle Scrap, have you read it? Isn’t it simple…”

“Is it unpopular? That’s right, this country will always bury something, whether it’s a person or a story…” At this time, Bai Yin’s father was a little distracted, feeling empathetic: “Sorry, I might have misunderstood Yuxing’s illness. Excuse me!”

“Buried?” This guy seems to have something to do with him. Sougo Tama thought for a while, but he said a few words: “Uncle Scrap, do you know the end of this story? Not the story in the book, but about The author’s story…”

“Does it make sense? Even the story is buried. The author should be discouraged. Maybe just like me, I won’t say that I’m a waste man!” Father Bai Yin turned around. The meaning of hurried chic.

Summoning the Earth: #^_^

“Uncle Scrap, you got the wrong answer. After a lot of hard work and the support of the family, the author made a strong acquisition of the Undead Chuan Library, and suppressed the publishing house that published his novels to bankruptcy…”

“Where is this third-rate plot?” Bai Yin’s father twitched.

“But this is the reality…” Sougo Tama shrugged: “After all, the porter of that story is standing behind you now. I just want to tell you for the sake of you as my reader. The simple truth, the so-called buried, is just that you are not strong enough…

When you are strong enough, those obstacles that want to bury you will become a joke, just like me, after persistent struggle, I finally pulled out 300,000 yen from pocket money, plus more than 1,000 support from my family For 100 million yen, don’t you just buy Fushengchuan? “What an inspirational poisonous chicken soup!

After Bai Yin’s father turned around and turned his head, he said that the corners of his mouth twitched: “…”

“You, are you sick?” Who doesn’t want this kind of struggle! ?

“Chairman Silver didn’t tell you? What stands in front of you at this moment is: He has a history of mental illness for many years, he has a wealth of experience in being treated, and he is also a leader in psychiatric treatment. Old predecessor, yes, I still have The doctor’s certificate…” Mujian, proud mental patient, always enlightened!

Silver Father: “…”

Just when he met Doma Sougo, he might still hold that this guy was using his mental illness to mislead his stupid son. Now, he really feels that the guy in front of him is mentally abnormal, and he suffers from mental illness. Is it something to be proud of?

I have to say that it is worthy of being a father and son, and the slots are all together.

“Of course, after President Shi Yin goes to check, he can also get a certificate issued by the doctor…” While Bai Yin’s father was convulsed in his heart, Tōma Zougou had an expression of “Rong Yan” on his face. Looking at the other side.

When Bai Yin’s father heard the words, he turned around again. This time, no matter what Sougo Tuma yelled, he ignored him, but accelerated his pace of leaving. He was afraid that he was talking with this guy-maybe he might also get mentally ill! ?

What makes Doma Sougo feel sorry is that when Baiyin’s father left, he took Shiyin Yuxing along the way. This made Doma Sougo sigh, who wanted to take pictures of the diagnosis of the other party’s illness. He clearly said that if he was accompanied, The inspection fee is completely waived, but Bai Yin’s father just guards him and guards against thieves, which is very uncomfortable…

In desperation, Tama Sougou only contacted the dean of the psychiatric hospital who he was familiar with, and asked the other party to inform his friends in the circle that he has a “good brother” who urgently needs a mental illness diagnosis form. If he is a “good brother” When you go to check for mental problems, please be accommodating. Of course, if you don’t accommodate, the consequences will be…

If any hospital is not accommodating, he should go there to recuperate for a few days. Since the hospital insists on following the rules, he will definitely take over the patient according to the regulations, right?

Sougo Tama, who has been on the blacklist of mental hospitals all the year round, spoke. After listening to the words, the other party said righteously-they will never falsify, and any diagnosis of the patient has evidence to follow, and then: “Yes. Now, Tuma-san, what is your “good brother” called?”

Sovereign Enlightenment in the Call: →_→

The dean of the psychiatric hospital who knows well: “…”

He definitely did not compromise with the evil forces, nor did he compromise with the capital, but he did not want more victims! If this guy comes to live for a few days, there may be many mental patients. This is nothing. The point is that the new mental patients are all past psychiatrists…

If one day there is no doctor in the hospital, will the next victim become the dean himself? Ahem…

Afterwards, it is not clear whether Bai Yin Yuxing went to check Doma Sougo, but he received a call from Shigiya Kaguya that night: “Asshole, what did you do to the chairman?”

“Miss Sigiya, what do you mean by doing…” Sougo Tama was “confused”: “What happened to President Bai Yin?”

“Come less, if it wasn’t for your reason, why didn’t Xiao Kei post to Moments?” On the phone, Shigiya Kaguya’s voice sounded extremely annoyed.

“?_? Who is Xiao Kei? Does she post to Moments, it has something to do with me?” This time, Sougo Tama was really confused.

“Xiao Gui is the sister of the chairman. She used to post three Moments every day, but since yesterday. She only sent one. The chairman gave her a shock device. Since then, Xiao Gui’s Moments have been It has not been updated!” Sigong Huiye said coldly.

“Does this have anything to do with me?” Tuma always realized that there was something in it that had something to do with him? Isn’t this guy in Si Gong watts his brain?

“Do you dare to say that the electric shock device is not from your handwriting?” Fourth House, Holmes, Kaguya.

“Eh Duo, Ms. Sigong, where did you see that the electric shock device was my handwriting?” Doma, the prisoner, Sougo.

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