Chapter 701 Someone is asking the question! ?

Bai Yin Yuxing finally rejected Tuma Zougou’s proposal. It should be said that he did not understand what is worth having a party because of mental illness!

This point makes Sougo Tama deeply regretful-if President Silver agrees to hold a party, he may be able to reap a rich windfall in terms of the other party’s position in the fourth house. After all, the guy in the fourth house definitely doesn’t It will spread such things as Bai Yin’s mental illness…

Fortunately, Baiyin Yuxing did not refuse another invitation from him-after the exam, he went to diagnose whether he was mentally ill.

For Sougo Doma, who was listed as the No. 1 blacklist by many psychiatric hospitals, he knew that he was definitely sick after he introduced the results of the past diagnosis and treatment.

It is a pity that for Sigiya Kaguya, the result of a diagnosis and treatment alone does not threaten her. After all, the other party is also a force that can produce a large number of mental illness certificates in minutes.

In the regret of Doma Sougo, this prestigious school entrance exam led by the private Xiuzhiyuan also came to an end. He had already finished the exam and was about to go with Baiyin Yuxing to get a mental illness diagnosis report. Stretching, although a diagnosis report can’t threaten Sigong Huiye, but as the saying goes: It is often the last straw that crushes the camel!


He was just about to set off to find the Silver Royal, a middle-aged man dressed in a fashionable but rather desolate image appeared behind Tujian, with his back leaning against the wall.

“Soil, Sorma Sougou, right?”

“Huh?” Sougo Tama turned his head: “A killer or a mercenary? There is no murderous spirit on me… If I were you, I would choose to do it directly. Maybe, there is still hope for the task to be completed!”

As a walking mobile treasury, Doma Sougou is definitely reporting the most vicious speculation about strangers who know him.

With his back against the wall and holding a can of beer, the middle-aged middle-aged man was taken aback when he heard the words. What’s this special? Killer? Mercenary? This guy is either second-degree sick or mentally ill! ?

wrong! Isn’t he just looking for this guy because of that? That silly son Bai Yin Yuxing met this guy in front of him, and he firmly believed that he was mentally ill~!


Looking at Sougo Morama with a harmless smile on his face, Bai Yin’s father felt that this guy seemed to be more ill than Yuxing. How could anyone ask if the other party was a killer or a mercenary when they met? ?

“Puff…” The too surprised silver father choked on the beer in his mouth: “Ahem… I’m sorry to disappoint you. I am not a killer, nor a mercenary, but an ordinary unemployed person. I’m only young, this time, I’m here to thank your Excellency for taking care of my Baiyinjia Yuxing over the past few days…”

This is probably the easiest way to retreat.

“Ordinary unemployed middle-aged? That is, the legendary Uncle Waste? The existence of Uncle Waste?” Sougo Tama tilted his head when he heard that, and fell into disarray… Father Silver said he was here to thank, but he could tell. , The other party probably came to him to inquire about the crime, right? Doma Sougo had never thought of sitting back and waiting…

“…” Father Silver.

Well, it hurts, this guy speaks so hurting!

“Uncle Trash or something, yes, how can I say it, I have raised Yuxing to this day…”

“Really?” Before the other party finished speaking, Tama Sougou smiled and interrupted the other party’s words: “However, as far as the information I have investigated, President Silver has been able to grow smoothly so far, and most of it should be attributed to the other party. Isn’t it hard work? It’s like saying that now, while serving as the president of the student council in high school, Bai Yin has also worked part-time for a few part-time jobs, and sleeps only four hours a day…”

Bai Yin’s father’s face froze: “Only a young eagle that has experienced tempering can soar in the sky…”

“It makes sense, so a big man with several national qualification certificates honed himself into a waste material uncle?” Tsuchima Sougou smiled undiminished: “Don’t ask me why I know, I will investigate. When I’m alone, I’ll investigate even the 18th generation of the other’s ancestors, so I’m not unfamiliar with your wife’s uncle who ran away…”

A simple sentence made Bai Yin’s father cry all over! Yu Xing, what a horrible guy he met this time, how could anyone investigate it so thoroughly… He believed that this guy was insane!

“Starting a business right after graduating from university? Unfortunately, the business failed…”

Silver Father: “…”

Can you keep him a little dignity? Woo, let’s play…

“It seems that it was because of being suppressed by a big chaebol that the uncle waste material failed to start his own business. Tsk tsk, after only one failure, his wife ran away, leaving two oil bottles…”

“You! Little! Son! Understood! What! What?” As if talking about the pain of the other party, Father Silver said word by word.

“I really don’t understand anything. For example, I don’t understand why people with several national qualification certificates have been in a slump since their entrepreneurial failure and their wife left. With so many certificates, just go anywhere. The annual salary is not more than 100 million. It should be easy to ask for tens of millions, right? However, what about you, Uncle Scrap? Tsk…”

Sougo Tama stepped forward, his powerful aura made him look like he was looking down at each other: “What did you do? Do nothing all day long, occasionally get drunk and get drunk. If President Silver and his sister don’t work harder, don’t Speaking of Xiuzhiyuan, even in ordinary high schools, you probably won’t be able to pay for it…”

“Being able to enter Xiuzhiyuan on the basis of grades proves that their brothers and sisters have grown up during their training…” Bai Yin’s father retorted.

“What you want to express is that you made yourself into the shape of a waste to temper your child? No wonder the fellow Bai Yin Yuxing suffered from a serious mental illness and awakened a strange hobby. , It turns out to be hereditary…” Mujian, the master of dumping the pot, always smiled:

“If you really have this kind of thought, Uncle Scrap, then I suggest you also have a mental examination. Maybe, you also have some kind of mental illness…”


“What nonsense are you talking about!” Father Silver used his hand to squeeze the beer can tightly: “I think it is true. The Royal Bank thinks that he is ill, because he was fooled by someone, and that person is you. !”

“Excuse me, how can I make a normal person think that he is suffering from mental illness? Obviously, there is only one way, that is, President Silver himself has a problem…”

Bai Yin’s father turned his head when he heard the words: “…”

“A young high school student must not only pay close attention to his studies, but also take care of his family-his father only knows about alcoholism and can’t get a penny back at home. The younger sister has a communication barrier with his brother, even though he knows his brother’s hard work. But it is difficult to communicate. Under this pressure, would you be crazy if you were replaced by you when you were young?”

After hearing these words, Bai Yin’s father looked very embarrassed, but he still said coldly:

“In our time, it’s not as hypocritical as you are now…”

“Uncle Scrap, please answer my question directly! Imagine that the pressure from life, the pressure from study, the pressure from family, the endless pressure makes President Silver exhaust his physical and mental energy every day, and he can The rest time is less than four hours. Even the machine will break down. In this case, is it not normal for President Silver to be ill?”

Tuma Sougou took a step forward, no matter what time, he will always be the one who holds reason!

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